Fear of the dark

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Heres a pic looking accross the galaxy, doesnt look like a black hole where light cant escape from to me, indeed, it looks positively bright.;) [/IMG]

You've lost me on this bit. Who stated that there was a black hole there? As far as I know the nearest black hole so far discovered is over 1600 light years away, certainly far far removed from our galaxy.
You've lost me on this bit. Who stated that there was a black hole there? As far as I know the nearest black hole so far discovered is over 1600 light years away, certainly far far removed from our galaxy.

Well there is something at the centre of our galaxy, it has a 26000 year cycle so it rotates around something.

Like i said I believe it to be gravity travelling in 2 directions pushing and moving against each other i believe these are CF forces from neighbouring galaxies which when they meet are actually opposing forces of gravity, creating a pressure cushion between them creating a gravity field. As this pressure build, the forces escape aroung the edges of the galaxy.

In fact, you could even say gravity does not exist. All there are are centripetal ( inwards toward the centre) forces and centrifugal( outwards away from centre) forces, they are the opposites.

2 CP forces colliding will create 1 CF force which has the power of 2 CP forces between its parent forces only, when it leaves them it has the power of 1 CP force and will meet an equal force coming from a different direction and create 1 CF force. Galctic reproduction, and mirrors all lifes reproduction

EDIT, actually wont that mean that all forces are centrifugal?

1 male + 1 Female = 2 people = 1 complete reproductive system.
Heads + tails = 2 sides = 1 coin
Alpha + omega = 2 forces = 1 struggle
summer solstice + winter solstice = 2 six month periods = 1 year
night + day = 2 cycles = 1 cycle
good + evil = 2 perceptions = 1 instance
Bushcraft + survival = 2 different applications = 1 skill set


Or would that just be 1+1=1+1=1+1=1+1=1 etc etc

To quote Bravo4's post.
"god takes the simplest way, he isn't mean and he doesn't play dice"

Lifes not about balance and neithers the ying yang, its about completeness.
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Hmmm, interesting. I thought the black hole theory was dropped ages ago as light would be deformed and we would see the event horizon, it seems that the theory has risen it's ugly head again. The patternation of the galaxy would certainly suggest a black hole manipulation, but expansion is now believed to be the cause. As for gravity not existing, I'd say that the evidence is too great for that view. i.e. the distortion of spacetime around every body of mass that we know of, and the effects of the moon on our planet and all of the other planets interacting with each other in a consistent manner in which we can understand it. That we don't fully understand gravity is of course true.
Hmmm, interesting. I thought the black hole theory was dropped ages ago as light would be deformed and we would see the event horizon, it seems that the theory has risen it's ugly head again. The patternation of the galaxy would certainly suggest a black hole manipulation, but expansion is now believed to be the cause. As for gravity not existing, I'd say that the evidence is too great for that view. i.e. the distortion of spacetime around every body of mass that we know of, and the effects of the moon on our planet and all of the other planets interacting with each other in a consistent manner in which we can understand it. That we don't fully understand gravity is of course true.

Gravity is just a centripetal force though if you think about it, it is inward moving force, be it round a planet or a galaxy. If we are using centrifugal as the opposite then the opposite of centrifugal is centripetal, not gravity. This i think is the answer, the alpha and the omega. CP and CF.

The other fundamental forces listed in this thread magnetism, gravity major and minor effects or something or other, i think they are just over complexing the basic two listed above, inward and outward energy. Male and female, night and day call it what you will. Maybe it is just black and white.
2 CP forces colliding will create 1 CF force which has the power of 2 CP forces between its parent forces only, when it leaves them it has the power of 1 CP force and will meet an equal force coming from a different direction and create 1 CF force.

I was thinking of what i wrote here from a human reproductive angle.

CP = inward going forces CF outward going forces.

Think about whats written above.
2 inward forces colliding ( sperm and egg in a womb) will create one outward force ( unborn baby) which has the power of the 2 inward forces but only between its parent forces ( still in the womb) when it leaves it creation place and travels away from it ( born) it then has the power of one inward force ( male or female, spem or egg) and will meet an equal force coming the other way (male or female inward force) and again create one outward force.

I was thinking of what i wrote here from a human reproductive angle.

CP = inward going forces CF outward going forces.

Think about whats written above.
2 inward forces colliding ( sperm and egg in a womb) will create one outward force ( unborn baby) which has the power of the 2 inward forces but only between its parent forces ( still in the womb) when it leaves it creation place and travels away from it ( born) it then has the power of one inward force ( male or female, spem or egg) and will meet an equal force coming the other way (male or female inward force) and again create one outward force.


I do admire your artistic and creative ability to play with these things, though that last one really needs some sort of corollary to account for multiple births.

