Charity Auction.Double headed axe, knife blade, scales, sheath, and bushcraft course.

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Hi folks,
this is my first first post on this fantastic forum. I have been moved and touched by the responses and donations. While i cannot afford to bid for these EXCELLENT items, i feel i can donate something. I realise the top bidder is from my home kingdom of Fife. My offer is a nights accomodation in my house to the winning bushcrafter. I believe this would be handy for anyone travelling to Scotland, as Fife is quite central. So this would allow anyone travelling to split their journey. This is a serious offer and i will give my name,address and phone number to the forum admin as soon as i finish this post.

Keep up the excellent work
A' the best
re cap time again to add the new prizes......
You are bidding for......
1x Marbles No 9 double headed hunters axe, re ground and polished up by British Red....

1x Stuart Mitchell knife blade, 01 tool steel, hardened to rc 59. This could be the last chance to get one of these..

1x set of curly birch knife scales and ali pins...

This knife will be put together by Bushwacker Bob, if the winning bidder desires, he makes up some fantastic looking knifes, check this link to see one of the knifes he re done.. Post no 22

1x leather knife sheaf, made by Rapid Boy, I think we have all seen his quality work....

1x beautifully carved fire steel, made by Stuart F...

1x lovely looking leather possibles pouch by g4ghb, and also a chartube....

And for somewhere to use your new tools, Wayne of Forest Knights is including a place on a bushcraft course. I attended this course last year and had a great time and learnt loads....

So, not only will you get all of this, you will also get the satisfaction, that all your money has gone to a worthy charity...

We also have as prizes, a Song Of The Paddle 2007 Yearbook, and canoe stickers....


1 x Ice King Combination Waterstone 1000 x 6000 Grit
1 x Ice King Waterstone 6000 Grit
1 x Ice King Waterstone 1200 Grit
1 x Ice King Waterstone 800 Grit
2 x Naguro Stones
1 x Rubber Foot Stone Holder Thingy

And....1x pocket knife

And.....1x nights accomodation in Fife....

The winning bid now stands at £700

Also, if you feel you are able to donate to the charity, here is the direct link to it.....
If you want to read more about what this is for, click this link....
Think I should let you guys know....The private bidder who put up the £600 bid, is still going to donate £300 to the charity, so it is going to have a minimum of £1000 now.
I want to say a big thank you to you for your generosity... :You_Rock_
Wow :eek: Just noticed this thread. What a great bunch you all are donating stuff and bidding. :You_Rock_ and big up the private bidder :notworthy
There's no way I can match that bid but I'd like to offer something too as it's a wonderfully worthy cause. I have no spare kit to offer, or tuition (not insured) so I thought if the winning bidder was interested I'd offer up a days boat fishing on me. I'll arrange a mutually convenient date with the winning bidder and arrange everything with the skipper and pay for the both of us to go out for a days bassing or deep sea fishing. You'll have the use of all my gear rod, reel and traces, hooks weights etc and I'll show you all the ropes if you've not done it before. It'll be worth around £40 - £50 depending on when we go. I'm planning a trip maybe in late spring/early summer out of Almwch, Anglesey with this chap so if that's convenient and the winner is interested I'll pay for that................ If not then I'll donate the money £50 to the winner and he/she can add it to their money to go to the charity......................if that makes any sort of sense whatsoever :confused:
falling rain said:
Wow :eek: Just noticed this thread. What a great bunch you all are donating stuff and bidding. :You_Rock_ and big up the private bidder :notworthy
There's no way I can match that bid but I'd like to offer something too as it's a wonderfully worthy cause. I have no spare kit to offer, or tuition (not insured) so I thought if the winning bidder was interested I'd offer up a days boat fishing on me. I'll arrange a mutually convenient date with the winning bidder and arrange everything with the skipper and pay for the both of us to go out for a days bassing or deep sea fishing. You'll have the use of all my gear rod, reel and traces, hooks weights etc and I'll show you all the ropes if you've not done it before. It'll be worth around £40 - £50 depending on when we go. I'm planning a trip maybe in late spring/early summer out of Almwch, Anglesey with this chap so if that's convenient and the winner is interested I'll pay for that................ If not then I'll donate the money £50 to the winner and he/she can add it to their money to go to the charity......................if that makes any sort of sense whatsoever :confused:
:35: Makes perfect sense.... Great contribution :)
spamel said:
How about starting a second auction? It will be another thing for those people who cannot afford 600 quid plus to bid on, and every little helps.
I agree, Spam. I am sure most of us want to help give to the charity, but when the figures go beyond many peoples means, there is little we can do.
Maybe we could start another auction that people can donate things to, and others can bid on an individual item, so the costs dont get too high.
Can we speak about this after the auction has finished, so this thread does not get cluttered and maybe confusing for potential bidders.....Cheers...
If anyone has any idea's or comments, please pm me...
I think a second auction is a grand Idea!:D

- may I suggest that we resist rthe temptation to add more items to this auctions prize fund now and leave it till auction 2;)
Great, I think that the current auction shows the spirit of the forum members, and the available items and work offered by the prize givers is fantatsic. It's also a lot of bang for your buck and I'm sure the current high bidder will be more than happy with his/her lot.

I look forward to a possible 2nd auction where I won't have to sell a kidney!!



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.