Oh bugger, though I got confused in the online AQ test, assed it up and had to go back and consider the questions again just to make sure I had answered positive or negative in the right order, pressed the button and got 42, I was clueless as to what it meant, then, ah, I noticed, above 32 means, yeah, a possibility of Asperger's syndrome.
Well, firstly tests, even simple tests stress me out and I usually stuff them up, the story of my life, but then following a session with an educational psychologist because I was stuffing up my degree college course a few months back, I got told although I was in the top 3 % of the population for intelligence and a mensa type score in the top 30 %, I clearly had Aspergic tendancies. Not that this was a surprise really, because it had been mentioned before, my ex got it into her head I had it, and that was the final crack that broke the camel's back in the relationship, it also stuffed up my employment and any last vestiges of why bother working, the constrant striving for what we are told we need, really is so false.
But this week, following the report by the Ed. Psychologist, I relented and saw a Psychiatrist, ( I long held a distrust for them, in fact I tend to trust and distrust the wrong people), the result of which, due to my History, social interaction and god knows what I said, the Psych concluded, yeah, defo Aspergers, and something new, mild Autism is in there, whatever that means. Anyways, am 42 now, and my past history has an explanation, my misunderstanding and depression has a reason, and I were just thinking prior to diagnosis, I were just an oddball, a bit of a social outcast, a loner riding the wave of previously described bi polar disorder. It's not bi polar, but the constant highs and lows of failing where others I observe seem to thrive. But yeah, depression I understand is common with autistic spectrum disorders, as is self medication, the only time I can be an inapropriate, brash myself when the beer is in, I can relax and be myself. My pals, very close pals know me, and do make apologies on my behalf.
But, with a life time of learning to compensate to at least exist in society, I understand there are some issues I still need to look at, social interaction of the verbal and non verbal variety, and there plain old communication, I see asperger's as a gift, for it turns out through my college course, I have what has been called a 'gift' for teaching people with learning difficulties, I succeed in teaching where the tutors fail, and I just cannot sit there and ignore a mechanical problem, I just have to fix it. But then, that was my profession, a general repairman, I could 'see' faults, where they were and what to do, all in my mind.
But, I think I digressed from what I was going to say, perhaps too much detail, to which I don't know, I apologise for, but I would like to say to the OP, well done for bringing up this subject, for it is good to know those with developmental disorders are recognised here.
But to me, the diagnosis means only one thing, license to be an eccentric oddball, I am happy with myself in that, and I don't care what other people think of what I wear and do to make me happy, I feel free in my disability, a freedom I have never felt before.
But, as an aside, the Psychologist ; Simon Baron - Cohen, who developed the AQ test linked on here, is he Ali G's brother ?
If it is, that explains Sacha Baron - Cohen's intellect.