Bloody ghost!!

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Apr 7, 2012
Castleford, West Yorkshire
There definitely was something strange about our old place. Never had any orbs. Never saw anything, I'd like to think there's a good explanation of what we had happening, but can't think of anything.

I've always taken these stories with a pinch of salt in the past, but since my experience, I have an open mind.

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M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
...also my local woods at coxhoe hall is haunted buy the blue lady its a girl servent who was killed by her boyfriend who was the coachman of the hall he locked her in a store room and she suffercated its a well known tale as it only happened in the 1890's....

Coachman in the 1890s? The steam train had been around for decades by then; and early automobiles (albeit expensive ones) for a few years. Not doubting the possibility; just marvelling at it. It's a time period (one of transition) that fascinates me.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
We had one event in our last house. Our daughter was young, pre teen, came running down the stairs saying there was an old women in her room. I checked and obviously nothing was there.

The following day the wife went into work and one of her staff said she had a 'message' for her (the nurse is a spiritualist medium), the message was "she was very sorry to have frightened the little girl, she should not have seen her and clean your grill its filthy". Can't explain that one away...and the grill was a mess lol.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 24, 2011
I've got a ghost that takes liberties when I'm drunk. It usually nicks £30 out of my wallet, hides my keys, leaves the TV on, takes a dump in my kecks and empties an ashtray into my mouth when I'm asleep.


Dec 28, 2010
Coachman in the 1890s? The steam train had been around for decades by then; and early automobiles (albeit expensive ones) for a few years. Not doubting the possibility; just marvelling at it. It's a time period (one of transition) that fascinates me.
are you sure? the first horseless carrage on uk roads was july 1895 by a mr ellis who founded the original daimler company and the rac also we live in a little village were even today horse and carts are quite common yes as pleasure but i know horse power back in the 1900's was still the main transport i our area and guessing most others for everyday use


Aug 31, 2012
New Zealand
A few days ago I was walking down the street when I saw a sort of sillhouette of an old man with a walker. 'Silhouette' is the only way I can describe it, as the figure was completely black. It turned right down a long driveway, which I thought was strange, as I thought it was the friendly old man who lived only a couple of driveways away.
I was only a driveway or two away from him, so I hurried to catch up to say hello, but when I got to the driveway he was gone. He definitely turned down that driveway, and there were no bushes lining the driveway. I checked the driveways beside it, but he wasn't there. I mean, he was walking at a snail pace, with a walker, how could he just disappear? I can't decide if it was a ghost, or an old man who sprinted down a long driveway, with a walker, in 2 seconds flat.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
If ghosts were so common and readily seen or heard then they would be a normal part of our general awareness with several hundred plus academic theses on the phenomonen. They are not and there are not such academic treaties treating them as a reality rather than the body and mind's tricks and odd but natural happenings.

Fat Rog

Sep 30, 2012
Rotherham, S. Yorks
I'm not so sure anymore. I am normally sceptical whenever I hear ghost stories and tales of haunted houses. I laugh at programs like Most Haunted and the like, they're just so fake. But even I have to admit that some weird things happened at our old house. We hadn't been living there long when we went on a day trip to the coast. For a giggle Wifey went to see a palm reader who told her that we would be moving house soon. Wifey told her that it wasn't likely as we'd just moved and were really happy. But the palm reader insisted we'd be moving again before too long. We laughed it off, the house was perfect as far as we were concerned, a lovely big four bedroomed semi with a nice big back garden for the kids to play in. The area wasn't the best but the house was lovely, as were the neighbours. We honestly thought we'd be happy there. Then a few strange things happened. Firstly the bathroom door started to lock itself. I thought at first it was one of the kids messing about, as it was possible to turn the screw from the outside of the door and lock it, but this one time I had just been to the bathroom when I heard the door locking behind me. Everyone else was in the living room. I checked the door lock and it wasn't loose, in fact it was a bit stiff. Never the less, this must have happened nearly a dozen times while we were living there. We would hear footsteps on the stairs when no one else was there. It wasn't the next door neighbours stairs we were hearing as they were on opposite ends of the semi.

One evening we were in bed when we heard the littlest one calling for her mum. Not crying as such, but something had woken her (she normally slept right through the night) and she was clearly upset by something. She would have been two an a half or thereabouts, 'cos she was still in her cot, but she was talking fairly clearly. Wifey went in to find out what was wrong. "That man says I've got a mucky face" said the bairn. "What man?" says the wife. "That dead man there" said the little one, pointing to the foot of the cot. Now as I said, she was just two and a half and to our knowledge didn't know what dead meant or that she'd ever even heard the word before, so it was a bit strange. Of course there was nobody at the end of the cot. But sure enough there was a mucky mark on her face. Over the next couple of months she talked about the "dead man" a few times, never in an upset way though, almost like he was a friend.

