The women are revolting


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
Given the programme is apparently intended to explore whether men are still practical, I wonder what their issue is? That its a show about men? I trust they also believe that Woman's Hour is equally sexist and the Women's Institute should be closed down? Or is it just a double standard?

I won't watch it because of the actor involved, but I see nothing inherently wrong with programmes about masculine issues.

ARGGH! This argument drives me nuts.

The reason that we have Woman's Hour on radio 4 is because of the inherent sexism within the media. Take for example (because I have the stats on it), QI. Not including the most recent series (as I haven't run the stats on it), 13% of panel guests have been female. Just over 1 in 10. Yet Women make up 51% of the British population. Oh, and of that 13%, Jo brand accounts for over 30%. I am happy for woman's hour to be taken off radio 4, but ONLY when it's no longer needed, as 50% of all those on radio 4 are female. Until that point, we get to keep woman's hour.

Oh, and if you want, there is a men's hour on radio 5. You can find out more about it here

When I was at university we had just a Women's officer in the Student Union. I created a Men's Officer. A couple of years ago they got rid of said men's officer as in their words "there was no need". The largest group of unrepresented people in the UK is the Straight White Ablebodied Man (SWAM). I am all for equality in representation, but this doesn't come from removing representation for women, but being equal in how people are represented. Oh, and to preempt the questions on what does a Men's officer do, they were there to run things like the testicular cancer awareness events, take part in the breast cancer awareness events (yes men, you can get breast cancer too!), as well as petitioning the university to make sure there is equality in things like it's child care for students etc...

Maybe they will make a second show, which only includes women. I'm not being sexist here but hopefully they will only be allowed to wear bikinis.:D

While I personally do like the view of a woman in a bikini. It is worth nothing that we can look equally attractive without stripping down and exposing ourselves to sunburn...

What they should perhaps have done, is take two islands, put a dozen girls on one, a dozen boys on the other, and see which is the first to end up with one person left, I mean see who handles it best...

I think it courteous to open doors, offer seats, etc., and I have no compunction about doing it (as a woman) for another who is more obviously in need, or a man either.
I am also quite prepared to tear into a woman who rants at a man for being courteous. It's not denigrating, it's simple regard for another, and if she's ranting at him over that, then she's showing none.

Agreed. I do not think it is a problem for a man to hold a door open for a woman. I think it is a problem the man doesn't hold it open for anyone else. I hold doors open for people, offer seats etc... just as you do. It's about being courteous to your fellow human.

I grew up with capable menfolks; my own sons are capable people too. I think society, as a whole, has become less capable.
Too long spent sat doing nothing but watching the gogglebox is the usual reason given, but, y'know ? for most folks there's no need to be skilled with their hands any more. We live in a buy now, throw away quickly, society. We've never had more and had less need of it.
Maybe that most here are capable people, who do do things, is why the site appeals to many of us.

I'm away to plant some trees :) and see if I can find a bit of willow to try out the wee peeled brushes again :)

Totally agreed, it was my mother who taught me woodwork, who taught me bricklaying. She also taught me cake decorating and how to cook. All of these are skills I've used in adult life. It doesn't really matter what gender you are, what matters is that we are all humans and it would be so nice if we just got on with each other and supported each other.

Tho if someone could help me open this jar, that would be lovely.




Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
You need technique

a good powergrip, right round the outside, then twist.

none of this petty putting your fingertips on the top.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
Women's Institute ? I'll raise you the Women's Guild and the Rural :D

The men have the Men's Fellowship though, and try getting into the royal and ancient golf club on an even footing.

It's just a tv programme.


Why are we looking for things that are relatively esoteric sure, I can't join the Royal St Georges Golf club that's just down the road, a supposedly world class venue that has hosted the open. Rumour is they are going to change this soon, but it's 2014, they are leaving it a bit late more info:

But, for the bigger travesty on equality, look no further than the heart of the nation. The cabinet currently contains three women. Three out of 22. Not to mention the 147 female MPs out of a total of 650... And so on and so forth...

And this is before we look at the number of directors of big companies etc...



Dec 21, 2006
What they should perhaps have done, is take two islands, put a dozen girls on one, a dozen boys on the other, and see which is the first to end up with one person left, I mean see who handles it best...

To be honest I'd put my money on a woman winning. I saw a show a few years back about SAS survival training and some of the women put the men to shame.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
ARGGH! This argument drives me nuts.

