Elen Sentier
Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I dunnit! I bought myself a Berghaus Crusader in the Simply Hike sale. I've been faffing about this for months and finally got my act together. Sooooo ... when you see this little red-haired old lady wobbling along the track under an army-size bergen you'll know it's me
. Seriously, I'm looking fwd to having a go at packing it tonight/tomorrow and seeing all my bulky (if light!) kit going in. I've tried it on and it feels weird after my Gossamer Gear Murmur ... from the sublime to the gor blimey, or is it the other way around ??? I'll be interested to see if it does do what I think it will. Just put up the one rubbish pic as I'm sure you all know what it is! And there are super pix and vid online anyway. Am keeping both bags BTW as they serve very different purposes