my other passion, pattern welding .

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Jun 25, 2013
To right robbi, and I don’t care a dot what anyone has to say about it!!!
Learn something, practice it, bcome proficient at it, practice it more, and invest thousands into it....
One day you might feel you’re good at something to.
You might have a pride in what you do that others see as arrogance :confused:
I’ve just taught 3 proper 100% qualified and time served blacksmith more about pattern welding than they know and they teach the topic.


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
Matt, there's no question you are a good metal worker and your knives are lovely indeed but it is awfully undignified and ungentlemanly to sing ones own praises so loudly.

Accept the praise of the forum members with good grace and humility, there really is nothing so ugly or off-putting as a big headed chap.

I wish you well and continued success.
Jun 25, 2013
no sorry , there going to be big collectors stuff .
i did forge one out to be a fieldcrafter but i cant aford to get it laser engraved at the moment so will probaly become a guard for one of the bigger knives .

robbi i do accept complements , you didnt offer any until then ???
but thank you robbi i wll accept your kind words on the tpic along with anyone elses .
to be fair i did right it as i would have on other forums that seem to have more of an eye or understanding of the topic .
that finer patterned billet is my everest , im proud to havemade it !


Apr 25, 2012
Cambs and Lincs
to be fair i did right it as i would have on other forums that seem to have more of an eye or understanding of the topic
There's more than one culture on the internet. Implying that we don't understand your work is a little unfair, there are some exceptional makers and others with real knowledge here on BCUK. I think quite a lot of people, including myself are a little put off by your excessive trumpet blowing which is a shame because you evidently make stunning work. I couldn't make anything like that in a 1000 years of trying and I respect real craftsmanship. Just trumpeting to that degree does alienate people on here a little to be honest, no matter how amazing whats been made is.
No offence intended and all that:)
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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Stunning work - and no false humility :)
If I could make anything half as good I would also be blowing my own trumpet from the highest towers!

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
that's a very clean looking piece of pattern welding. nice and even thickness layers and spacing of layers. :)

That said, I wouldn't describe a fairly lower layer, simple ladder pattern billet of easy to weld steels as world class. Sorry :cool:

Do you have any other examples of your pattern welding? Just curious as to what other patterns you go in for. Some folk get into complex twists and splits, others prefer multi-bar billets and others like their simple and bold patterns, then there is the mosaic route. Personally I'm still playing with variety and seeing what comes out of the forge. I like simple and bold, but since I can do other more interesting things I occasionally try my hand at them too :)

p.s To those of you that say you couldn't do damascus in a thousand years. Of course you could, you just need to be shown how ;) It's not rocket science
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Jun 25, 2013
Ha ha love it true uk " know your place" English crap
Dave bud , why are you knocking me ?
Iv never sold a knife in your price range , not that iv never made anything as good , no I just don't over value my " not rocket science " ability and work !
I can forge mosaic , fire storm . Feather , twist , ladder , multi bar twist . And other laminates . Why do I have to post endless pics for you to Criticise ? Will you open your work to the same from me ? Lets say your "Damascus" kiridashi ?
Iv welded mild steel, file stee,l true wrought iron , medieval horse shoes , even had a go at a Meteorite , it failed but I tried learned what went wrong and look forward to trying again .
No offence taken i hope .....
Stew go and find a girlfriend mate .. Your a world class knocker . Il shake your hand as one, one-day when we meet remember to look for me so we can laugh it off eh !!

It's not on British blade simply because I can't be arsed to post on there much .
I will add the finished knives on there to be viewed and no doubt knocked by stew .
Stew iv never looked up your work, remind me to do so it must be so so good ?

Ok the infamous term ( Tongue in cheek) " world class "
Iv done my home work I have studied the topic pretty much endlessly for 4 years now , I study others work and think I have developed an eye for the art and patterns but more importantly the execution of the pattern .
Now for a billet that's dead easy to weld and forge ( I wish I had known that for 2 years what have I been forging all this time ?) it's the execution of the pattern , things like Dave mentioned spacing of the cuts layer compression etc etc .
Even something simple can be world class surly ?
Your argument has no logic ?
The finished knife may not be world class not even very good but it's materials will be the best I can find , afford or make !!
Of all the makers I enjoy studying, Manfred Sachse has my highest admiration his ability style and skill are superb , I view his work as some of the finest , "world class" if you like . I'm lucky to have his book and reference it almost every day .
My simple low layer count ladder is as good at this stage as his work .
That's good enough for me !!
Now a little admission . I copied and pasted this from another forum , in that process the smiles where removed so the humour may have been taken away .
That and I'm still pretty angry about some of the things said on my sales thread , that eluded to me not using quality materials , or that imply I'm not skilled .

