What can you do without?

Fire Starter

Aug 1, 2005
Inspired by Stuarts footnote "Success is not measured by what you have, but by what you can do without" I thought I would start a new thread.

It does seem to me that although this is a Bushcraft forum, 80% of the information is all about kit or kit related.
I was wondering if the true essence of Bushcraft is disappearing under a pile of knives and other kit.
I would love to see and read more bushcraft after all there are other sites dedicated to kit and knives that we could all visit.

I have been watching the old Tracks programmes, early Ray Mears and to be honest this is what Bushcraft is all about, don't you think. Everyone seems to have the kit but I do not read or see much bushcraft coming from all that kit.

I understand that you may want to take some kit with you to make life more comfortable whilst out in the woods practicing a new bushcraft skill but what about the nature? use of plants? trees? shelter building techniques? How to build a full fishing rig using only natural materials? That's the rant over.


Aug 18, 2006
New Iberia, Louisiana USA
Your right. However, I know in my case that at my current skill level, I could not survive in the jungle with just a parang like Ray Mears. :D But it would be fun to try it and see how long I could make it. One day maybe I'll try just for the fun of it. :)


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
I could do without the theiving :censored: who smashed my car window, busted open my locked glove box and stole my GPS today.

Even if I had the unit with me, they'd have smased the window and busted the glovebox open because the mounting bracket was in the car.

Regardless... what can I do without? well, I can do without a load of stuff but I don't want to... controversy you may say!!! well... a lot of what ol' Mears' says is good but the gospel according to x,y,z doesn't interest me. I walk my own path...

Following someone elses path will only lead you to their destination and I prefer a more overgrown route with less footprints.

it's not better or worse, just diferent. I can do without being judged for it.


May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
Nicely put

A few people have said that in the past...

"a post about knives gets 100's of replies, but something about making cordage gets less than 10" (my apologies for the misquote, but you get the idea)

As madrussian said i don not consider my skill level to be high enough to take a minimal kit package along but it would be fun to try.

Maybe one day i will take my knife and emergency survival kit (1 small belt pouch) and see just how much i can acomplish say for a long weekend somewhere. Or maybe a group weekend away somewhere...a "bring a knife" weekend or "if you can't get it in your pockets, don't bring it" weekend :D


May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
Squidders said:
I could do without the theiving :censored: who smashed my car window, busted open my locked glove box and stole my GPS today.

Even if I had the unit with me, they'd have smased the window and busted the glovebox open because the mounting bracket was in the car.

Regardless... what can I do without? well, I can do without a load of stuff but I don't want to... controversy you may say!!! well... a lot of what ol' Mears' says is good but the gospel according to x,y,z doesn't interest me. I walk my own path...

Following someone elses path will only lead you to their destination and I prefer a more overgrown route with less footprints.

it's not better or worse, just diferent. I can do without being judged for it.

Bad luck, sorry to hear about that :(


Jul 19, 2005
Hamilton, lanarkshire
Hmmm whay can I do without?...

My wifes nagging for once!!! :rolleyes:

I canoe mainly and heed on the side of overcaution when heading out. Hence the tarp, first aid kit, 3 firestarting kits in differing places, change of clothes, large amount of food, small stove, axe, knife, cord etc. I suppose if I was to have a really good think about it I could and should downsize what I take with me. But then if I were to fall in which I have done before I would curse myself for not taking what I used to take with me. Especially in this coming season and the temperature in the lochs that I go out on. There is the very real risk of getting hypothermia even with a few seconds in the water, and that is why I need the clothes, the fire and the food, the tarp....


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex

Seriously, the way I see it is Mears has some skills but he's word is not "the truth", it's his method and understanding of nature and craft and his alone.

I take from him a lot and I have done a knife and billy weekend... It was ok I guess but this isn't a competition guys. Be at one with yourself, your ability and try to get out of whichever aspects of bushcraft your interest lies what you want.

Worrying all the time about being good enough is not the best way to enjoy someone and if you wish to do something, have a go but don't be forced in to it because you think someone is better than you.



Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
We have gone down this road before aint we firestarter :D only kiddin matey.

I more recently can do without a tent, barby, oodles of packaged food, gas stove and a few other bits an bobs.
One day i might be able to do without the crate of larger selection of spirits and serloin steaks and 10 bin bags to take it all home again but lets not get ahead of our selves. :22: (thats a few mates round summer bush craftin ;))

I hear ya honest its just some of us lack the necasary skills and time to do without certain bits .......YET ;)

Fire Starter

Aug 1, 2005
Squidders said:
I could do without the theiving :censored: who smashed my car window, busted open my locked glove box and stole my GPS today.

