Rainbow Gathering?


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I picked Molly up from the vet just now, and you'll be pleased to hear that the prognosis is much better than first thought; the two ribs that were thought to be broken are in fact chipped, and the ribs on that side are very badly bruised and sprained and will cause her pain for a good while but will heal completely. The two puncture wounds caused by the attacker's canines made things look a lot worse than they are, and Sue, my vet, has been able to stitch all the internals cleanly and expects no ongoing problems.
The whole of the front quarter is massively bruised and will cause pain and discomfort for a considerable time, but again no lasting damage, and the large flap of skin has been stitched bak in place without too much loss of dead flesh; there'll be a big scar but again no lasting damage. It's taken forty two stitches to put her back together, between the internal and external and she'll be on lead exercise only for at least three weeks and will have to wear a small child's t-shirt to stop her licking the wound, but she should be physically in good shape in a month or so. She's an extremely fit and active dog and that's what has saved her from serious problems, but it's also going to make keeping her quiet on the lead a nightmare!

All in all a much better outcome than was at first thought................Ask me how relieved am I? :)


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Glad to hear Molly's going to be Ok. And that kid's T-shirt will still probably be better than the collar

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I picked Molly up from the vet just now, and you'll be pleased to hear that the prognosis is much better than first thought; the two ribs that were thought to be broken are in fact chipped, and the ribs on that side are very badly bruised and sprained and will cause her pain for a good while but will heal completely. The two puncture wounds caused by the attacker's canines made things look a lot worse than they are, and Sue, my vet, has been able to stitch all the internals cleanly and expects no ongoing problems.
The whole of the front quarter is massively bruised and will cause pain and discomfort for a considerable time, but again no lasting damage, and the large flap of skin has been stitched bak in place without too much loss of dead flesh; there'll be a big scar but again no lasting damage. It's taken forty two stitches to put her back together, between the internal and external and she'll be on lead exercise only for at least three weeks and will have to wear a small child's t-shirt to stop her licking the wound, but she should be physically in good shape in a month or so. She's an extremely fit and active dog and that's what has saved her from serious problems, but it's also going to make keeping her quiet on the lead a nightmare!

All in all a much better outcome than was at first thought................Ask me how relieved am I? :)

Good news mate. Hope she heals fast


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
santaman, Molly wouldn't be able to break such a collar, but she'd never, ever give up trying and end up breaking her neck!

Thanks Rich and Chillpill, much appreciated!


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Hugh, they certainly were well used, I'm not too proud of that but I just couldn't let it go; the feelow just wanted to shrug it off and accept no responsibility, so he had to have some. The poor dog is gone to a girl I know with a lovely place in N Herefordshire, he'll be neutered, rehabbed and then re-homed correctly :)


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
santaman, Molly wouldn't be able to break such a collar, but she'd never, ever give up trying and end up breaking her neck!

Thanks Rich and Chillpill, much appreciated!

LOL. My family's dogs never appreciated it when they had to wear them either (two of them after surgery, spaying; and two more to keep them chewing casts off broken legs)


Jun 26, 2013
North Dorset
Great news she is going to be ok.

Our ESS has never got over being attacked and it has made her very defensive and yappy if even well mannered dog comes towards her.

Biggest problem now though is to stop her looking up in the rain wearing the collar!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Poor little mite. Loads of treats and cuddles in order.
I look at the owner to gauge the dogs intent and more often than not I will say that "my dog" has problems with others so best to keep safe and stay on the lead, which to be honest is half true as she is useless when it comes to reading other dogs so I ALWAYS err on the side of caution.

So far as the campers go if they are unable to provide atleast a basic competence then they should be moved on. As a goup of "bushcrafters" for want of a better term we dont need the bad rap.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.