Worst injury


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
As for how it effects me, the only time I notice is when carrying heavy objects as you wouldn't believe how much that finger carries.

Given the size of the muscle at the "karate chopping" edge of your palm I sure you would notice the lack of that finger connected to it. It would never have occured to me that losing that finger would affect lifting, let alone your writing too. Food for thought. Glad you're used to being without it. Bicycle chain or motorcycle chain? Had a school mate lose the tip of his middle finger on a moped drive chain back in the late 70's. Still puzzled how he managed to do that.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
It was lost to an old Fantic trails bike. When I look back and think that more than just one finger could have gone through it makes me cringe. I fell off but landed on top of the bike.


Feb 15, 2007
Not far from Calais in France
Worst I had to deal with was when rock climbing. A guy abseiling 100 feet down a cliff lost control and fell the last 40 Feet breaking both ankles. Me and my mate had to help him get to my car 500m away and then I drove like a loony to the A and E department hoping to spot a police car so they could take him - never saw a single one
My worst accident was age nineteen as pillion on a motorbike we took a corner too fast and I hit a dry stone wall so i got concussion broken ribs a punctured lung and torn spleen not nice


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I read that. it's quite incredible really. I've heard about some serious head injuries and people have been fine.

The human body and mind are amazing things.
Mar 1, 2011
Fife, Scotland
Got pretty bad concussion playing football few years ago.

Ball came in for a corner. Me being the stupid centre half decided even before the corner was taken i was getting it. Took a massive run from the edge of the box and took a massive leap headering the ball 30 feet over the bar carrying on through and headering the bar full force.

Was video'd by a pal and still quite funny to watch.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Got pretty bad concussion playing football few years ago.

Ball came in for a corner. Me being the stupid centre half decided even before the corner was taken i was getting it. Took a massive run from the edge of the box and took a massive leap headering the ball 30 feet over the bar carrying on through and headering the bar full force.

Was video'd by a pal and still quite funny to watch.

I always said "soccer" was for the brain injured - stick to nice safe "rugger" - the worst I ever did there was break my neck!
Not my worst injury :) it was only a flake off C6 or 7 (forgotten which) which reattached out of position but safely...
It seems that it was a good thing I was all muscly in those days as a nod in the wrong direction could have killed or paralysed me....
Good old front row more muscle than sense...
It was knee injury that stopped me playing...


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
John, you've reminded me of my rugby injury. Came up to make a tackle on the then Wales schools outside-half (coincidentally my headteacher's son). He went past me like I wasn't there, and I dived headlong onto the clenched fist of our flanker who was running hard chasing him. Went down in a heap having been accidentally punched in the nose by my own teammate. Got up thinking my nose was broken and staggered back into our 22 for a lineout. Couldn't walk straight, so tried to use the touchline to help. Failed. Fell over at least once.

In true early eighties fashion our schoolteacher didn't notice, and I played the entire game, the incident having happened in the first few minutes. I remember nothing more of the game, or of the next several days. Serious concussion. My next memory is school assembly the following week and learning we had lost 60 nil or something (this was before 5 points for a try) and the headmaster saying how ashamed he was...

I gave up rugby shortly after that, my dreams of playing for Wales having been crushed.


Full Member
Aug 8, 2008
south Wales
My worst would have to be a broken shoulder.

I slipped on a damp rock when trying to step over it. Went over onto my side and hit my shoulder on the rock face next to it. At the time I thought it may have been a popped in/out dislocation which wasn't hurting and I didn't want to spoil the day for the rest of the guys. So I sat there and waited for them to come back and collect me on the way back to the car. 30 minutes of sitting alone before we got back to the car and one of the guys drove back to Swansea where I'd left my car. Being the plonker I am I deceided to drive home one handed, with my right hand tucked into the neck of my shirt. I drove straight to casualty after makig one of the worst phonecalls of my life, having to ask the wife (at least she was at the time!) to meet me in casualty. This was made all the worst as she hadn't wanted me to go with the guys in the first place and I got a massive "I told you so!".

After xrays and being prodded we found that a chunk of bone had broken away from the ball at the top of my right humerus. Unfortunately it happened to be the bit with a major tendon attached to it. So every time I tried to use my arm I was pulling the bone out of place! After 6 weeks of no right arm (it was almost totally immobile) things began to get better. Mind you, that was 6 or 7 ears ago and I still have pain in the shoulder every day and have difficulty raising the arm above shoulder height.

