my other passion, pattern welding .

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Jun 25, 2013
I'm bored of this now like alot of you .
Can anyone reference a world class ladder pattern please just so I know my bench mark.
If anyone wants to view my work they are always invited through pm to look at my photobucket gallery a huge volume of photos on there and lots of documentation towards pattern welding stage by stage .
Iv never said I was world class never , but I will be one day . And that's the first piece of pattern welding iv ever been truly happy with as its what I set out to do from the start .
Il add a pic or to now of how that pattern was generated , just to show the effort and intention behind it. .

mark wit angle grinder with plasma dics for spacings then cut grooves with ceramic belts on my maxi grinder.

note the grooves are accurate and off set from the other side , edges are also ground to add more pattern and stop from swelling causing weld flaws (not essential i know i just wanted them there for my piece of mind)
that cost £10 in ceramic abrasive ad took over 2 hours to do .

look close im test etching to check im accurat to the pattern , adjusting as i go to keep it inline .

i then chop off the tatty end rrady to flatten anddraw out .

older knives iv done 100% hand forged as i have no personal forging equipment , i hav damaged my arm an since sold all forging equipment other than forges .

this was a comittion from a guy involvd in th equstrian world .
the spine is true wrought from a horse carrage , the blade is filesteel an 15n20 . the spaine is just twisted wrought iron then etched the pattern was allway there .

fire storm multi bar .

twist mult bar

bored yet ????
there all hand forged .

little bit more multi with fire storm


a wierd little belly opener for a rabbit hunting fella , handles atiny tine of a roe buck

right im done thers more iv just had enough
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Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Fieldcrafter I realy do think you shuld remove this thread or lock it as I dont think your attitude is helping any fututre sales, I was very tempted to get one of your knives as they look very nice and just what I was after but I, and I am sure many others will be re thinking buying anything of a relative newcomer on here with such an attitude


Bushcrafter through and through
Fieldcrafter I realy do think you shuld remove this thread or lock it as I dont think your attitude is helping any fututre sales, I was very tempted to get one of your knives as they look very nice and just what I was after but I, and I am sure many others will be re thinking buying anything of a relative newcomer on here with such an attitude

+1 to that. let it be about the knives, as the work will speak for itself without arugments


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
I agree with dread and tagnut. Take your post with the knife pictures, start a new thread containing just that - and delete this thread. We can then admire your work and move on.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
I'm not hiding from this guys !!
Iv been attacked a few times on here , some by strangers to me and now I see it by folks I know of on other forums !
Iv never done a "big I am" type thing before iv allways tried to be humble !
But for me to make what I do at the prices I do I can be challenged all the time by folks with nothing better to do !
I know that 2 of those billets are standard stuff I know that and I'm fine with it !!
But the finer pattern is a good billet I know because I made it ,I know the effort that it took and iv had conformation from other smiths and collectors its been well done !
The larger patterned billet has been profiled and I already have interested buyers for it . One of them has possible 8 of my pattern welded blades to date and confirmed he wanted it before he even saw the pattern .
That's unusual for me iv never known that to happen before .
But for other makers to have a pop , when there selling pattern welded blades at £75 out of steel I would have given away or scrapped . Well it's abit much .
You don't have to like me or what I make I'm not in this to be popular or build friendships . I'm usually very private around my work .
The tools and art I make has a following else where to , like it or not I'm here in the industry to stay !!
As for pr . Ask any body that has actually met me face to face if I'm hostile , please do but I would be surprised if you get a negative answer . There is clost to 85 happy customers of the fieldcrafter knife .
But would stew and Dave bud ever buy on of my knives ? ( not Likely ) they make there own why would they ever need one ?
I don't need or want there product for the same reason . My attack was aim purely at them !

Brilliant, thanks for that Matt. Glad to see that you're admitting to attacking me, although I still feel it was unnecessary considering I just asked a question.

Yes, I make knives but I also own knives. I own knives by over 20 other makers as I enjoy owning and using work by other people. I also recommend other makers to people asking for knives that I think will suit what they want, not just driving my own work. I'm a paid up member of the KMA - not to promote my work but to further the knife making community in the uk. If I was after just pushing my own work and belittling others, I doubt I would be doing any of that.

Moving on....


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
I would just like to say: Them examples look amazing Matt, and aside from the actual blades themselves the entire design of the handles and shapes really speak to me, awesome job on those!
What kind of steels do you usually use in the pattern welded blades?
Yours sincerely Ruud
Jun 25, 2013
hi thank you !!
pretty much anything i can get to weld i use but 15n20 as bright steel and either o1 and cs70 steel as th dark .
i like o1 but the cs70 is easier to work with and etched nicer i think , the blades have a little less carbon but not as you would notice .

mods if you need permission to deleate the whole thread you have it !!
i think i will just exercise my right to sell my produts and keep it to that !
i dont have the time or energy for this sort of thing !


Full Member
Apr 25, 2009
Nice work....I like your knives alot. I like a lot of other peoples to! I agree you need to start a new thread just showing what you're good at and not singing your own praises, as good as what you do is, it speaks for its self. If you have the time take a look at Dave Budds sharp metal shininess, an inspiration to us all! Good luck and keep up the good work :)
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