bushcrafty pet hates!!

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Litter, of course, and thoughtless b******s who think that, after a skin full of coarse red wine or home brew, reckon that their music is sweeter and more subtle than the music of the night. Crowds, too, get my thumbs down, so do cars, though they can be useful and light pollution - few things nark me off more than that dreadful orange glow from towns and roads.

I think I'll take a cold bath now...
My pet hates, too many to list really, people who collect, not items I can understand collecting things like knives, axes tents, and the like, but people who like to tick off things, “done the Cairngorms, done the Lakes, done the Trossachs” they go to places for a day or a weekend and even thought they are there, they are not really looking at them, they are just after another checkbox to check.. I call it the “bush tourism mentality”
People who think too deeply about what they are doing/should be doing.
People who leave disposable nappies laying about on the foot paths.
People who mock others who are keen to learn
People who use words like chav, hoodie and ned not knowing or caring that the are pandering to worst of the Daily mail stereotyping.
People who ask people to ‘list things’. :)
The thing that really gets me going is the rubbish left in the countryside by landowners and farmers, feed bags and buckets, rusting wire and corrugated sheet etc, then moan about our right to roam.
I was going to post my pet hates then I read all these other pet hates and realised that I just hate the general public, individuals are fine but in general the public are not.

midge's and mosquito's, if I could bring an end to these 2 I would be a very happy man ......until all the things that eat them dropped dead then I would not be

i hate having to go back to work and drive on motorways !!
People who rightly pick up their dogs mess but then proceed to hang the plastic bag containing the dog mess from a tree. In my local woods it looks like some kind of christmas tree competition. I do put part of the blame on local councils who introduced the law on dog mess but then dont bother to supply the bins for the waste to go into.
As far as im concearned, id rather they let their dogs go poopoo away from the footpath; at least it biodegrades.
Hmmmm... I'd have to say two things: a long walk in with a full pack, and the long walk out again.
Gear freak snobs:lmao:
And Ray Mears worshipers..."what kind of ....does Ray wear/use?" Man that just does my nut in. :D

I agree with you. I can take the mud, the wet, being eaten alive by midges and catching Lymes Disease from ticks. I have come to accept that no matter where you go somebody will have been before you and dropped a crisp packet, empty Carling Black Label tin or the contents of a skip but nothing makes my a**e twitch as much as the bushcraft fashion parade.

I went on a course last year at a well known bushcraft school and one of the students must have got changed twice a day for 3 days. What he didn't have from Noronna/Fjellraven/Swazi/Swandri wasn't worth having.
I'd agree with everything said so far, especially the litter, noise and fashion parade stuff.

I hate irresponsible dog owners who leave mess as stated above, partly because of the mess but more because responsible dog owners (me) get tarred with the same brush as these half-wits.
Litter I think is my ultimate pet hate also its hard to find anywhere you cant hear traffic and I dont really like the term bushcraft.
I get annoyed by most of whats been mentioned here.

But what I hate, is , when that same annoyance becomes irrational and apparantly uncontrollable, ...Truth is, I hate it when these, relatively small things goad me into black and almost instant mood change, and into the losing of my temper......

Sure, theres always going to be something out there, with which we disagree or find repulsive, But is that sufficient cause to "hate", and thus, to shorten ones fuse?.

What does get me riled, though, is the fact that I always seem to miss out on moots or bimbles, due to prior commitments!

moral superiority is one of my pet hates :)


Anyone that knows me knows I hate head lamps, bright torches, and ruddy great gas lanterns that are shone right into the eyes of anyone in range in the dark. :eek:

A glow stick gives you all the light you need to search your kit with. A small torch is all you need to walk through the woods to your pitch.

Why wreck my night vision just because you can't be bothered to use your own. :cussing:

Anyone that knows me knows I hate head lamps, bright torches, and ruddy great gas lanterns that are shone right into the eyes of anyone in range in the dark. :eek:

A glow stick gives you all the light you need to search your kit with. A small torch is all you need to walk through the woods to your pitch.

Why wreck my night vision just because you can't be bothered to use your own. :cussing:

I hope that's not a dig a Andy e's camp in the Trossachs! PMSL only kidding Gary!
I've never been to a meet where someone hasn't done it. :twak:

It seems to be some thing kids are very prone to doing with torches but head lamps are the problem with adults.

Most adults think about where they shine a torch, but forget that they are wearing a headlamp when they are talking to you. :bluThinki
I have been guilty a few times of head torchery, I'd rather somebody spoke out and said "Yeah, cheers Spam, my retinas are burning by now!" than suffering in silence. I've not done it often, but have sometimes realised and been quite apologetic about it!

And mountain bikers aren't all that bad, The Ratbag loves it when they drop their tenner on the footpath he is walking down! :D
ditto... but equally and without having a go, arrogant trespassers who come onto your / your family's land, drop litter and made a god-awful mess than cite 'the right to roam' as an excuse :(

Yeah, I don't hate all landowners, plenty are very helpful. Litter droppers are hated in general.
:o :o
Ok mine is not being able to find something I know is in my pack, Mis lying something in the house is one thing - but in side a 2' x 3' canvas bag....:o :rolleyes:

Ah, I've done that before, once couldn't find any socks in my pack, so I was stuck wearing one pair of kilt socks for a whole week in hot weather. As soon as I opened my pack at home, I found all my socks.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.