I think the Producers know well enough that ratings could be got adding in a female element its used in lots of these things so removing that is actually refreshing
Why does doing something that does not include a female make it sexist ie from a nasty evil point of view
are the Olympics Sexist they segregate most sports by Sex lets just have the 100m for humans would cut down the waste of time by half at least
and get it over in 1 week
the "Boy Scouts" are now the "Scouts" as girls can join after campaigns by girls some using the call of sexist discrimination (BG is the Chief Scout)
Girl Guides are still the Girl Guides no boys allowed
Women's Institute is still the Women's institute No men allowed
I dont consider either Sexist in excluding the male sex
SO women's are allowed to gather in single sex groups but men need watching and supervising by women ................... Ok you got me there
BG covers the
Caucasian, Christian, Male, fit n healthy, Knowledgeable outdoors type
hopefully the rest will be be even blend of race, colour, Religion, fitness, disability, age, indoor nerd etc