Charity Auction.Double headed axe, knife blade, scales, sheath, and bushcraft course.

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
This auction is ending at 8pm this evening. Do we have any last minute bidders out there....?
You are bidding for......
1x Marbles No 9 double headed hunters axe, re ground and polished up by British Red....

1x Stuart Mitchell knife blade, 01 tool steel, hardened to rc 59. This could be the last chance to get one of these..

1x set of curly birch knife scales and ali pins...

This knife will be put together by Bushwacker Bob, if the winning bidder desires, he makes up some fantastic looking knifes, check this link to see one of the knifes he re done.. Post no 22

1x leather knife sheaf, made by Rapid Boy, I think we have all seen his quality work....

1x beautifully carved fire steel, made by Stuart F...

1x lovely looking leather possibles pouch by g4ghb, and also a chartube....

And for somewhere to use your new tools, Wayne of Forest Knights is including a place on a bushcraft course. I attended this course last year and had a great time and learnt loads....

So, not only will you get all of this, you will also get the satisfaction, that all your money has gone to a worthy charity...

We also have as prizes, a Song Of The Paddle 2007 Yearbook, and canoe stickers....


1 x Ice King Combination Waterstone 1000 x 6000 Grit
1 x Ice King Waterstone 6000 Grit
1 x Ice King Waterstone 1200 Grit
1 x Ice King Waterstone 800 Grit
2 x Naguro Stones
1 x Rubber Foot Stone Holder Thingy

And....1x pocket knife

And.....1x nights accomodation in Fife....

AND..... 1x Day fishing trip with Falling Rain....See post above...

The winning bid now stands at £700

Also, if you feel you are able to donate to the charity, here is the direct link to it.....
If you want to read more about what this is for, click this link....
Hey does anyone know if it would be possible to have say an auction forum under the market place forums. That way you could have an auction for your own kit as well as charity auctions under one place. Id like to see more auctions with less kit in them so everyone can bit smaller ammounts.

Anyone else think this kind of thing is a good idea?
Thats it guys, tis all done...
Many congratulations to our winning bidder Warthog 1981.
Big thanks to everyone who has got involved in this, I am really chuffed at the outcome of it all.
Mr Warthog sir, your a gentleman, would you now kindly donate £700 into the charity or have a word with Magikelly for other payment options. When all is done please pm your details to all the prize givers and sit back and wait for the postman....
Thanks again peeps..... :You_Rock_

Re 2nd auction...I do want to do another smaller auction, I have sent Tony a pm about doing one and am waiting for his responce before I do anything. I have had many pm's about this, from people wanting to donate stuff and people wanting to bid on stuff. I will let you guys know......
Oh no....Site has now crashed and I can't get this up...Thanks for waiting till the auction finished before starting the maintenence though....
Congratulations to Mr Wathog!

What a fantastic auction and what an amazing set of items that were donated to it!

Well done Jon for organising and everyone that added to it. :You_Rock_

All I can say is I am humbled to be amongst such giants of men!

Jon all repect to you for starting this, Warthog, all respect to you for finishing it!

Mr(s) X - you will get your reward in your afterlife of choice!

To the prize givers - by the rule of three you should all have a fantastic year.

THIS thread, above all others, shows the "spirit of the campfire"

I am truly humbled to be amongst you

Congratulations Warthog you are a real star. It's been very tense over the last few days. I don't know if I can stand it! Anyway it was great to see a charity benefit whilst we all had great entertainment. Look forward to the next auction :You_Rock_
warthog1981 said:
payment is done :)

And with extra added :eek: :eek:

You are a true gent

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

If the button worked you would be repped out of this world!

To one and all. Truly a beautiful example of humanity at work - Bushcrafters be proud of yourselves.

And Red - you are way too nice. This was all begun by you and although we're all aware you are not looking for any plaudits I take my hat off to you.

(and to you John ;) )


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.