Trolley?!? How frightfully common! Don't you know, the well to do, well prepared, gentleman of today has his portmanteau of EDC accoutrements carried by a man-servant while in town, and a Sherpa when in the country!

Trolley?!? How frightfully common! Don't you know, the well to do, well prepared, gentleman of today has his portmanteau of EDC accoutrements carried by a man-servant while in town, and a Sherpa when in the country!
The law is very clear regarding point 'a' though, that you do not need a reason to carry it if it's sub 3" and not locking. (Edited to add the word 'not')Just seen two very informative You Tube videos by the Black Belt Lawyer on legal carry and replies to Police officers if you are carrying. One deals with knives, the second specifically with Leathermans/utility types.
a) You have to have a valid reason for carrying it, even if it is a legal pocket knife ~ at that moment in time when stopped/searched ~ not a general "it might come in useful." (Appeal Court has already thrown that one out).
b) Whilst the Leatherman/utility might be a tool,a) it has a locking blade which is a no no, and you must be working/doing whatever activity it is a tool for, and be able to demonstrate how it is used for your activity ~ at that moment in time.
Big C ) Never admit or recognise that it might be used or needed as a weapon, even if asked to do so ( apparently a bit of a police trick, allows them to charge you.)
E.g. "Yes sir, but you will agree/can see that some people might see that as a weapon?"
So my hoped for defence that I am in my work clothes and just popped to the bank/shops during the working day is not going to fly - I need to dump it in the van first. And my lunch in the park must include something I have, or was about to, cut up to eat. Drat!
Sub 3 inch and NON locking (sorry to be pedantic)The law is very clear regarding point 'a' though, that you do not need a reason to carry it if it's sub 3" and not locking. (Edited to add the word 'not')
Edit due to edit*
Where has the legislation changed that states you need a reason to carry a non locking sub 3 inch? I can't find anything on the gov website that says it can't be carried without good reason.
Who is to say that you have just eaten an apple and used it to cut it up and disposed of the apple core?
I'm a little confused now I thought that a sub 3 inch non locking blade is not only legal to carry but police can't even ask you to explain your reason for carry it's regarded as an item no different than a phone or a pencil unless there is reasonable beliefs that you have been spotted with the knife with the intent to do harm or a criminal activity.
I thought something similar. If the written law is different to the case law then perhaps he is right but you'd need to know the case or cases that's involved, that's effectively altered the written law as voted by Parliament and signed off by monarch.If @Falstaff can post a link to the particular video, perhaps we can see where the reason for a sub-3+non-lock knife as "just useful" was thrown out by a court of appeal. Without seeing where that comes from, and the wording, it isn't even worth speculating.
May I ask:
How many of us have been stopped by any authority who questioned us concerning or took exception to a knife?
Never, and I expect not many of us are prone to being "off our trolleys" in public places or hanging around with gangs of teenagers trying to buy drink at the off license or otherwise generally being a nuisance.May I ask:
How many of us have been stopped by any authority who questioned us concerning or took exception to a knife?
The law hasn’t changed, nor do you need a reason for carrying a non locking UK legal knife.It seems that there's been a shift then (although I could have had it wrong for years) I always thought that most knives were legal carry if there's a good reason to do so, such as work or you're engaged in a hobby or sport, thus allowing you to have a fixed blade etc, if it's reasonable.
When I've carried a non locking sub 3" normal folder i've never thought I need to have a good reason to carry because it's an allowed carry, except in places that prohibit it's carry, which is location/place specific.
This implies that all knives are treated the same, there's no real difference between points A & B...