I really am sorry if it upset you in any way , that was never my intention .
But if it really upset you ..
Have a word with yourself , it's a forum . A post on a forum !!
Try the decaf , go for a walk or try to find love , anythings got to be better than getting so frustrated :)
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Dec 10, 2012
County Durham
Well that concluded that argument lol.
What else does fieldcrafter have to do to prove he's a time served maker of quality blades .
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Jun 25, 2013
I'd just like to add celebrating something important to you is not illegal nor a sin !
And only in this fine land is it frowned apon .
Like I say let it slide past you no need to get upset !
Or find it a challenge to your self Esteem.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
Matt, you need to wind your neck in.

I asked a simple question. I asked for the name of the pattern. You called it world class so that's how I identified it back to you. I wasn't having a pop, I was asking a question. Quite a simple one too.

Your intention may not have been to upset but you are being offensive and rude on purpose - Unnecessarily so.

I haven't suggested that your knives are crap, nor have I suggested mine are amazing (feel free to look them up, you won't be that excited). I don't really understand where you have the idea that I am going to spend time knocking your knives as I don't think I've commented much on any of your threads, except to ask a few other questions.
You're right I don't have a girlfriend, more is the pity, but the wife disapproves of that sort of thing.

You seem very argumentative and angry Matt. May I suggest you take some of your own advice that you posted at the end of that post.....

Ha ha love it true uk " know your place" English crap
Dave bud , why are you knocking me ?
Iv never sold a knife in your price range , not that iv never made anything as good , no I just don't over value my " not rocket science " ability and work !
I can forge mosaic , fire storm . Feather , twist , ladder , multi bar twist . And other laminates . Why do I have to post endless pics for you to Criticise ? Will you open your work to the same from me ? Lets say your "Damascus" kiridashi ?
Iv welded mild steel, file stee,l true wrought iron , medieval horse shoes , even had a go at a Meteorite , it failed but I tried learned what went wrong and look forward to trying again .
No offence taken i hope .....
Stew go and find a girlfriend mate .. Your a world class knocker . Il shake your hand as one, one-day when we meet remember to look for me so we can laugh it off eh !!

It's not on British blade simply because I can't be arsed to post on there much .
I will add the finished knives on there to be viewed and no doubt knocked by stew .
Stew iv never looked up your work, remind me to do so it must be so so good ?

Ok the infamous term ( Tongue in cheek) " world class "
Iv done my home work I have studied the topic pretty much endlessly for 4 years now , I study others work and think I have developed an eye for the art and patterns but more importantly the execution of the pattern .
Now for a billet that's dead easy to weld and forge ( I wish I had known that for 2 years what have I been forging all this time ?) it's the execution of the pattern , things like Dave mentioned spacing of the cuts layer compression etc etc .
Even something simple can be world class surly ?
Your argument has no logic ?
The finished knife may not be world class not even very good but it's materials will be the best I can find , afford or make !!
Of all the makers I enjoy studying, Manfred Sachse has my highest admiration his ability style and skill are superb , I view his work as some of the finest , "world class" if you like . I'm lucky to have his book and reference it almost every day .
My simple low layer count ladder is as good at this stage as his work .
That's good enough for me !!
Now a little admission . I copied and pasted this from another forum , in that process the smiles where removed so the humour may have been taken away .
That and I'm still pretty angry about some of the things said on my sales thread , that eluded to me not using quality materials , or that imply I'm not skilled .

I really am sorry if it upset you in any way , that was never my intention .
But if it really upset you ..
Have a word with yourself , it's a forum . A post on a forum !!
Try the decaf , go for a walk or try to find love , anythings got to be better than getting so frustrated :)


Full Member
Sep 26, 2010
All I can say is wow! Such hostility on an otherwise kind and nurturing forum. I don't make anything world class and I certainly don't make anything worthy of selling so as far as commenting on the knives and pattern welded steel.... they look great! I will say as an outsider looking in, the criticism and hostility seems to stem from what might be considered a form of arrogance in the opening post. The maker seems to have opened with attitude and this was amplified by following posts. I would suggest and hope we can get back to a civil discussion on what should have been an otherwise quiet sales thread, but quite honestly with the opening post being what is was......I can understand what followed! A little humility without all the personal attacks (ie ones love life) would go a long way to earning the respect and admiration of future customers. It's great to be proud of your work, as you should be......but I think the way you came across rubbed people the wrong way. Just my two cents.....feel free to go on the attack now......I have lots of shortcomings and deficiencies I'm sure you can easily exploit to your amusement!


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