I had a basic one when I was about 13. It had two blades, scissors, flat large screwdriver/bottle opener/wire reamer, can opener/smal flathead screwdriver, Corkscrew and tool for scraping pipes clean or picking boy scouts out of horses hooves. After that I bought a mini screwdriver that fitted into the corkscrew, but they never had them when I got it same with the tweezers and toothpick.
Later on I always wanted the swiss champ but couldn't justify it. So one day I went into a shop that had agood range to get it and ended up waling out with a cybertool jelly model. Glad it did as the tools in it have seen more use than any other SAK tool I have ever used except perhaps the scissors. I use the hex screwdrivers in preference to my stanley screwdrivers as I think they work better in tight spaces. I now keep the cybertool SAK at home and the old one is in my bag to take to work.
My old SAK was my pride and joy until I showed it to some kid who handed it back to me proudly saying that he had fixed the scissors. I opened them up to find out the complete ****** had straightened the spring! I mean why would you think the return spring would need to be straight so that it doesn't fit into the body of the knife when folded. Some people ehh?!!!