Way off topic...
The point of this thread was to analyse this man's kit and compare it to our needs etc.
Sure, when you know your environment so well you need less kit and due to culture differences we tend to carry more , such as pfd's and other stuff.
The differences in kit are just interesting and should be just that!
No point of going into the origin of the peoples , their approach or the part of the world they come from. Are they , are they not is just irrelevant.
The reason they prefer to be called first nations is because they were already there , thriving, when the white man arrived.
The white man destroyed their way of life and killed many.
Additionally, with great disregard, the new arrivals, pushed them out of their land , killed and tricked , lied and stole their way into dominance .
These were very spiritual people , totally connected and dependent on the natural environment around them .
They didn't speak with "forked tongues" like the white man , and they had a great respect and spiritual connection to all living and non living things.
Because the Great Spirit created it all for a reason , in their beliefs.
So let's not pick peanuts out of poop , and let's just focus on the subject at hand, rather than discuss if the term first nations is correct or not....
Wow... so you read what is being discussed, didn't understand it and decided to give a history lesson that could read equally for the ancient Britons, the Mayans, the Gauls or the Indians of India. That naughty white man has gotten about a bit throughout history eh?
The whole point of discussing the cultural divide explains why Joe has certain items in his kit, the lack of a FAK is a prime example... but when we got onto the discussion of pfds, Joe said (and I'm paraphrasing) that first nation people do not use them for cultural reasons. Quite why we got into a natter about humanoid species is another matter, but from my perspective understanding exactly what Joe means by first nation might make it easier to understand why no pfd.
Ask Joe why no FAK, he gives a logical answer... his culture practises and passes sufficient knowledge of plants and landscape that he doesn't need a FAK. Effectively his environment and knowledge is his FAK. That makes oodles of sense... why carry weight if you can get what you need around you... so its much like the discussion we had about carrying water when you're out and about in the woods.
Pfd wise, its been established pretty quickly that Joe and his people aren't against technology and do use it when it is advantageous... and as Joe has pointed out, we have the option of pfds for fishermen over here, but they don't tend to use them.
Thats where we're upto... the whole first nation thing was a side line more to help Joe understand that I wasn't dismissing him or his people... simply that when Joe says first nation, it didn't really mean anything to me... but after a discussion with a mate (who incidentally lives in the west of Canada) he explained the cultural divide and how our histories have divided our opinions. It fascinating stuff... apologies if its disturbed people to digress. Thought it was worthwhile so Joe didn't believe the forum was full of dumb white men... rather puzzled and inquisitive white men.