Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

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Do you own (or have you owned) a SAK?

  • Total voters
Here are mine:


Top Row
One Handed Trekker
Victorinox Champion with Chisel Swiss Army Knife

Middle (ish) Row
Farmer x 3 (Blue Alox)
Bantam (Red Plastic) - has Bantam tools but without toothpick & tweezers - has a VW corporate logo on the other side
Cadet (Red Alox)
Farmer x 2 (Red Alox) with split-ring
SwissTool Spirit
One Handed Trekker

Bottom (ish) Row
Pioneer (Black Alox)
Pioneer Harvester x 3 (Silver Alox) without split-ring
Secretary (Silver Alox smooth)
Farmer x 2 (Silver Alox) with split-ring
Evolution 81 (a gift not a purchase)
As stated I always have my Camper in my pocket but recently I was in Go Outdoors at the Wigan store and they had in the sale the Vicky Swisstool reduced from £47 to £20 (all locking so actually illegal but actually very practical) and it has been worth it's weight.
l2lku, that's a nice collection you've got there. I was going to get a blue Farmer but got a silver one intead because it was the only colour available on the website I was already ordering from, seeing yours I think I'd have preferred the blue but it's still a great knife either way.
I'm also thinking of getting a one handed trekker and a black alox pioneer so it's nice to see some real pictures of them.
I have got a Victorinox Fieldmaster, I think the Philips screwdriver is more useful than a corkscrew.:p
A few years back I bought a Leatherman Wave, to replace it, but I still like to use my Victorinox.( the scissors are far better on my SAK)



What is the best way to sharpen it?
I tried a few different things, but haven't found something that works good.:o


I've had a sak in my coat pocket for the best part of 20 years, currently and aging camping. Used the corkscrew and bottle opener a lot in my late teens :) and the saw has always been fantastic.

My wife bought me a Leatherman Squirt P4 for my birthday 6 years ago and it never leaves my side now. Everything you need to do little jobs where ever you are. Except on a flight to the US I guess :pokenest:
I had a basic one when I was about 13. It had two blades, scissors, flat large screwdriver/bottle opener/wire reamer, can opener/smal flathead screwdriver, Corkscrew and tool for scraping pipes clean or picking boy scouts out of horses hooves. After that I bought a mini screwdriver that fitted into the corkscrew, but they never had them when I got it same with the tweezers and toothpick.

Later on I always wanted the swiss champ but couldn't justify it. So one day I went into a shop that had agood range to get it and ended up waling out with a cybertool jelly model. Glad it did as the tools in it have seen more use than any other SAK tool I have ever used except perhaps the scissors. I use the hex screwdrivers in preference to my stanley screwdrivers as I think they work better in tight spaces. I now keep the cybertool SAK at home and the old one is in my bag to take to work.

My old SAK was my pride and joy until I showed it to some kid who handed it back to me proudly saying that he had fixed the scissors. I opened them up to find out the complete ****** had straightened the spring! I mean why would you think the return spring would need to be straight so that it doesn't fit into the body of the knife when folded. Some people ehh?!!!
Another thing, because the old SAK was on older model the replacement springs you can get in different sizes don't fit this one.
Never owned one, never will. When I need a knife, I use a knife. When I need a corkscrew, I use a corkscrew. When I need a screwdriver, I use a screwdriver... there's a certain pattern forming there.

But what happens when you need a SAK :D
As of this morning I have to change my vote from no to yes. I have just taken delivery of a shiny black hiker destined to be my edc.:D

My Dad bought me one for my 16th birthday.
27 yrs later and it's still going strong.

i too,have still one early victorinox,it wasnt my first but it was first with more than two blades.I got in age of ten and im 34 now.It has scissors,saw/file,openers,two blades etc.6 layers.
I wander how many people who voted "No" now have one?

I love mine - one of the sharpest knives I own and its a cracker. :D

Bugger I've lost my favourite one, alloy soldier! I think.
It might be in the loft amongst the 110 rolls of insulation.
Last week I found a very small one with 1 blade and 1 nail file and scissors, also a red LED light and tweezers.
Gave it to SHMBO.
In my case, I used my SAK for ages and it was my only tool. But one day, when I was opening parcels in hurry with it - it badly cut my fingers. This is the point where I started thinking about getting some sort of solid fixed blades.

I ended up getting about 20 of them. Eventually I will sell them back leaving about 1 or 2 which suit me best.

SAK's OK for light jobs around house but I wouldn't use its blade for anything more than opening letters or sharpening pencils.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.