How many of us have become craftsmen, because of this forum?


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
I was thinking earlier, that if it hadn't been for this forum, I probably wouldn't be making knives for a living now!

If it hadn't been for Ray and his programs, i wouldn't have joined/found the forum.

I've been here nearly 7 years... in that time, i've seen lots of members take up crafting things of one type of another... showing their triumphs.... and their failures along the way.

How many now make a living from those same crafts?

How many have been inspired to try, because of the efforts of others.

How much of a difference, to an individual life, can a gathering of lots if individual lives make?

Bit deep maybe..... but the thought is a good one i think....

Who here, has had their lives changed? Not through Bushcraft per se, but through the forum directly?


Full Member
May 23, 2014
Certainly no craftsman but just as certainly doing more crafting thanks to this place

Now got a sewing machine to pick up from me good old mum :D


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
I've been inspired to do quite a lot of crafty things....:)

Well, like make a paddle out of a single plank of ash, make my own sheaths, handle axes, carve spoons, and bowls. Buy a load of tools, to make a log cabin. And I have em all now...:lmao: Dick would be proud.
Repair my own things, its given me a love of canvas leather and steel.

I like to have a little go at everything, but not stick to any one thing. I'll never make a living out of it,and Im in awe at some of the stuff people make, and like you say Mark, I've watched individuals skills develop over time, until they'e become masters themselves.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Ive always had a casual interest in crafts but now Im doing more leatherwork, and its more foccused.

This forum has changed me a lot, given me more confidence....Self sufficiency at any level is a good thing but its also empowering.

Im now studying Archaeology at Uni...Bushcraft and crafts is very handy for that, trust me!

Im looking at Experimental at post grad too.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I haven't taken up a craft as such but it's made a big difference to me.
Joined just over a decade a go; wasn't a prolific poster but enjoyed the information, fun and folk here.
Then I got pretty ill and nearly carked it due to lymes disease. While recovering I couldn't get out found that I didn't want to know about others getting out while I was pretty bed ridden.
Then I found that I could live vicariously through the tales of others and loose myself in their journeys as well as keep involved by passing on some of info I'd garnered over years of working outdoors.
Since then I've racked up a large posting count, it's done my brain a lot of good and even managed to get along to a couple of meets - even though I'm not a fan of big groups, where I had a heap of fun.
Was lucky enough to be asked to be a Mod last year and this made me happy as I could give something back as BCUK has done a lot for me.
One of the things it has encouraged me to do is do a bit more writting. I used to write speaches many years ago (don't ask), and through some egging on here by kind members I'm trying to do some writting professionally which will hopefully take off.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 24, 2011
When I was a lad I thought having a £20 bench grinder and the ability to sharpen my machetes was some sort of gift. I never thought I'd be having a go at just about anything that took my interest! Metal work, restoration and blade modifications are my favourite hands on hobby now, whereas before it was shooting and quite simply pick up and play stuff.

I like to think I've absorbed enough knowledge to keep me entertained for many years, although skinning a sack of dead rats was enough to last me a few years.. even though skinning a fox looked good on the forum! :rolleyes:

Now I simply enjoy doing my own thing and get great satisfaction for the 'give it a go' attitude I've developed and can see erupting across the board.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I haven't become a craftsman because of this forum, I've always worked with my hands and been a MYOG type since way back; it was encouraged when I was growing up and was, now I think of it, the only way to have many of the things a boy would want and/or need as there was no money to spare. What this forum has done is to broaden my perspective on things immeasurably and opened my eyes to many new and alternative ways of doing things. The breadth of knowledge here is amazing, and it's rare I see a question posed and not answered; not only answered but accompanied by a good deal of advice, pointers to resources, and usually with a good splash of wit and humour thrown in.

I treasure the goodwill and the willingness to share that I've found here, long may it continue. This is how things should be but all too often are not.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2005
I came here looking for a bannock recipe... since then Ive been encouraged to have a go at knife making, kit making and even a spoon or two...


Bushcrafter through and through
This community inspired me to take up leatherworking, now it's my full time job too! I love logging on here everyday to see what people have been up to, there is so much inspiring crafts, stories, trades, and most of all people :) Wouldn't be without BCUK!


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 13, 2005
The banks of the Deveron.
I started making a few things in leather because of this forum. I met a mate on this forum who took me on my first stalk. Now I make do both on a semi professional basis.

I also now live on Speyside, I have my stock in local shops and see the hills most days.

I don't get on here much now, but I'll post stuff about my move soon.


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
I started making a few things in leather because of this forum. I met a mate on this forum who took me on my first stalk. Now I make do both on a semi professional basis.

I also now live on Speyside, I have my stock in local shops and see the hills most days.

I don't get on here much now, but I'll post stuff about my move soon.

Bloody fantastic mate :) hats off to you and well done !


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 5, 2010
west yorkshire
I began making my own clothes not long after I joined here, primarily as a money saving exercise, (ha, ha!). One thing led to another and here I am. I'm not sure I fall into the craftsman category just yet, but I'm getting the hang of some of it. I shall be ever grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from the members here. Thank you.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.