list to learn

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Good thing!! I've always had a thing for thumbhole stocks, they just look so cool and are pretty comfy too! I alas never owned one, but I am moving back to UK soon for good, I may have to save a few pennies for a nice pre charged with a thumbhole!!
Fenlander said:
we are really looking forward to you cooking breakfast for us all on Sunday morning by the way :D
are you know lol
looking forward to hearing all about your trip
i am really looking forward to it, btw what did you mean by a shelter kit?
will the food be prepared on a fire or do we all have to bring our own food and cook it on a trangia or other stove which we have brought along with us?
(Sorry for the thread Hijack Leon)

One tip Spamel - try to find one carved for "thumb up" as well as "thumb through". You get the choice then if you want to use a different grip when kneeling, standing, prone etc.

my nan has just had a twenty odd year old walnut tree cut down, my nan wanted us to make her some plate coasters made of a say a 1cm thick strip from the trunk, we told my dads friend and he said that the trunk would need to sit for over a year before we could do it other wise the coasters would split
so my question is, is there any way we could make them now or anytime soon without them splitting?
thanks leon
Its possible you could talk a timber yard into kiln drying the wood for you Leon (think big oven, low temperature - long time. But tbh, air drying is best. I bet Fenalnder (and others) would like a few nice pieces of walnut to season - its beautiful wood (I know I would)

Patience young Skywalker

sorry but all the wood is gone exept for two pieces of trunk which we are using, it went to my dads mate for his wood burner
i dont mind waiting for it to season but my mum doesnt want to wait that long
i have heard of putting kuksa's and spoons in ziplock bags to help prevent splitting would this work for the plate coasters
leon-b said:
so anyway what have you been up to lately kevin buscraft wise exept sweden

Working and running courses mainly. The other morning I taught 50 people how to light fire with flint and steel.

Bring a piece of walnut with you and we'll see what we can do ;) I keep my carving in a damp bag while working on them, but once completed they have to dry and thats the most likely time for them to split.
kevin there might be a bit of a problem bringing a piece of it along as it is about 30cm diameter and about 40cm tall it also weighs a ton, i also dont have any means of cutting it so i cant cut it smaller then bring it along


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.