bushcrafty pet hates!!

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Music in the woods.

I went into the woods to listen to owls calling, deer barking and hedgehogs rustling around. If I wanted to hear some talentless nerk with their hand clamped to their ear or murdering some inferior "folk song" on some hideous instrument they insisted on dragging along I would have gone to a festival

Interesting. There I am encouraging discussion about music and bushcraft and then I go and find myself agreeing with you Red. Time and a place for everything. Keep the music in the head or at party times when the wildlife is already scared well away.
I like mountain bikers. It's good fun and a way to travel on the easier terrain. I question the damage people say they cause, particularly when you have argo cats and land rovers driving all over for stalking.
I like mountain bikers. It's good fun and a way to travel on the easier terrain. I question the damage people say they cause, particularly when you have argo cats and land rovers driving all over for stalking.
Being patronised by people who think that because they know something, everyone else doesn't. Especially when what they're telling me is something they've picked up from a RM show and is being quoted word for word as if they came up with the idea.

And litter. My God that irritates me.
And by the way people; the fire is not a bin. No one's gonna come along every tuesday morning and empty it for you. Your rusty tin of beans will still be there in years to come, patiently waiting for you to pick it up and bloody well take it home.
Litter is one and the further I am from 'civilisation' the angrier it makes me, if you can carry it out here, you can carry it back.

Midges, far worse than clegs/horseflies IMHO at least the clegs attack one at a time and you've got a chance of getting them before they get you but midgies ahhhh drive me insane.

That long long trailling bramble that gets you above the boot, trips you up and lacerates your shin, no brambles or no blackberries, tough call.

That said however I would always far rather be "out there"than "in here", guess that's why I never got that "proper job" :) (big grin)

Oh and re. dog c**p if I'm on public ground or walks I bag it and take it away, if I'm way out in the sticks I let it bio-degrade, but bagging it then throwing into hedge worst of all options, just don't.
Music in the woods.

I went into the woods to listen to owls calling, deer barking and hedgehogs rustling around. If I wanted to hear some talentless nerk with their hand clamped to their ear or murdering some inferior "folk song" on some hideous instrument they insisted on dragging along I would have gone to a festival


Well, I can see how that would be disturbing, both for you and the forest, but it sounds like it's more 'performance' than music itself that bothers you? I think that there is a time and place for music in the forest. I've often slept out in various forests with only my guitar for company. Far from frightening the fauna, soft soothing melodic music with a steady rhythm can bring you a varied audience, especially singing. Wake up to the sunlight breaking through the trees; knock up a brew or two, and then sing a few songs to say hello and thank you. I have never done this with other people around. I wouldn't want to disturb anyone, and I wouldn't want anyone to disturb me!

While on the road with my bike and trailer I've stopped several times to sing for animals. Just me and them. Horses. Cows. Deer. They like it. They come over and either stand there chewing the cud staring at me or graze nearby just the other side of the fence. Hey, if you're ever on the long and lonely, you need all the companionship you can rustle up! And once I sat on an upturned bucket in a deserted (of people) farmyard in France and played my guitar, and had a wonderful time with everything with legs coming to check me out! Just keep singing, keep it steady, and they come up and sniff you and your hideous instrument all over... I guess it's just curiosity, but it's nice when they come to you, you can get a good look at them getting a good look at you.

I hope you can get away from your pet peeve, British Red, and I promise that if we ever find ourselves in a forest within singing range of each other I shall put my guitar away, close the case and sit firmly upon it until you are once again at a safe distance!

For me it is Sundays, well not the day its self but the offroad bikers who come into the forest i use, ruining the paths, and frightening off every living thing for miles. Police and F/C seem powerless to do any thing about them.
Like most here litter is a peeve :aargh4: It's amazing how many black adn white bags are hanging in trees looking like long streamers of plastic, especialy river banks...fire damage, especially instant BBQ's. I've sat around fires before and people put their rubbish on them, all of it including dirty nappies :( On the one hand I think to myself that it's amazing how little damage there is out there and on the other it's all over, I don't think that most people notice it, we do because it's an area of interest for us.

Hacked tree branches and the like makes me sad.

