Thanks for the continued kind words!
Overall weight is 650grams and the head is about 330grams! Very light but a mean cutter.
To get the polished head you need to first remove the forging marks, I do this with the angle grinder and a worn 120 grit flap disc. A fresh disc will leave orbital scratches and I used a medium grit normal sand paper to dull them down then gave it a few minutes on a pair of buffing wheels. Ithe wheels and buffing soap cost less than a tenner and cover 'grinding marks' to final polish.
The head isn't mirror polish, but it does reflect colours and such. If you want mirror polish you need to knuckle down through the grits and that will takes hours!!
My brother now 'needs' an axe like this. I offered to do it all but I suggested he come over for a weekend and we do it together and I'll just chip in with advice as and when needed. He has decided he might like to keep his spike, but make it rounded and the blade more bearded.
My next one will be the Norse hawk! Done right they too can look very nice, OTB they look a bit crap but we all know effort = reward!