Well actually, in the nineties I used to produce flyers for a fake Games company called The White Wizards of the Leading tactical Strategic Workshop, whose least-worst selling range of games were set in the Womble of Darkness universe. The name seemed quite nice, so I've used varients of WombleofDarkness, DarkWomble and just Womble as user names on various Internet forums.
For reference, games produced by the WWOTLTSW included:
Womble, the Cleansing,
Rubbish the Gathering (it's collectable card game)
Clanger, the keening,
Bagpuss the Snoozing
Womblestar Galatica
The Mighty Morphin' Teletubbies
Spice Marines (a Girlpower 40,000 game)
Spiffing! (a game of being thoroughly british bounders and cads)
Watergate: SG1
Womblesgate II, a prequel to the forthcoming World of Womblecraft
Dice Hard, and
Music, the composing (a collectable chord game)
Pricess were fluid, but payment could be made by cash, cheque, Debit Card, Charge Card or Run Away card (Royal Bank of Camelot).