Oh, by the way, did I mention that the accident was around 100' underground while caving at Penwyltin the Swansea valley? It was a lot of fun getting myself out of the cave with only one arm :)


Feb 3, 2011
Stourport on Severn England
the worst injury i've sustained is my clothes caught fire whilst i worked in a foundary. but i've treated everything from a minor cut to gun shot wounds and spinal injuries. when i got out with my bergan i carry a british army medkit side pouch attached.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Yep, the little steel hatch at the entrence was a bugger! Luckily we were only 20 minutes or so in so it wasn't too bad :)

Lucky it was not Llygad Llwchor - the one with a rope to get in and out by and the squeeze entrance passage... bad enough even without an injury! Ouch!

Nova & Pinky

Jan 13, 2011
Mitcham, South London (Surrey)
My worst would have to be a broken shoulder.

I slipped on a damp rock when trying to step over it. Went over onto my side and hit my shoulder on the rock face next to it. At the time I thought it may have been a popped in/out dislocation which wasn't hurting and I didn't want to spoil the day for the rest of the guys. So I sat there and waited for them to come back and collect me on the way back to the car. 30 minutes of sitting alone before we got back to the car and one of the guys drove back to Swansea where I'd left my car. Being the plonker I am I deceided to drive home one handed, with my right hand tucked into the neck of my shirt. I drove straight to casualty after makig one of the worst phonecalls of my life, having to ask the wife (at least she was at the time!) to meet me in casualty. This was made all the worst as she hadn't wanted me to go with the guys in the first place and I got a massive "I told you so!".

After xrays and being prodded we found that a chunk of bone had broken away from the ball at the top of my right humerus. Unfortunately it happened to be the bit with a major tendon attached to it. So every time I tried to use my arm I was pulling the bone out of place! After 6 weeks of no right arm (it was almost totally immobile) things began to get better. Mind you, that was 6 or 7 ears ago and I still have pain in the shoulder every day and have difficulty raising the arm above shoulder height.

Oh, by the way, did I mention that the accident was around 100' underground while caving at Penwyltin the Swansea valley? It was a lot of fun getting myself out of the cave with only one arm :)

My mum did very similar - slipped and cracked the ball in her shoulder joint
She still can't lift her arm properly...


Apr 26, 2010
Southport, UK
I have had quite a few accidents but by being exceptionally sturdy I have always (thankfully) survived relatively intact, however my least favourite was a motorcycle crash on an F650GS when a car pulled out in front of me, I whacked into the high tank and somersaulted over the front of the bike and the car. Woke up to find a vicar leaning over me to see if I was alright... Felt ok at the time so got up and waited for ambulance. The driver of the car seemed more shook up than I was... The bike was written off and I was checked at hospital and found to be ok, no broken bones, just a few aches and pains (thank goodness for modern motor biking kit !). Then next morning I awoke with the unpleasant sensation that a rugby team was standing on my unmentionables...

Where I had slammed into the tank was black, purple and orange in a huge horseshoe shape, thighs, 'bits' and abdomen. Had to take about a week off work becuase I couldn't get any trousers on... Couldn't sleep at night thanks to afore mentioned rugby team... Not fond memories...

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I have had quite a few accidents but by being exceptionally sturdy I have always (thankfully) survived relatively intact, however my least favourite was a motorcycle crash on an F650GS when a car pulled out in front of me, I whacked into the high tank and somersaulted over the front of the bike and the car. Woke up to find a vicar leaning over me to see if I was alright... Felt ok at the time so got up and waited for ambulance. The driver of the car seemed more shook up than I was... The bike was written off and I was checked at hospital and found to be ok, no broken bones, just a few aches and pains (thank goodness for modern motor biking kit !). Then next morning I awoke with the unpleasant sensation that a rugby team was standing on my unmentionables...

Where I had slammed into the tank was black, purple and orange in a huge horseshoe shape, thighs, 'bits' and abdomen. Had to take about a week off work becuase I couldn't get any trousers on... Couldn't sleep at night thanks to afore mentioned rugby team... Not fond memories...

Worst I ever got off a motor bike (50cc I am ashamed to say!) was a headache...after hitting a car head on and flipping over his roof after having nutted his bonnet to the block, having pivoted thighs on handlebars....my helmet and shoulders hit the tarmac first as I landed...and the helmet split in two along the seam (!)
It could have been worse - this was in Belgium and helmets were not a requirement on 50cc bikes ......


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Where I had slammed into the tank was black, purple and orange in a huge horseshoe shape, thighs, 'bits' and abdomen. Had to take about a week off work becuase I couldn't get any trousers on... Couldn't sleep at night thanks to afore mentioned rugby team... Not fond memories...

Well thats a Mental Image thats going to take some time to get rid of!


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