yes please Bushwhacker - That'd be right up my street
and in return, I have a crayfish trap which is no use to me as it turns out I'm allergic to the critters!
OK, I've got a brand new with labels suede waistcoat for those suave bushcrafters out there. Size is Medium.
Not sure how many of us are medium!!
On offer from JohnathanD
a brand new with labels suede waistcoat for those suave bushcrafters out there. Size is Medium
Bumpity bump for a cool Friday morning, which won't last long I'm sure. (Ugh)
Does it come with fobwatch, chain and handlebar moustache? Also does it gaurantee I'll start using phrases like "Top hole" and "Old chap" if I had it?
JonathanD offers a brand new with labels suede waistcoat for the dapper bushcrafter out there. Size is Medium