Middlewood Brass Monkeys' Weekend - Friday 30 Jan - Sunday 1 Feb 2009


Aug 15, 2008
Hi Simon,

I think I owe you a few bob from the weekend.

All I have racing through the grey matter are questions about both bushcraft and bushcrafters.


Apr 14, 2008
Bugger me, ive just remembered I havent payed!!. Simon, send me your Paypal address and ill send you the money. Sorry mate, totaly sliped my mind (just like that time in Tesco, but I dont like to talk about that).



Apr 14, 2008
Hi Simon,

I think I owe you a few bob from the weekend.

All I have racing through the grey matter are questions about both bushcraft and bushcrafters.

Cheers for helping me with the Lavvu Barney. If it wasnt for you I would have gone home and spent the weekend in my warm flat, and slept in my soft bed!



Aug 15, 2008
you should try this froum wayne, looks up ur street and the kind of things you are into.


Don't go for the end of the world scenario me. I think its pretty obvious what I am into after my short time here, Making a few knives-picking up new skills like leather work,making sheaths, wet forming leather tool pouches, carving leather possibles bags, a bit of foraging and learning about plants, kipping out over night every now and then,shelter building, finding felled trees and making kuskas and spoons, etc.

It must just be me though who has an odd view of bushcraft skills.:lmao:

Its not often that some people get the opportunity to get a weekend out, let alone visit an area that essentially bushcraft friendly and to see the opportunity as presented wasted on dressing up in fancy gear and carrying out activities that could generally be carried out at the Warrington Branch of the Caravan and Camping Club strikes me as odd. Maybe thats just me.

Thanks for your attempt at clarity though Carl, but it doesn't seem, to me, that straightforward.

No Problem Stu, it was a pleasure to see you again mate.


Jan 7, 2008
Thanks Simon for organising a great weekend :)

Thank to everyone for making me feel so welcome I met some really great people.

Thanks to wayland for spending time showing how to decorate wood and being so patient when asked dumb questions.

On that note I have to apologise as I am rubbish at names so if its not inappropriate can I ask who the following people are (forum names not real ones unless you want to give them) so I can put a name to a face so to speak 

I remember Spike is your wife Womble ?
The gentleman I was sat next to on sat night who had the fold up silver BBQ that turned into a barrel I said I would send your son a ring tone.
The lady sat on the other side of spike’s wife who is in IT
The gentleman who had just acquired the gas bottle wood burner
The gentleman I spoke to from the north east
The gentleman that climbed the tree to erect the parachute

I am the one that had gaffer tape on his thumb after a spoon making accident :D generally wore a DPM jacket.




Dec 5, 2008
Hi Martin,
Couple of the guys are from the NE. Im Gary , Freespin. Like you it was my first meet.
We did speak at my tent, ( Old, green single hoop) Offered u first aid kit!
Also offered my shoulder for the guy to climb and get down from the tree whilst putting up the chute rope.
Hope your digit is healing !!
Great weekend, regards to all involved. Freespin. Gary


Thanks Simon for a great meet.

Nice to see some new faces and the old ones too.

I'll get a few pictures up at the weekend, bit too busy at the mo.
Jan 29, 2009
Only managed to stay for a few hours but liked what I saw .Just sent off for a tarp, now will be on the look out for a hammock nice to have met you all regards wadingin

In Wood

Oct 15, 2006
Leyland, Lancashire.
Echoed as previously, thanks for sorting this meet Simon.;) Good to see you again, used that pouch yet?.

Thanks to Andy Wink, bl@@dy heck your service is fast, mind you I did not see you sit still the whole weekend, always busy with something. Great to meet you.:notworthy

Mental Nurse, good to meet you again, my arm is still aching from the arm wrestle.:p

Singeblister, thanks for sharing your camp and fire and it was no problem at all helping you pack away, the least I could do after your hospitality, especially for the entertainment;)

Kipperfeet, good to meet you Rob, we really must meet up again soon and now that I know who you are, I will take you to those sloe bushes this year.;)

Spikey, I will get the photo of your pirate duck up as soon as I can, but I told you..... I showed Beth and now she wants one, so let me know how much or where I can get one from please.:rolleyes:

Lurch, thanks for the deal and good to see you again too Marra:D

BigBear, thanks for the arrow shaft and good to meet you for the first time.:)

Everyone else who was there too, good to meet old friends again and new ones too.

Looking forward to the next one already.


Jan 7, 2008
That will be me then. I get called lots of things but I was christened Mark and my son is Jake.

That was Bernie Garland.

Cheers Mark
If you PM me your email illsend you the ring tone for Jake.

Hi Martin,
Couple of the guys are from the NE. Im Gary , Freespin. Like you it was my first meet.
We did speak at my tent, ( Old, green single hoop) Offered u first aid kit!
Also offered my shoulder for the guy to climb and get down from the tree whilst putting up the chute rope.
Hope your digit is healing !!
Great weekend, regards to all involved. Freespin. Gary

Almost fine now, probably needed stitches TBH but I hate hospitals. many thanks for the offer :D

Yup, Im Spike, and my girlfriend is Womble :D

Cheers all for letting me know :) I am bad with names to start with but mix that with drink and I dont stand a chance LOL


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.