We then found out that the previous occupant had died in that very room. Not only that, he had grown up just a few doors from my wifes childhood home and it turned out that my wife knew other members of his family quite well. He had grown up and left home before my wife was old enough to remember him, so until this point we had not made the connection. But her mother and some of her older siblings did remember him, and that he had died quite young, in his early 30's. By all accounts though he was a decent bloke and if he was haunting us he wasn't really meaning to "haunt" us. But the whole thing was freaking my wife out and she insisted that we get a spiritualist medium in, so we did.

The medium said not to tell him anything beforehand about what we were experiencing because it could "cloud his sight". When he came he said that there was a man present but the man was confused because the house was different to how he remembered it. But he also said that the he wasn't meaning us any harm. "He likes talking to the little one" he said. But wifey didn't like the thought of sharing with a ghost, so he blessed the house and said we'd have no more bother as he had guided the man over to the "other side". To his credit, the medium wouldn't take a penny, which if nothing else shows that he wasn't in it for the money, he didn't even want petrol money. And nothing did happen again, at least not in a ghostly way. We did a bit more asking and found out that the man had actually died at least two decades before we moved in, but his wife had remained there until she moved to a retirement bungalow. Between his death and his wife moving out the house underwent some drastic changes to the interior layout, which if you believe in ghosts would possibly explain his confusion.

Now the really weird bit. We ended up moving less than a year later, just like the palm reader had predicted. We were burgled you see and it really put us on edge, so we moved again (maybe we should've let the ghost stay, he could have scared the burglars out ;)). We settled into our new home and got on with life. One day, the wife was walking to her Mums bungalow with the little one and decided on a whim to walk past her childhood home. As she was walking, the little one pointed to the house where the man who had died had lived from birth to adulthood. "I used to live there when I was big" said the little one. Needless to say, this kinda sent shivers down all our backs. But that was the last thing that has ever happened. The little one never mentioned the dead man again, and she has no memory of it. She is now 17.

I don't believe in God and the devil, I don't believe in spiritualism and I certainly don't believe in palmistry, but every now and then something shakes your beliefs (or lack thereof). This shook mine big time. Was it really a ghost? Is my daughter the reincarnation of my wifes families old neighbour? Who knows? Each event on it's own could probably be explained - daughter had a dream and then made up an imaginary friend, house was settling at night and makes noises that sound like footsteps, door lock mechanism could be faulty. But it was that last statement by our daughter "I used to live there when I was big", that's the one that really shook me. It's possible that it was just a coincidence that she pointed to that house, and little kids often say daft things. But I just don't know, it's a lot of coincidences and a lot of things happened while we lived there. It's the combination of all the things together that makes me wonder.


Jun 24, 2012
Angus, Scotland
If ghosts were so common and readily seen or heard then they would be a normal part of our general awareness with several hundred plus academic theses on the phenomonen. They are not and there are not such academic treaties treating them as a reality rather than the body and mind's tricks and odd but natural happenings.

I'm not really convinced by these sorts of things, but I think you put rather too much faith in science.

In the first instance, there is a big difference between "real" and "measurable". Many things that are real cannot be readily measured, and many things that can be measured ultimately turn out not to be real.

In the second instance, working in academia I can tell you that science is very ego driven and very few professional academics will put themselves on the line publishing anything they think will result in ridicule. Academics on the whole tend to be materialist atheists so they also have ideological reasons for both ignoring strange phenomena and discounting them where they do see them.

If there were such a thing as ghosts (and I'm not saying there is) I can tell you for absolute certain their existence would not be given a fair hearing by scientists and you would not see anything but self-congratulatory derision regarding them in the academic literature.

Fat Rog

Sep 30, 2012
Rotherham, S. Yorks
But they would be every where wouldn't they? People have died all over the place, why are there no cave man, dinosaur or whale ghosts flouncing about the place?

The theory is that when you die your spirit moves on to the "next world", be it heaven, valhalla or whatever, but that occasionally some people don't make it all the way for some reason. Thus they are trapped in between worlds. Don't know if it applies to whales. Dinosaurs though, hmmm. Nessie anyone? :lmao:

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
The theory is that when you die your spirit moves on to the "next world", be it heaven, valhalla or whatever, but that occasionally some people don't make it all the way for some reason. Thus they are trapped in between worlds. Don't know if it applies to whales. Dinosaurs though, hmmm. Nessie anyone? :lmao:

Ah! So this is a religious thread. :p I'm out!

Fat Rog

Sep 30, 2012
Rotherham, S. Yorks
Ah! So this is a religious thread. :p I'm out!

