Rainbow Gathering?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I hope molly does fine. She is a lovely dog.

So they are going camp in a beech wood for a month. Lovely weather in last january, all that wind and rain. I do hope what ever they are up to they are peaceful. I really hope you have not got a bunch of crusty pill heads who setting up a rave.

We will ask about to see if anyone knows who they are.
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A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Definitely not pill-head ravers, Fi; I would have known exactly how to deal with them! These were polite and friendly, just stupid and wrong...............oh well, the world's full of them, eh? Thanks for the good wishes :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
Maybe the new age is not what it was or I am getting older. I can remember coming across a camp of "new agers" back in the late 70's early 80's I am not sure which, who had encamped on Motslow Hill not far of the National Agricultural Centre for a solstice celebration. I recall the outrage in the papers, and I can recall the outrage of the villagers, but my brother and I found nothing threatening in them. I even wrote a letter to the paper in there defence. As for Motslow hill now, it is as if they had never been, not so for the National Agricultural Centre.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 10, 2004
Hope your dog is ok mate, sounds nasty! No doubts the woods will be a shyte hole by the time they leave!
As an aside just the name rainbow gathering would want to make me head in the opposite direction, Gordon Bennett what a turn off yuck!!! :lmao:


Jun 23, 2013
Hi, found this website


The last post is back in 2013 but it mentions a gathering near Monmouth or a "scout meet at malvern hills" (at the white leaf oak?). Maybe a group are going back to the same place? The boys in blue might like a heads up. Sorry to hear about your dog, mine are often off the lead and I worry about them with other dogs. Like others, I remember new age travellers in Somerset (in the 80s I think). They were no trouble and left the place spotless, and in general I like them. Others I don't, the shiny caravan travellers around Lincolnshire used to break gates and then leave the site in a mess after it took the requisite one week for the cogs of law to grind slow. Interestingly the water board were obliged by law to provide standpipes. Funny old world. Sorry for the waffle, time to go back to sleep!
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Jun 23, 2013
Just a quickie, found out White Leaved Oak is a village, one of you guys probably knew this already. As an aside the oaks themselves used to be/are near a meeting of leylines (I used to know a lot about them).


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 5, 2010
west yorkshire
What a terrible thing to happen, Mac. My thoughts are with you and Molly.
A few years ago a staffie got a hold of our little dog, also called Molly, and she screamed; an awful and unforgettable sound. Fortunately, I and the other owner were able to get them apart before any serious damage was done and her enthusiasm for interacting with other dogs was not dampened by the experience. I do hope that Molly (and you) get over this ok.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Molly has been with the vet since first thing this morning; she's under sedation and being examined, and so far they think there's two ribs broken, more fractured, potentially severe shoulder injuries and soft tissue damage. There's also likely internal bleeding and the possibility of some lung damage caused by the rib fragments. They're going to give her a full general anaesthetic and explore further and give me a full diagnosis/prognosis later this afternoon.

She's a strong and very fit dog, and I've always kept her around 3 or 4 lbs. overweight as that provides that little bit more of a physical reserve for just this kind of trauma, and boy am I glad I've done that! I'll post an update when I know more.

Thanks for all the kind wishes, folks!

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I'm sorry to hear the injuries are severe Mac. I hope the criminals that own the dog and made the camp get their just desserts.
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Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
Hungerford, Berkshire
Hi Mac,

This has made me sad and angry. All thoughts must be with Molly at the moment, but when she is out of danger then I would strongly suggest reporting this to both the police and the landowners as others have advised. These idiots can't be allowed to get away with their profoundly selfish actions and plans.

But as I say, fingers and paws are crossed that Molly makes a full and speedy recovery.

Kind regards,


Jun 23, 2013
Just told my wife the story, she suggested calling RSPCA. They're probably more aggressive than the bobbies when it comes to violent dogs. Sorry, I can't stand aggressive dogs. I also hate self styled "nature lovers" not understanding anything about nature. The Rainbow Gathering are supposed to base themselves on Native American culture, I've read, plus leylines in the UK (interesting mix) but I doubt they have a true spiritual feeling of the natural world or they wouldn't mess it up. And I hate to think of your poor dog being set upon! Sorry again for the rant, I'm getting more incensed the more I think about it. Time for a cuppa!
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A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I informed both the police and Natural Resources Wales within hours of this happening; I've had two calls from the NRW, the second of which was from a district manager who sounds right on the ball and has taken control of the situation, having grasped immediately the potential mayhem of what these people will do to that woodland. A positive and swift response which promises exactly the correct and timely reaction.

On the other hand, I've had over twelve phone calls from the police last evening and today, each of which asks for precise directions to the location which I've given each time; three officers have returned to base and said they can't find the place, and up to now no police officer has visited the site. This is a place which is easy to find as it's on the route of the Wye Valley Walk, but the boys and girls in blue can't! One officer told me this morning, when asked if he had a map, "we don't use maps, we use the phone".
What do you make of that, eh?


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
The RSPCA are the last people I ever want involved in anything to do with me; my thoughts on these people are contained in many past posts and are not really fit to be read on an open family forum. As I've posted above my concern is at the moment not for retribution but to fend off the potential disaster awaiting this lovely bit of woodland and getting Molly out of the menders and ensuring her full recovery.

The issue of the aggressive dog will be sorted in the next hour or so; suffice it to say it will involve the dog going to a new home where he'll be socialised by someone who knows exactly what she's about, and me having very sore hands! It'll be done before I go to check at the vets @ 2 pm. :)


Jun 23, 2013
In retrospect you're right about the RSPCA, I'm not a fan either. Good luck and a cuddle for Molly.


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