Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

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Do you own (or have you owned) a SAK?

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yes i have owned a couple of swiss army knives
but like some have said i stopped after quite badly cutting myself when the blade folded in on my finger cutting it back to the bone i now carry a leatherman surge when out and about which locks but have come a cropper a couple of times when at friends and didnt have a cork screw to open a bottle of wine lol.
these saks are costing a fortune... so far i have a red alox farmer,camo huntsman and a black swiss champ. i don't like the standard red scales...
I just got this one, Wenger NewRanger 55
Ooooh i love these long threads that go forever - tis what makes these forums great!
I must admit that i quite like the look of that Wenger NewRanger 55 to replace the workchamp i carry atm.
I've had a 'rucksack' for years now and it gets used for everything. I'd post pics but it's almost embarassing the state it's in now. The blade is scratched to hell and getting a bit banana shaped from sharpening it badly all the time, the screwdriver head wore away long ago, the saw is pretty blunt now and I've lost the toothpick :P

It's living out it's retirement years in the tool roll in the boot of the car now but still gets used a lot. It's been replaced by a Gerber recoil but I have been thinking of getting an Alox Farmer as long as the blade is under 3".
Yep i own a Victorinox Fisherman of mid eighties vintage.

Its well scratched & worn looking,the blade tips have been reground (due to others using them as screwdrivers :( ) but still perfectly serviceable and solid with no play in pivots.Still has the spring in the scissors which is a common failure!

Must admit the recent models ive handled dont feel as good in the hand the plastic side slabs seem more brittle/harder somehow.

Only blade that lives in the van these days what with all the ****ty leglislation in this country...:rolleyes:

Even though i really like the SAK my leatherman wave is my most used folder as the pliers seem to come in for allsorts, more handy when out mountain biking as well.
I have two victorinx knives one is the swiss army officers knife, the other is the alpiner knife, not too sure what is is called for the uk market but it is black and has a locking 4 inch blade, can opener, screwdriver, saw, corkscrew and gauge.


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