No, not at all. It's just the theory put forward by believers. Personally I don't believe in any god or any religion. I remain open to the possibility that there may be a different plane if you will, that our conciousness goes to when our bodies die, but that's not the same as religion. A religion is a belief "system" which attempts to explain how we got here, who made it all happen and where we go to if we've been good or bad in life. Being open to the possibilities might be seen by some as merely sitting on the fence. Maybe, but the view is great from up here, you can observe the clergy argue with the scientists about who is right and laugh, 'cos none of 'em have got it sussed yet :)


Jun 26, 2008
Woooooo Oooooooooooh



Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
I'm not so sure anymore. I am normally sceptical whenever I hear ghost stories and tales of haunted houses. I laugh at programs like Most Haunted and the like, they're just so fake. But even I have to admit that some weird things happened at our old house. We hadn't been living there long when we went on a day trip to the coast. For a giggle Wifey went to see a palm reader who told her that we would be moving house soon. Wifey told her that it wasn't likely as we'd just moved and were really happy. But the palm reader insisted we'd be moving again before too long. We laughed it off, the house was perfect as far as we were concerned, a lovely big four bedroomed semi with a nice big back garden for the kids to play in. The area wasn't the best but the house was lovely, as were the neighbours. We honestly thought we'd be happy there. Then a few strange things happened. Firstly the bathroom door started to lock itself. I thought at first it was one of the kids messing about, as it was possible to turn the screw from the outside of the door and lock it, but this one time I had just been to the bathroom when I heard the door locking behind me. Everyone else was in the living room. I checked the door lock and it wasn't loose, in fact it was a bit stiff. Never the less, this must have happened nearly a dozen times while we were living there. We would hear footsteps on the stairs when no one else was there. It wasn't the next door neighbours stairs we were hearing as they were on opposite ends of the semi.

One evening we were in bed when we heard the littlest one calling for her mum. Not crying as such, but something had woken her (she normally slept right through the night) and she was clearly upset by something. She would have been two an a half or thereabouts, 'cos she was still in her cot, but she was talking fairly clearly. Wifey went in to find out what was wrong. "That man says I've got a mucky face" said the bairn. "What man?" says the wife. "That dead man there" said the little one, pointing to the foot of the cot. Now as I said, she was just two and a half and to our knowledge didn't know what dead meant or that she'd ever even heard the word before, so it was a bit strange. Of course there was nobody at the end of the cot. But sure enough there was a mucky mark on her face. Over the next couple of months she talked about the "dead man" a few times, never in an upset way though, almost like he was a friend.

We then found out that the previous occupant had died in that very room. Not only that, he had grown up just a few doors from my wifes childhood home and it turned out that my wife knew other members of his family quite well. He had grown up and left home before my wife was old enough to remember him, so until this point we had not made the connection. But her mother and some of her older siblings did remember him, and that he had died quite young, in his early 30's. By all accounts though he was a decent bloke and if he was haunting us he wasn't really meaning to "haunt" us. But the whole thing was freaking my wife out and she insisted that we get a spiritualist medium in, so we did.

The medium said not to tell him anything beforehand about what we were experiencing because it could "cloud his sight". When he came he said that there was a man present but the man was confused because the house was different to how he remembered it. But he also said that the he wasn't meaning us any harm. "He likes talking to the little one" he said. But wifey didn't like the thought of sharing with a ghost, so he blessed the house and said we'd have no more bother as he had guided the man over to the "other side". To his credit, the medium wouldn't take a penny, which if nothing else shows that he wasn't in it for the money, he didn't even want petrol money. And nothing did happen again, at least not in a ghostly way. We did a bit more asking and found out that the man had actually died at least two decades before we moved in, but his wife had remained there until she moved to a retirement bungalow. Between his death and his wife moving out the house underwent some drastic changes to the interior layout, which if you believe in ghosts would possibly explain his confusion.

Now the really weird bit. We ended up moving less than a year later, just like the palm reader had predicted. We were burgled you see and it really put us on edge, so we moved again (maybe we should've let the ghost stay, he could have scared the burglars out ;)). We settled into our new home and got on with life. One day, the wife was walking to her Mums bungalow with the little one and decided on a whim to walk past her childhood home. As she was walking, the little one pointed to the house where the man who had died had lived from birth to adulthood. "I used to live there when I was big" said the little one. Needless to say, this kinda sent shivers down all our backs. But that was the last thing that has ever happened. The little one never mentioned the dead man again, and she has no memory of it. She is now 17.

I don't believe in God and the devil, I don't believe in spiritualism and I certainly don't believe in palmistry, but every now and then something shakes your beliefs (or lack thereof). This shook mine big time. Was it really a ghost? Is my daughter the reincarnation of my wifes families old neighbour? Who knows? Each event on it's own could probably be explained - daughter had a dream and then made up an imaginary friend, house was settling at night and makes noises that sound like footsteps, door lock mechanism could be faulty. But it was that last statement by our daughter "I used to live there when I was big", that's the one that really shook me. It's possible that it was just a coincidence that she pointed to that house, and little kids often say daft things. But I just don't know, it's a lot of coincidences and a lot of things happened while we lived there. It's the combination of all the things together that makes me wonder.

Fascinating story, thanks for telling it.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
Woooooo Oooooooooooh


scared of goats i can understand, i was chased by an angry billy goat once, it was all horns and hoofs and evil little eyes, and i'd got it into my head that as goats will eat "anything at all" (thanks dad), that i was most probably on the menu, but then i think i was only 6 at the time :lmao:

ghosts however, well whether they exist or not, what on earth is there to be scared of :dunno:


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