And mozzies I hate them, I've already got bites all over me and that's just from the garden, they can really ruin things for me
For me it is Sundays, well not the day its self but the offroad bikers who come into the forest i use, ruining the paths, and frightening off every living thing for miles. Police and F/C seem powerless to do any thing about them.

i have resorted to taking the reg number or making it my mission to find the mother vehicle and calling both the FC and the police with the Reg number , from what i have been told get enough reports and they can destroy the offending vehicles as well as a fine.

one of the forests i visit used to have a bad problem with them but not to bad now, i would like to think that was to do with me but i will never know?
Oh and re. dog c**p if .... but bagging it then throwing into hedge worst of all options, just don't.

Oh yeah! That's the one (followed closely by discarded nappies). I've lost count of the number of bags of sh1te that I've seen hanging from trees or bushes or squashed under foot.

In 1000 years archaeologists will be wondering why they keep finding petrified faces in plastic bags ...
In 1000 years archaeologists will be wondering why they keep finding petrified faces in plastic bags ...

It's clearly some sort of ritualistic behaviour. Perhaps the people of the early 21st century believed they could appease their gods through votive offerings of excrement, wrapped and placed in trees. As strange as it may seem, the widespread nature of the practice and the durable nature of the wrappings clearly indicates that this was of considerable cultural significance. ;)
I was furious when I saw that someone had 'ringed' an old oak tree in woods near me. I aked the ranger about it and it was a malicious act... I hate people sometime.

Also, people who ask 'do you think you're Ray Mears or someone? hehe'

But other than the usual dog mess, litter etc - I'm fairly easy going.
Hate litter and midges. Also rain, smoke in eyes, and wet wood.

Also headaches when camping...even when I try to get as much water down me as possible. :rolleyes:

Anyone that knows me knows I hate head lamps, bright torches, and ruddy great gas lanterns that are shone right into the eyes of anyone in range in the dark. :eek:

A glow stick gives you all the light you need to search your kit with. A small torch is all you need to walk through the woods to your pitch.

Why wreck my night vision just because you can't be bothered to use your own. :cussing:
Eeek! Guilty as charged

I keep forgetting I've swapped out the puny bulb in my mini-maglite for a harsh LED one... batteries last forever, but it does tend to blind anyone in the vicinity

Add another vote for gear snobs - especially the lightweight fanatics - I'm happy with my bombproof trangia, even if it does weigh more than a coke can and crusader. :)
It's clearly some sort of ritualistic behaviour. Perhaps the people of the early 21st century believed they could appease their gods through votive offerings of excrement, wrapped and placed in trees. As strange as it may seem, the widespread nature of the practice and the durable nature of the wrappings clearly indicates that this was of considerable cultural significance. ;)


(I wonder how often we misinterpret things from the past!?!?)
Yeah, thats my hate... dog mess! Its beyond me why people are so thick as to bag up their dog's mess and then throw it into tree's and hedge-rows, seemingly on show, its disgusting and shameful. I would much rather the muck stayed on the bloomin path and return to nature in a week or two than be preserved in a bag for 100 years!
Forgot to say...human crxp, any well used wild casmpsite up here is littered with human waste. Just check out the well used islands on Loch Lomand...it's like an open bog in places!

When will people learn to shallow scrape, burn their paper and stir and cover? Or dare I say bag and bin it!

Urghhh... agreed. Cairngorms when the snow melts, especially around the usual snowholing spots. Was nice to see a real anti-poo campaign this year! :rolleyes:

As for the headtorch thing.... *hides in a corner* - guilty as charged - not that I think I've ever met you Gary! Guess it's not something I'd ever thought about; mostly I'm with people who're also wearing them so being blinded occasionally is part and parcel. I'll bear it in mind for non-headtorch-wearers in future!
pet peeves anything that damages the country side ie litter. dog muck bags, pollution, but i love midgees due to they attack everyone else but me. Now then let you in on a secret and that is wear links body spray/ deoderant and they wont touch you.
i dont know why this is the case its just since i started wearing it a few summers ago they dont touch me yet they used to love me. drew
Digging a hole, planting my bum into position, then being zapped by a nettle in the buttock (or worse)!!

Bearable when just about to start, not generally good at the end, but catastrophic half-way through the motion!!!

Oh yes, the usual intrusions of a modern society as mentioned above.


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