list to learn

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Hey Leon,

It was such a shame you couldn't stay for longer today :( but I hope you enjoyed it :rolleyes:

I have to say that I have never encountered anyone who learns as quickly as you! One demonstration or explanation and you can do it :You_Rock_ I think that's why we managed to cover so much.

I shall leave you to tell everyone about it and post your pictures, but here are some of mine :D

Leon having created fire with Birch bark scrapings

Leon making a pot hanger

Leon preparing to make fire

Leon feeding his fire

Leon using his newly made pot hanger

Leon extinguishing and cleaning the fire site

Leon teaching his dad how to make nettle cordage!!

Leon showing his nettle cordage

Look forward to seeing your pictures mate ;)
Well that looks like a challenge well and truly passed!

Congratulations Leon and thank you Fenlander for passing on what was clearly first rate instructions. A rep poice apiece is in order there I think

Looking forward to hearing all about it from Leon!

Nice one Fenlander. Could young Leon be the next Ray Mears?
I just got to thinking that by the time Leon is my age he'll have 14 years of Bushcrafting behind him - keep it up son.

Out of Interest Fenlander, where's the site, or is it a secret?
fenlander great pics you posted i will hopefully post mine tonight
red thanks very much for the billy can etc
i had a great day thanks to fenlander
so thanks again
leon-b said:
fenlander great pics you posted i will hopefully post mine tonight
red thanks very much for the billy can etc
i had a great day thanks to fenlander
so thanks again

Dunno what you mean Leon :27: ;)

Glad you had a good time mate - really looking forward to seeing your piccs. Make sure you tell your dad how much fun you had and thank him for taking you (us parents are suckers for that). Phrases like "I learnt so much", "ir really makes me want to get a book on....." wrap fun up as education :D

Anyway - well done both!

i have thanked my dad
i am now up loading the pics to my computer
should be on soon
thanks guys
i still have one question
now i have run out of my common reed fenlander gave me
where can i find some more?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.