There is no 'other side' to a black hole as such. A black hole is an object like a planet only far more dense. It isn't a hole, just appears as a hole because light cannot escape from it. It's a big misconception that it is a large funnel-like worm hole thing, reinforced by how they are portrayed in sci-fi.
Although, Hawking theorised that black holes, when they reach a certain mass, start expending it one atom at a time. All fascinating stuff.
My theory was that galaxys keep replicating galaxys inside each other until they get to a point that CF is stronger than CP, then expand outwards. I also said an atom was a exact match for a galaxys formation and that the galaxys inside the centre of a black hole would form so tiny you couldn't see them, like an atom sized type thing. Which then expand the further away from the "nest" they go, which effects relativity in time. Bigger slower/smaller faster.
Tell me, what are hawkins theories on the black hole getting to that mass in the first place?
What happens when, 2 river currents collide? Whirl pool? Centrifugal force? one outward flow?
What happens when 2 air currents collide? Tornados/mini tornados/tiny swirls of dust at your feet?
What happens when 2 pressure fronts collide? thunder and lightning ( have to be high and low pressure or warm and cold air) equal and opposings)
Air/river and pressure currents are just expressions of force. movement. which collide with pressure making them have the sound they do and wrap around each other to form Q
which then combine 2 into 1, 1+1=2=1. Rivers cant form light after sound because the equal and opposing forces will only generate the opposite of what is inside the 2 currents at the immediate time of the collision., in this case, sound where there was none, and no water where all was water. A whirlpool, tornado, hurricane galaxy atom cell, is created the same way.
Its fundamental dear boy,
It has to apply to everything from start to finish.