
  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
16-05-2013, 20:10
a news up date and some quite proud moments
now gang over the last few months i have become a student of fire and the basics of fire lighting

now what do i mean?

well as some of you will no there are many types of fire and many ways of lighting them

but over the last few months i have been concentrating on getting away from lighting fires using hexi and a lighter and using different types of fires and so far

i have learnt how to

use tender paper and strike rod and knife
how to build and light a
a square fire
a T-pee fire
a upside down fire
a long log fire

and finally when i get out next with a chance to have a serious play with fire i will be teaching my self how to build a star fire

then i will move on to the bow drill and the hand drill Now i planned to learn the bow drill at the moot this summer but i cant due to work putting payed to that but my journey in to fire learning is growing and going at quite a nice pace now

so well happy


I am glad Drew was proud and "so well happy"
R.I.P Drew​
Yesterday I was too sad to write anything, I suppose that's an indication of how much I'll miss him. I've got a nice metal box in my landy that we did a deal on last year, I'll be reminded of him every day :D

For me Drew was one of those guys that's really quite innocent, he tried quite hard not to be but he never seemed to manage it. He always bounced back. He is truly someone that contributed good into my life and I'll always be grateful for that and I'll miss him, especially at the Moot.
Drew was one of those wonderful people who could drive you nuts and make you laugh at the same time. When my daughter told me yesterday I was too stunned to do much more than think about him. He will be missed, really truly missed, the moot will not be the same. He was one of life's personalities, and made an impact on everyone lucky enough to meet and talk with him.
16-05-2013, 20:10


then i will move on to the bow drill and the hand drill Now i planned to learn the bow drill at the moot this summer but i cant due to work putting payed to that but my journey in to fire learning is growing and going at quite a nice pace now

so well happy


I am glad Drew was proud and "so well happy"
R.I.P Drew​

To illustrate his efforts at the Moot:

RIP ausome dude! :(
Just logged on this morning to find this - terrible news.

I didn't know Drew well but like many here bumped into him at the Moot over the last few years. He said to me one night at the Naughty Corner that the reason he loved the people at BCUK so much was that they were the first to accept him for what he was and not judge him.
It was as if he had found a home with the BCUK community and he embraced it wholeheartedly and any mickey-taking he received was given and accepted in the friendliest of spirits.

I remember being at Toddy's cloak workshop the year after she made Drew's and he was flitting around it, Dracula-like in his magnificent cloak, acting as model and loving the fact that Mary had gone to such trouble on his behalf.

When he said he would not be at the Moot this year I was saddened; now he is gone from us but will definitely be at Merthyr Mawr this summer and for many years to come.

My sympathies go out to his mum and family.
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Dear God that is awful news.

I never met him but always read his threads as he was clearly so enthusiastic and he obviously loved everything about bushcraft.

That has really knocked the stuffing out of me.

Having only read about Drew and his own posts, he certainly seemed a character. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

please keeps us informed if a tribute is planned and open to the wider community, I would like to offer a little something as a mark of respect.
Having only read about Drew and his own posts, he certainly seemed a character. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

please keeps us informed if a tribute is planned and open to the wider community, I would like to offer a little something as a mark of respect.

With the above in mind, it occurs to me (perhaps wrongly) that a fitting tribute would be to hang your hat above the parachute of the next meet you are at and post the picture on a Tribute to Drew thread.

The first (and only) time I saw Drew in person he was asking Tony if he had seen his hat. The signifigance of that question only became clear much later.
I first met Drew at the naughty corner, he was first over to introduce himself and all evening he was bugging mad Dave to sing the engineers song.

later I conspired with the group to hoist his hat to the top of the chute and uploaded the pics to BCUK as it happened.



You'll be well missed mate.
Such a loss to the world for sure :(

He was one of the few people that I have met who not only wouldn't harm a fly, but would try to help it out and then recount how he met an amazing fly who was fantastic and bought him a pint. A truly unique character without a bad bone in him and always happy to help you with anything, no matter how stupid or unpleasant the task.

he was often the butt of jokes and pranks, but never in a malicious way and I hope that he never felt picked on. When I first met him (after the gangly grinning lad had come up with a big hug to say hello to the newcomer at the moot) he was being duely repremanded for damaging Mad Dave's axe. He sat there and watched me fix it and promised never to touch it again. Years later he would still avoid using another's tools unless expressly told t do so, even then I think he was wary not to damage them. Maybe the most frightening sight I had of him was when he walked past my forge in full PPE and a chainsaw!!!! :yikes: Obviously Dave had learnt to trust him with sharp tools again :)

It was a pleasure knowing him and he will be sadly missed. Infuriating at times, but amusing always (even if it was because of how he was annoying the bejeezus out of somebody else at the time).

I just hope the poor lad didn't trip over his tongue on the way


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.