Your own arguments are woefully inconsistent.. Lets take loose women and see how many regular presenters are men? Is that as sexist? Does every show have to have a quota or is it only shows with more men than women?

So there are more male guests than female on QI? So what? I would rather watch it than loose women! Its a great funny show full of intelligent humour. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

Whilst we are at it, women live longer, retire younger, are given greater parental leave, almost always given custody of children irrespective of merit

None of this changes the fact that it is perfectly okay to make a television programme about men and not about women. The very premis of the show is about changing levels of practicality in men. Thats okay. It is allowed to examine single gender issues.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2005
To be honest I'd put my money on a woman winning. I saw a show a few years back about SAS survival training and some of the women put the men to shame.

I remember that, it had Eddie Stone running it. And a woman did win that.

I believe Bear has said he'd like to do another series with an all female cast. He's not too interested in doing a mixed one though.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
Your own arguments are woefully inconsistent.. Lets take loose women and see how many regular presenters are men? Is that as sexist? Does every show have to have a quota or is it only shows with more men than women?

So there are more male guests than female on QI? So what? I would rather watch it than loose women! Its a great funny show full of intelligent humour. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

I make no claims of consistency. On the subject of loose women, I have never watched the show, I don't actually own a TV, so have no idea what it is about. As such I can give no informed comment on that specific area of the debate, sorry.

I find QI to be a very interesting and enjoyable program. I would however like to see more women on the show, I find their contribution to be significant, informative, enjoyable, and usually very funny. Panellists such as Sue Perkins, Sandi Toksvig, Claire Balding, Susan Calman all make a fantastic contribution to the show and I would love to see them all, and others like them on the show more often.

Whilst we are at it, women live longer, retire younger, are given greater parental leave, almost always given custody of children irrespective of merit

None of this changes the fact that it is perfectly okay to make a television programme about men and not about women. The very premis of the show is about changing levels of practicality in men. Thats okay. It is allowed to examine single gender issues.

I am entirely happy for the retirement age of men and women to be equalised. I don't see an issue with that. I am also more than happy for maternity and paternity leave to be equalised. I would do this by increasing it for men, rather than reducing it for women. I do not have enough information to give you an informed comment regarding child custody tho I am entirely willing to accept that it is very likely that women do tend to win custody more often than men. I would rather this was each case on it's merits. There are many areas of the justice system that need word, I imagine this is one of them.

I see no problem with a program entirely about men, the problem is that there are so many entirely about men, and relatively few about women.

Perhaps I should find 11 other women, a pile of camera gear, and an island, and make our own version for youtube...


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Perhaps I should find 11 other women, a pile of camera gear, and an island, and make our own version for youtube...


Indeed that is the right way - why do it for youtube though? Why not raise money from women bankers and do it for television? It can't be hard to make a better show than Grylls.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
Indeed that is the right way - why do it for youtube though? Why not raise money from women bankers and do it for television? It can't be hard to make a better show than Grylls.

Youtube, simple really, low barrier to entry. No need to get approval from some manager in a suit deciding what should or should not be broadcast. Stick it on gootube, and see who watches...

Now, I wonder which island to use...



Dec 21, 2006
I remember that, it had Eddie Stone running it. And a woman did win that.

I believe Bear has said he'd like to do another series with an all female cast. He's not too interested in doing a mixed one though.

So he can come out of hiding now.:D


Full Member
May 17, 2011
I still wish there was a Scouts for Boys and Scouts or Guides for Girls. When I was a kid it was fun just to be a lad amoungst lads. What was wrong with that. Have clubs that are mixed and separate.


Apr 25, 2012
Cambs and Lincs
Given the programme is apparently intended to explore whether men are still practical, I wonder what their issue is? That its a show about men? I trust they also believe that Woman's Hour is equally sexist and the Women's Institute should be closed down? Or is it just a double standard?

I won't watch it because of the actor involved, but I see nothing inherently wrong with programmes about masculine issues.
I see no reason why survival can't be a feminine issue too. If this was 12,000BC I guarantee the women would put 99% of BCUK members to shame with their skills.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I still wish there was a Scouts for Boys and Scouts or Guides for Girls. When I was a kid it was fun just to be a lad amoungst lads. What was wrong with that. Have clubs that are mixed and separate.

Our Boy Scouts are still separate from the Girl Scouts. Yours are combined. I wonder how it is in the rest of the world?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.