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leon-b said:
can you answer my bird box question ?

My brother got into this a few years ago, so our garden is packed with the things :rolleyes: .

I remembered him talking about having the boxes the rite shape and having the rite sized hole, so a bit of googling turned this site up, it seems to have all the information you could want.

One thing I would suggest is don't only make boxes for the birds you get in your garden, make a couple for birds you don't see as well, you never know you mite start seeing them if you do.

Hope you find this helpful.
thanks for that link mate, i will make one starling sized and if i have enough wood left over then i will make another one, maybe robin sized ?
leon-b said:
thanks for that link mate, i will make one starling sized and if i have enough wood left over then i will make another one, maybe robin sized ?

Sounds good, you get robins almost everywhere, either that or a "Nest-box for small-hole nesting birds" lots of different birds can use them.

Come to think of it the one kind of bird box we haven't got is a starling box, mite have to have a go at that. The numbers of starlings round here have really gone down in the last 10 years.
how is a nest box different from anythin else and do you have any dimentions for it, it would be great if i could make a box suitable for all small nesting birds
i got a bit confused by what plans i was supposed to be looking at ?
i only have a small garden can i site two boxes in their ?, as i know that tits are quite territorial
my mum has found some plywood,12mm thick, she is buying this and then if its no good we will go to b&q tommorow to get something else
what do you think, any good ?
leon-b said:
thanks for the info but the link doesnt seem to be working for me

Oops sorry, here we are .

leon-b said:
my mum has found some plywood,12mm thick, she is buying this and then if its no good we will go to b&q tommorow to get something else
what do you think, any good ?

Hmm, plywood isn't grate for outdoors stuff, it would be ok if you put it rite under the eaves of the house or somewhere ells dry and sheltered because it doesn't stand up to the elements very well (it tends to warp and split in the damp). Mind you thats pretty thick plywood you've got there so I'm shore it will work, it mite not last as long as real wood thats all.

6 by 3/4 inch (thats roughly 15cm by 2cm) planks are good, thats what the designs in that link are based around (so it makes it easy). Then whatever you use give it a good cote of wood preserver and you'll be fine.
i have put the back on and all thats left is trhe front and top, i have learnt one thing, plywood chips alot when you cut it
all that is left now is to drill the hole and add the lid, it has lots of gaps but i have filled these with glue.
fenlander im looking forward to meeting up again, i take it you mean not this sunday but the one after ?
... it has lots of gaps but i have filled these with glue.
Just a little tip for when you're working with wood - instead of filling gaps with glue alone, take some sawdust from the sawing part of the job, and mix it with glue. Make a thick paste and then use that as a homemade wood filler, which won't shrink, and when dried can be cut, chiselled, sanded etc. Also a whole lot cheaper than buying tubs of wood filler.
thanks for that tip, i have some wood left over so im going to make a small bird nest box, maybe today, i will use this filler next time then


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