My favourite play theory equation was always

Doctor Brian Griffin's Theorem, or the elevator principle as it has become known, postulates that the greater the distance from Earth and therefore the more unnatural the location - the closer the communication with whatever remains eg. light or air. (The principle is the ultimate self fulfilling prophecy. The further one travels upwards, the more undesireable the circumstances it leaves behind.) This simple progress, which revolutionises world opinion, obviously works in reverse ratio. Thus, angels are attracted from heaven to earth and humans from earth to heaven, or as Doctor Griffin fundamentally expresses, the core of his equation.
Given G = Ground, H = Heaven, A = Angels, CD = Car Door

G+ CD = H-A
: : G + CD + A = H
: : G+ A = H-CD

Which can be explained simply as 'There are no car doors in Heaven when angels are on the ground'.

Though the idea of CP and CF forces being able to colide and produce babies is going to give me nightmares next time I'm alone in the dark swinging in my hammock. I'd better keep very still ;)
OK. If like i suggest that a galaxy can form at the edge of a galaxy then one galaxy would overlap another or possibly up to 8 if filling in an unclaimed gap among a close group. The pressure from the CF (2) would then work with the same direction as the pressure rotation already in place.

..... 2
... QQQ
..... 2
Q represents an existing galaxy and the direction of spin in this case clockwise These galaxys are interlocked by the outer arms as the direction flow is the same 2 equal forces. lend each other a hand as it were, giving each other a push The numbers which match with opposite numbers are galaxys that will give out the inward forces which will collide. Which from those galaxys is outward force, but at the point of impact in the centre is inward force, The result is

Each of those though would be interlocked with each other and the middle will be interlocked with all the other 8, which in this scenario would clash CF (cp2) with CF(cp2) in 8 places As these would still be at equal and opposing forces, just CP2+CP2 instead of CP1+CP1.together.so in this case it would be 16+16 = 32 =16. 16 being the total number of points where CF is created. But these forces are all spinning in sinc with each other, creating one big CF which will move the galaxys outwards away from each other creating more room for which opposing forces can collide.

So Twins? Q represents galaxy and spin x represents the meeting point of 2 inward forces which creates 1 outward force that disects 2 boundaries, creating 2 CF creation points.




if that doesn't float your boat, then possibly the CF(power of 2 CP) trapped between 2 CP, forces its way through 1 CP splitting that CP into 2 seperate CP's to create a galaxy with 3 seperate CP's colliding in 2 places and forming 2 CF? 1+1=2=2

I do admire your artistic and creative ability to play with these things, though that last one really needs some sort of corollary to account for multiple births.

My favourite play theory equation was always

Doctor Brian Griffin's Theorem, or the elevator principle as it has become known, postulates that the greater the distance from Earth and therefore the more unnatural the location - the closer the communication with whatever remains eg. light or air. (The principle is the ultimate self fulfilling prophecy. The further one travels upwards, the more undesireable the circumstances it leaves behind.) This simple progress, which revolutionises world opinion, obviously works in reverse ratio. Thus, angels are attracted from heaven to earth and humans from earth to heaven, or as Doctor Griffin fundamentally expresses, the core of his equation.
Given G = Ground, H = Heaven, A = Angels, CD = Car Door

G+ CD = H-A
: : G + CD + A = H
: : G+ A = H-CD

Which can be explained simply as 'There are no car doors in Heaven when angels are on the ground'.

Though the idea of CP and CF forces being able to colide and produce babies is going to give me nightmares next time I'm alone in the dark swinging in my hammock. I'd better keep very still ;)
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I have a thought on black hole creation. Going on this theory.

Imagine free empty space, no pressure other than CF anywhere And we have this


Now eventually you will get this


Then this

Then more and more and more. The outer galaxys are large, the ones inside are smaller, then smaller still down and down and down The pressure in the cluster gets so great that the forces created on collision have no chance of expanding at all and galaxies are created ontop of each other all the way down until a galaxy is invisible to the naked eye. All there is is pressure this probably shapes the planets into their round shape due to the 360degree pressure around every one formed within the cluster. The closer to the centre the smaller the galaxy and the most 360 degree pressure and forms what is known as a black hole As CP forces would be dominant and the total compressed pressure of thousands of galaxys would equal a huge mass in a tiny area as each galaxy would keep the same outward forces of CF which would be equal to all pushing around it on all sides... TheCF pressure slowly pushes against the inward (CP) pressure and in time begins to shift the whole interlocked mass outwards, slowly at first but as more galaxys are getting created instantly one on top of the other the pressure grows quickly and then expands with rapid velocity and boom. Big bang. I wouldn't say it was a bang though, more like water bubbling up from a burst pipe and spreading in all directions, expanding all the time as pressure is released from their boundry forces. The outer galaxies in that cluster would have had a big rotation, say for example 26000 years. The galaxys inside then which are smaller would be spun faster by the bigger outer rotation,say 24000 year rotation, next level in being 20000, next being 13000. So we are only 4 layers in and already time happens twice as fast. What happens when you are a thousand layers in? 1 second on the outer galaxies would be 1000 years in this galaxy maybe even a million years in the centre. Long term Evoloution right there for ya. Kind of says that the big bang was just one bang in the middle of an infinite number of other bangs replicated up and down infinitely. Each one caused by a few galaxies having a frisky turn or two. Which is what they are designed to do, to reproduce so black holes therefore are the nest of a family of galaxies who are watching their young until they become strong outward forces then releasing their outward force so that each one can go and become an inward force to encounter another inward force and start the reaction again. Just spreading the seed in the current, by creating the seed and the current.