Even if I had the unit with me, they'd have smased the window and busted the glovebox open because the mounting bracket was in the car.

Regardless... what can I do without? well, I can do without a load of stuff but I don't want to... controversy you may say!!! well... a lot of what ol' Mears' says is good but the gospel according to x,y,z doesn't interest me. I walk my own path...

Following someone elses path will only lead you to their destination and I prefer a more overgrown route with less footprints.

it's not better or worse, just diferent. I can do without being judged for it.

Sqidders, I'm sorry to hear that someone has stolen your GPS.

I think you may have missed the essence of my original post which was to say this bushcraft forum has evolved into a bushkit forum with very little in the way of bushcraft and that the essence of bushcraft is disappearing under a pile of knives, kit and talk of kit related topics.

I am not having a go at individual, judging people or suggesting xyz knows more than abc. I'm not preaching Ray Mears - even he wants to sell you a knife for £300 (More kit)

ArkAngel's noticed that a post on here about knives attracts 100's of replies, but something about making cordage gets less than 10"


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 31, 2006
Who knows
you are right fire starter, i am trying to reduce the kit i take, in essential bushcraft it shows a basic kit list and i am trying to limit my self to these


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
I think part of it may be that it's easier to talk about kit than skills. There's only so much that can be said about making cordage, or friction fire, or whatever - whereas there's more or less an infinite amount you can say about kit.

The other thing is that when it comes to skills, in the end you can only really learn by doing. Kit is very expensive to learn about by personal experience. ;)

As for what you can do without, I tend to think that just because you can do without something, that doesn't necessarily mean you should, or would want to given the option...


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
aaahhh... wrong end of the stick I may have got... humble apologies!

In terms of the forum activity, I have no idea. Even among kit hounds (such as myself) some items are more interesting and (for want of a better word) sexy... Not many people talk about trousers or gaiters but a knife glistening in the sun... maybe a slow motion panning shot... well! diferent story. :lmao:

I rarely post on craft or skill posts these days becase often it's the same questions by new people who haven't been able to find their answers by searching / browsing. How to sharpen knives, tie knots, hang hammocks, pitch tarps, carve spoons etc... I'm not at all jaded but I do get dejavu a lot :D


Aug 18, 2006
New Iberia, Louisiana USA
I think that is the eventual goal of everyone interested in Bushcraft. For some of us without the time and/or skills it will take us awhile to get there. Besides, just because you have alot in your kit, doesn't mean that you have to use it. I keep a large kit for each member of my family. I live in hurricane country and after hurricanes Katrina and Rita, I want as much kit as I can carry.

Fire Starter

Aug 1, 2005
gregorach said:
I think part of it may be that it's easier to talk about kit than skills. There's only so much that can be said about making cordage, or friction fire, or whatever - whereas there's more or less an infinite amount you can say about kit.

So it seems the essence of my original post is yes! This forum has evolved into a bushkit forum because there's only so much you can talk about bushcraft skills.

It appears that it is infinitely more interesting and sexier to talk about kit.

I feel the site has indeed evolved into a bushkit site. :(


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Squidders, did you buy a GPS because you needed it or because you were pressurised into buying it by advertisers?

As my father says, "The day I cant find a place using a map, is the day I stop driving because Im past it"

Same for me too.

We have a lot of kit, simply because its so readiliy and cheaply availible these days.

If I had to get all my kit from a place like Cotwold outdoors. (a truly impressive shop) I would have very little because I cant afford it.

But I can get stuff off Ebay, I can get stuff at car boots...I can get stuff that even if I dont need it, I can trade for stuff I need from you lot.

Kit is easy these days.


Aug 18, 2006
New Iberia, Louisiana USA
Well Fire Starter, what in particular would you like to discuss on this forum that does not involve kit? Start a thread and see what happens. I would love to discuss plants, trees and nature, but I live in South Louisiana. The plants, trees and nature here are a bit different than what you are accustomed to.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
Tengu said:
Squidders, did you buy a GPS because you needed it or because you were pressurised into buying it by advertisers?

As my father says, "The day I cant find a place using a map, is the day I stop driving because Im past it.

I don't have a problem with maps at all... I don't have a problem driving either.

I don't enjoy crashing because I was reading a map and I would rather not have to stop should I have to go around a problem area... also things like petrol stations aren't on most roadmaps and updating street level for the whole of western europe doesn't involve buying 50 road maps but getting a free download... I can go on :lmao:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.