Thats very good work but would a real viking spear be pattern welded? I thought they were the cheapo weapon option.
Fantastic work! I'm seriously considering off loading a de-ac to get one of those! One question are you going to do matching ferrules if they are aproipiate for this type of spear head.
Does this sort of steel/iron have increased chances of corrosion?
Ah - I wondered because it is a known problem with repairing the hull of an old barge, where the original material is wrought iron and it gets repaired with steel (apart from the welding issues, wrought iron is supposedly hard to arc weld).No more than any other carbon steel or iron. Wrought iron is open textured, so if you get some corrosion on it and then clean the surface, sometimes it will come back to haunt you because it was trapped in the surface. A bit like seeing mould under the varnish on a bit of wooden outdoor furniture.