Each black hole then is a big bang waiting to happen maybe?
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The next time I'm out in the cuds overnight I'm going to take my laptop.

Should I encounter anything strange or scary I'll either show them how kack Vista really is and they'll feel sorry for me and leave me alone...

Or show them how this thread has evolved and bore them to death with it. :D

An intellectual discussion is all well and good, and I'm all for it in the right place, after all I was the first in my family to go on to Secondary school.

This thread would bring tears to a glass eye...

All the best,


What about 'frivolous'?

I hear people talk about the gravity of situation in reference to its seriousness. Therefore, the opposite of gravity is frivolessness (if that is even a word).

Apologies for frivolous post in what is a really interesting and thought-provoking thread!
What about 'frivolous'?

I hear people talk about the gravity of situation in reference to its seriousness. Therefore, the opposite of gravity is frivolessness (if that is even a word).

Apologies for frivolous post in what is a really interesting and thought-provoking thread!

Aye, you canny beat a bit of frivolousness at the weekend.
The basic premise that everything has an opposite is false (What is the opposite of a dog?). There is no opposite of gravity. The equal and opposing forces ( although gravity isn't even a force strictly speaking, according to the general theory of relativity, it is spacetime curvature) acting on two objects are both gravity. According to Newton's 3rd Law an object falling to earth (an apple from a tree for example) has it's own gravitational field and the Earth also accelerates towards the object (until the object hits the earth, then the Law of Conservation of Energy states that it will move back with the same acceleration with which it initially moved forward, canceling out the two forces of gravity.). However, because the mass of the Earth is huge, the movement of the earth towards the apple is tiny.
, then the Law of Conservation of Energy states that it will move back with the same acceleration with which it initially moved forward, canceling out the two forces of gravity.). However, because the mass of the Earth is huge, the movement of the earth towards the apple is tiny.

Its not about opposites, its about equal and opposites. The equal and opposite of a dog would be another dog of a different sex which then mate (inward forces colliding) to create another dog. 2 equal and opposites meeting will create an opposite which will then become both equal to and equally opposed to both its parent forces

Its Energy wont move back mate, its not like 2 marbles colliding, it will squash together creating pressure between them that pressure will be double the force of each incoming force, which will force its way out at the route of least resistance, which when it does finally escape will be nothing more than the equals in force of each of the parent forces, and will travel away to become another parent force.
It is the sperm and egg, not the colliding force which make the new dog. The colliding is a delivery system and in fact is not always necessary in nature.What are the equal and opposites of the following? A brick, green, light (don't say dark), Barium and cotton.

It is exactly like two marbles colliding. Exactly the same laws of physics preside over the two examples. The apple will bounce a couple of times then come to rest. It will not bounce up higher than the tree from which it fell, even if it falls onto a trampolene.

Newton's laws of motion

1. In the absence of a net force, the center of mass of a body either is at rest or moves at a constant velocity.
2. A body experiencing a force F experiences an acceleration a related to F by F = ma, where m is the mass of the body.
3. Whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F on the first body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

You are proposing a rewriting of the second law of thermodynamics too.
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I have already tested it, it don't break.

Science and religon are equals and opposites, not opposites. Equals because they both try make sense on everything, religon starts at the top and trys to stay there, science starts at the bottom and is always looking there.
Religon is always looking for answers.
Science is always looking for questions to answer

Take away pure faith and pure testing, and meet each other half way and you will end up with ONE view of what "is" which produces faith but backed by reason and understanding of what it is exactly that you do have faith in. No blind faith no blind distrust of faith, just a balance of equal and opposite.

If you only knew what symbols make up the equation i gave you would see that both are correct, that religon used to be science. That anything can be created from nothing and what we are and what the earth sun and moon are and that we have it all wrong.

Zarkwon, what you don't realise is that everything you posted goes with my theory, you just have to know how to apply it.

As for the 123 you posted
3 = NEWTON HAS IT BACKWARDS F + F- is the same as 1+1 in my equation, only the answer is 2 = 1 not 0 His anwser may apply to solid mass, but i'm not talking about a solid mass, i'm talking about the forces that create a solid mass, the forces that first create movement from no movement, then sound from no sound, then light from no light, then fusion from no fusion.

It's silly how easily it works with everything, the unification theory won't just unify theories, it will unify the universe, including everything in and on it. Science will unify with religon, all the equals and opposites will come together to create one new opposite which will then become an equal, and comple the whole.

Tell me, whats the equal and opposite of A?

The answer to this whole theory has been in everyones face for all time, because we once knew it. We even have a deadline to find it out and that deadline is the answer.

Neither life nor death exist either, just positive and negative charge effecting what passes through them.
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