Charity Auction.Double headed axe, knife blade, scales, sheath, and bushcraft course.

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Fantastic auction but would the sum of seperate auctions not exceed the total as one biggie?
I realise that is not how the auction started but the generosity of the community has changed the field a bit.
Just my pennysworth (not a bid) :)
Things like THIS is what the Rep tool is for!!!! - Such a shame some 'bad kids' spoiled the game for the rest of us!:(

So i'd like to echo others comments by saying :You_Rock_ guys! :D

Sadly I can't afford to bid but to add to the 'pot' surely the winner needs something to carry things in so I'll add this to the stash!


Ok it is not to the standard of some others here but it does the job (and i'll bung in a shiny chartube as well ;) )
I'm getting soo tempted to bid here

But ...I just paid to post that axe :(

If it doesn't go up though......

Urgh the temptation of a credit card.... Since I'm just starting to put kit together, this is very hard to resist.....
I'm just wondering what the payment methods will be for the auction as Im considering bidding but i dont have paypal. are there any other ways.

Jon Pickett said:
......1x Stuart Marsh knife blade

Mitchell.... My name is Stuart Mitchell.... I was born in the year 1970, began a 7 year apprenticeship in the cutlery industry at the age of 15 yrs. At the age of 25 I took over the family business, Pat Mitchell (Cutlers), and just recently made the decision to begin branding my knives as Stuart Mitchell, not Pat Mitchell....

At least the Stuart is spelt correctly though :rolleyes:

Okay, I've tidied up the posts a bit so the others say Stuart Mitchell, and cleared out some that don't make sense now too :D
MitchelHicks said:
I'm just wondering what the payment methods will be for the auction as Im considering bidding but i dont have paypal. are there any other ways.


The Just Giving site accepts ALL major credit and debit cards but on the off chance they do not accept your I will accept a cheque and make the payment for you and gift aid it.
stuart m said:
Mitchell.... My name is Stuart Mitchell.... I was born in the year 1970, began a 7 year apprenticeship in the cutlery industry at the age of 15 yrs. At the age of 25 I took over the family business, Pat Mitchell (Cutlers), and just recently made the decision to begin branding my knives as Stuart Mitchell, not Pat Mitchell....

At least the Stuart is spelt correctly though :rolleyes:

So what knives do you make now then how about branding them with Mitchel so it looks like there personalised for me lol.

MagiKelly said:
The Just Giving site accepts ALL major credit and debit cards but on the off chance they do not accept your I will accept a cheque and make the payment for you and gift aid it.

Thanks have to see how much money I can get together doubt ill have enough though. Would like that knife and sheath.

Thanks anyway.
Ok guys, this is going great, lets re cap....
You are bidding for......
1x Marbles No 9 double headed hunters axe, re ground and polished up by British Red....

1x Stuart Mitchell knife blade, 01 tool steel, hardened to rc 59. This could be the last chance to get one of these..

1x set of curly birch knife scales and pins...

This knife will be put together by Bushwacker Bob, if the winning bidder desires, he makes up some fantastic looking knifes, check this link to see one of the knifes he re done.. Post no 22

1x leather knife sheaf, made by Rapid Boy, I think we have all seen his quality work....

1x beautifully carved fire steel, made by Stuart F...

1x lovely looking leather possibles pouch by g4ghb, and also a chartube....

And for somewhere to use your new tools, Wayne of Forest Knights is including a place on a bushcraft course. I attended this course last year and had a great time and learnt loads....

So, not only will you get all of this, you will also get the satisfaction, that all your money has gone to a worthy charity...

Highest bidder is Silverback @ £300.00....
Crikey, this took ages to do, hope I got it all right.....
Toddy said:
I'll tidy it up when you get it all tied together Jon. :)
Thanks Toddy.....
Sorry Stuart, I blame Bushwacker Bob for that.....

Fixed it :D ...but it doesn't seem right to remove all the conversation too. Hope things still make sense.
I've just been reading through all the posts on this thread. Unfortunately I can't make a bid but I did get very emotional at all the good will and generousity being displayed on the site. It makes me very proud to share thoughts etc. with you guys. :)
How are the items being posted will it be before or after postage and how are you going to prove that the money has been donated.

When does the auction end by the way.

MitchelHicks said:
How are the items being posted will it be before or after postage and how are you going to prove that the money has been donated.

When does the auction end by the way.

For my part I'll post direct to the winner... Not sure when it ends but the blade will be ready by the end of next week.... As for proof, I would dearly hope it wouldn't be needed, I'm sure it could be organised though :)
Jon you forgot the Song of the Paddle Yearbook


The canoe stickers



MitchelHicks said:
How are the items being posted will it be before or after postage and how are you going to prove that the money has been donated.

When does the auction end by the way.


If you pay through the Just Giving site your name and the amount you donated is visible.

As you can see
MitchelHicks said:
How are the items being posted will it be before or after postage and how are you going to prove that the money has been donated.

When does the auction end by the way.

If the prizes can be sent direct to the winning bidder, when the funds have been put into the Just Giving site , that would be the easiest. I would ask the winning bidder to pm the prize givers with their address...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.