Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

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Do you own (or have you owned) a SAK?

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Has any one got the swisstool?
I have and i think its great.
Its good because all the tools lock and it is 100% stainless steel.
I just got a new Wenger Ranger 51. It's the Wenger version of the Vic OHSentinal. I also have on order a Wenger RangerGrip 58, which if I remember correctly was Wenger's proposal for the new Swiss Soldier Knife that is issued to Swiss troops.

I've always liked Victorinox better than Wenger until I got that Ranger. For the smaller knives I still like Victorinox, but for the bigger one handed blades I've become a Wenger fan.
I have a Victorinox Adventurer, which is identical to the Nomad except it has a Phillips screwdriver instead of a corkscrew.
i have a Victorinox Forester, its my EDC its permanently attached to my belt ;)
although correct me if i'm wrong but isn't it illegal to carry in a public place as its lockable?
i may have to grab another and keep this for camping only...
I'm on my second. They've both been the 'climber' model. The first was thrown away with some rubbish on a campsite in the Pyrenees by the Missus! Only discovered this at the next evening's wild-camp. Miffed? Not half.

New one has a lovely matt finish to it though, so I'm quite happy really!

:rolleyes: Yep. I have four. Got given a 'Walker', over the years, have also found two minis and a 'Huntsman'. Often use the 'Walker' and usually keep the 'Huntsman' in the car boot. As for the minis, one is on a BA and one is broken.

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Never owned one, never will. When I need a knife, I use a knife. When I need a corkscrew, I use a corkscrew. When I need a screwdriver, I use a screwdriver... there's a certain pattern forming there.

The only times I could have seen a use for an all in one multi-tool with a corkscrew, screwdriver, saw, fish scaler etc. etc. I'd already be carrying so much gear (picnic + fishing gear + bottles of wine) that the additional weight/bulk of carrying the proper tools to do the relevant jobs with would be trivial.

Of the people I know who do have them, not one keeps it sharp. Nuff said really :D
Yup - a Victorinox Sparta - had it since the mid-late 70s :) Also have a few of the diddy little keyring ones because people tend to get less freaked out by their use in an office environment...
I have 2, the Spartan which is my edc knife and has been for years. Also have a Huntsman, got it when I thought I'd lost the other one.:rolleyes:
swiss army knives are the only type of knives that I have consistantly loved and used since I started collecting (and using) knives as a small boy. I've always got a small one (executive with modifications) on my belt, I've another (mounaineer?) in my workshop first aid kit, another (spartan) lives in my car and another in my everyday rucksack (a climber, which is the oldest knife I still use, from when I was about 11).

As it happens I rarely use the knife blade on any but the ones in the car and the rucksack. I just keep so many around me because they have lots of useful tools that are needed at random times. A sak is a lot lighter to have sitting about rarely being used than a tool kit or even a multitool. Mostly I find the bottle opener, screwdrivers, tweezers, woodsaw, file and scissors get used the most.

the small one on my belt takes up no space and fits horizontally near the buckle so I don't notice it there. It means that I have a cutting tool on me when I have to go into 'civilisation' and the rest of the time I have a fixed blade on my belt so the sak provides the tweezers (handy when working around lots of thorns and splinters!) and scissors that mostly get used.

I've got at least a dozen more SAKs sitting in a box with the rest of my old knife collection and though I've sold off most of my good production knives (leaving me with the cheap and nasty and a few antiques), i wouldn't sell them as they are actually potentially useful tools :)
I do have a few SAK's in my arsenal, I mostly collect Western Knives. I had one as a boy in Boy Scouts and started buying a few at flea markets when I spot them. I have one in my camp kit and use it quite often. Handy knives to own.
I think the Swiss knife is the equivalent of a Barbie for boys. The only difference is that no matter how old we get we're still boys inside and as such, never seem to stop loving our toys.

But honestly, I don't how I would spend a single day without one of my Victorinox knifes. I've used every single bit countless of times even the little pen on my swisscard and the 3 inch ruler have proven to be invaluable tools.

I've used my SwissTool for more things than I could recall, from cutting through plasterboard (serrated blade) and repairing my car to building shelves.
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I think the Swiss knife is the equivalent of a Barbie for boys. The only difference is that no matter how old we get we're still boys inside and as such, never seem to stop loving our toys.

as boys get older the toys just get bigger and more expensive!

true story.

i had a few SAK clones when i was young - only just recently got an actual SAK - but lost it on dartmoor while on exercise.
got me a new one a month or so ago.

its a damn good knife - wouldn't be without it.



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