I'll be at TORM, but I'm afraid that my old man and I won't be camping this time around. I have had my arm twisted by a couple of friends to stay with them instead I know my dad would rather be camping though
I'll be at TORM, but I'm afraid that my old man and I won't be camping this time around. I have had my arm twisted by a couple of friends to stay with them instead I know my dad would rather be camping though
I'll be at TORM, but I'm afraid that my old man and I won't be camping this time around. I have had my arm twisted by a couple of friends to stay with them instead I know my dad would rather be camping though
... won't be camping this time around. ...
Just to bump some important bits ...
We do not have use of the field for this Meet.
The field is booked to be used by someone another group.
We can have TWO vehicles parked by the cabin ~ At this time we have two attendees with conditions requiring these spaces.
We can still drive down to drop off kit ~ but you then need to move your vehicle to the Camper's Car Park.
Arrangement has been made to allow anyone who wishes/needs to sleep near their vehicle to pitch their tent on the Main Field (right next to the Camper's Car Park.
Be aware of the site rules (T&C's) and the restrictions on times for entering and leaving the site. Please comply with them.
Sorry, I'm afraid due to serious illness in the family we are not going to be able to make it.
Rob et al will not be able to attend due to work commitments.
Should be enough to keep the fire going until we get wood prepped on site
Hey guys, is anyone welcome to these meets or is it long term members/experienced campers etc?