Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

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Do you own (or have you owned) a SAK?

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Hi. Between myself and the BAC we carry three. I have a glow-in-the-dark Huntsman which is on my keyring as my EDC, and the mem'sahib has a GITD mini on hers. She is on her second now as she forgot to put it in her checked baggage on her way through Bangkok Airport last year. It is the corkscrew and the tweezers that are the sellers for me as an EDC, and I find the GITD helpful too. I also carry a swisscard in a compact briefcase that I use for work. I have a leatherman supertool and a folding gerber and a gerber axe which I carry in 'layered' situations - the leatherman is in my daysack (camelbak mule) for day field trips for work, the other two are in my big rucsac (sabre 60-100) for extended field trips. So, leatherman for work, SAK for "social domestic and pleasure". Oh, and I have broken a number of SAK in the past, it never occured to me to try to get them fixed, so thanks for the tips on the repair options!
Yes I carry a SAK

The model is the one shown below


I aquired it when I was a countryside ranger, there was a demo of a swiss lawnmower at work by a company called "BUCHER" that specialised in heavy duty reciprocating mowers......

At the end of the demo we all got the above SAK and it has the word "BUCHER" inlaid into the handle. That was 15 years back and it's still used almost every day :-)
i've had this one 20yrs don't know the name of says ".victoria officer suisse " on the main blade......mack
Iv'e got two, one hunter and a wenger ranger, the hunter was issued to me about eight years ago and it's been in pocket ever since, even helped to build a camp in jungle when every other bit of kit had been taken away(youd be suprised at where you can hide things)the ranger came in to my possession at some point i don't remember buying it but i don't remember ever not owning it, i do need to get it fixed as the movers squashed it under their lorry last time we moved house,smashed one scale and bent the main blade, still usefull though.
Even my 85 year old Auntie is now!
I got her the one with a manicure set(scissors, nail file etc for Xmas.
She seems to like it.....:)

I should add that she is stil an active walker - last year I got her a walking pole which she loves - and I also gave her a Grangers boot care kit, a maglite and some other outdoory kit.

A couple of days a week she goes to the "old folks day centre" for tea

Making it for the old folks of 65!
Had a few and lost a few. Oldest one is a black-handled Forrester which is excellent and very handy. A wee bit worn and battered but still going strong. Also got a Tinker and a Sportsman lying around somewhere. Oddly enough, I've never been tempted by a SwissChamp. Too big and fiddly. If I was buying one now I'd probably go for a Tinker Deluxe - seems to have everything I'd need and little I wouldn't. Great knives at a great price but I'd always have a fixed blade as a first option.
I've worn a Swiss Champ for the last 34 years, updating a couple of times, and being given a new model when mine was lost whilst returned for repair.

I've always given my original (excellent condition) model to friends when I update, as I believe that these tools are meant to be used.

An excellent belt from Rancid Badger holds the Swiss Champ, Fenix P3D, Leatherman Supertool, Crunch and Micra.

A Huntsman and (another) Leatherman Micra live in my Packraft medical case, and a Leatherman Kick and an Olfa Touch-Knife live in my Packraft repair case.
I haven't posted here?! Interesting! I love swiss army knives! I have one in my pocket all the time. I don't have a collection of them or anything but I have a few and that's all I need. I have 2 Victorinox startans and one's my first SAK and I had my name engraved in it as a gift from my parents who also bought it for me in the first place. I also have a Wenger... Hold on gotta look it up... Hmm it doesn't seem to be on their site. It's a Wenger knife with a real tree type of camoflauge on the scales, a saw, cap lifter, can opener, nail file, cork screw, reamer and a locking serrated blade and all the tools have a dark grey coating of some sort on them. It's a normal sized knife though, not like the ones with the big handles that are shaped differently. It's actually smaller than my normal Victorinox spartans but not by alot so it's not one of those tiny ones. The lock is a little metal button kind of thing that says lock on it and it's sticking up next to the blade. It's kind of weird how I can't find this design on the site but I'm sure it's a real Wenger. I've also just ordered a Victorinox farmer yester... ok I guess the day before yesterday. I can't wait to get it and I think I'll be switching it to my EDC knife.
I have a Huntsman and a Climber been thinking of getting a Ranger. I also have a LM Crunch. It stays in the truck. Wish I had spent the money on something else.
Jon R.
I have a Leatherman Crunch, and it's ok, but a niche product.... The wrench part is useful, as it's more precisely engineered than Mole grips/Crescent wrench, and allows better placement in tight situations.

Given a choice, I wouldn't buy one, but I got mine as a 'credit' at a gunsmiths - he didn't want to give me a straight cash refund, so I looked around quickly, and said "I'll take one of those then".
I keep hearing that the Victorinox 'Mauser' knives are rare and collectible.... I have one, and it's nice, but I wouldn't have thought it particularly collectible, it's only a simple knife !

Is there any value in a hardly used but clumsily sharpened Mauser knife? I don't use it these days, so it could be a candidate for waving goodbye, along with a few othe knives that I don't use these days.
I keep hearing that the Victorinox 'Mauser' knives are rare and collectible.... I have one, and it's nice, but I wouldn't have thought it particularly collectible, it's only a simple knife !

Is there any value in a hardly used but clumsily sharpened Mauser knife? I don't use it these days, so it could be a candidate for waving goodbye, along with a few othe knives that I don't use these days.

I've no idea of the value of a Mauser model but this page on on the SOSAK site says they some times...." fetch exorbitant sums on E-Bay ".

I also found this site which sells used knives:

I don't know if they buy but they may be able to give you a idea of it's value.

Hope this is of help.
Cheers, Pete.


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