bushcrafty pet hates!!

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Full Member
Jan 14, 2006
OK, we are all on here for the same reason, we all love bushcraft, nature, primitive living skills, the outdoors etc.... but is there anything that you do not like about out favourite past time?? i personally hate midges, anything that tastes like onion and litter!

What grinds your gears??

Having just got back from a brilliant weekend on the midlands meet up, I must say mud now rates more highly in my pet hates than it did, although perhaps I should take part of the blame for that for not fixing my leaky shoe!
And midges yes!
Litter, noisy $%^&, litter, noisy £$%^.

Mud, isn't that part of the fun, wondering how it got into places that dont see the light of day?
I agree with Tone def I hate other peoples messes, I can remember finding a spot on a lake that every time a wave would come ashore it sounded like a wind chime because there was so much broken glass. My wife and I went home and got a wagon and a few grain sacks we filled three grain sacks with broken glass and beer cans. We thought we had cleaned the area up nice when we returned it was trashed again old carpets and all kinds of other trash.
Litter. Arrogant landowners who try to deny you rightful access. Drunk, smoking hermits who you occasionally find in bothies.
But isnt litter and drunken bums not really a bushcraft pet hate and more of an `intrusion of modern decay into our bushcrafting persuits` pet hate? :)
I agree with Tone def I hate other peoples messes, I can remember finding a spot on a lake that every time a wave would come ashore it sounded like a wind chime because there was so much broken glass. My wife and I went home and got a wagon and a few grain sacks we filled three grain sacks with broken glass and beer cans. We thought we had cleaned the area up nice when we returned it was trashed again old carpets and all kinds of other trash.

That must hurt, and make you feel "is it worth it..?"
I hate litter too and even more so, the people who drop the litter..
Also, that burdock burr that has embedded itself into the wooly jumper,and the blackbird that just won't shut up at 4 in the morning....
Well I suppose, but you have to post something. Midges and stuff aren't that annoying, just use net and repellant. Mud I don't mind that much, just makes it more of a challenge.
Music in the woods.

I went into the woods to listen to owls calling, deer barking and hedgehogs rustling around. If I wanted to hear some talentless nerk with their hand clamped to their ear or murdering some inferior "folk song" on some hideous instrument they insisted on dragging along I would have gone to a festival

I know of one person who dislikes the knife snobbery often seen in the bushcrafting world! I find it amusing to be honest. Who really cares what knife a person uses? As long as they can get it to do what they want it to do it really doesn't matter, but I must say that Rambo style knives do leave me a little cold!

Rubbish is one of my pet hates though, and dog mess. Dumped barbies are also another one, all that effort to carry in a barbeque and a crate of beer and a bag of charcoal and all the food and afterwards you have a barbeque and some empty tins weighing a fraction of what was hauled in, but it gets dumped under the nearest holly bush! :rolleyes: Pretty ignorant really.
Littering by the lazy, dirty cretins is a real bugbear.

Clegs & midgies however are just miserable blighters :(

I'd love to stake out the litterers in a midge and cleg infested damp woodland :D :D :twak: :soapbox:

Personally i hate ego's. if its the im a mimimalist all i need is a flint flake or the other kind.
We all enjoy the outdoors and the solitue and well being it brings to the soul.
I am a kit junky, i dont care what you think, i just love being outdoors and thats all i need thank you.

Littering by the lazy, dirty cretins is a real bugbear.

Clegs & midgies however are just miserable blighters :(

I'd love to stake out the litterers in a midge and cleg infested damp woodland :D :D :twak: :soapbox:


Ah! Clegs. An absolute nightmare, far worse than midges I think.
Arrogant landowners who try to deny you rightful access

ditto... but equally and without having a go, arrogant trespassers who come onto your / your family's land, drop litter and made a god-awful mess than cite 'the right to roam' as an excuse :(

moving on to happier subjects though (well, kinda!).... bugs that bite and bugs that sting. Drive me nuts!!!
People who tell me I should buy expensive inferior kit with a shorter life so I can shave a few grams, people who tell me I take too much in too big a bag. People who tell me I don't take enough. People who tell me I wouldn't survive with my kit if the world ended. Basically anyone who has a problem with my kit selection!!!

Ego's, overly competitively people, loud people who shout over you, argumentitive people

Music, especially from electronic kit

Bushcrafters who leave rubbish - yes, they are out there - no there's no excuse

People who don't care about seeing wildlife or birds unless they are rare


For a bit of balance, here's my pet faves :D

Silence from all noise but nature

That blackbird that won't shutup at 4 in the morning ;)

Landowners who look after their land and don't let a single chemical touch the soil


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.