Any gamers on here?

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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
I know, bushcraft forum, long shot...

But have we? If so, what do you play?

I dabble with a bit of War Thunder, and Enlisted. Used to play World of Tanks, but its kinda rubbish these days.

Spent many hours irl playing with tanks and jumping out of aircraft, so its almost a form of continuation for me.

There must be a few proper keyboard/joypad warriors here. :D
I was never much of a gamer, i think the last games i played and completed were Tomb Raider2 and COD2, played The Last Of Us for a little while.
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I was never much of a gamer, i think the last games i played and completed were Tomb Raider2 and COD2, played The Last Of Us for a little while.
Damn, that's back in the first playstation/PS2 days wasn't it? Before online gaming... when it was just you having fun vs the scripted bots? Things have changed. Oh how its changed... Now you fight turbo charged adhd kids over dosing on red bull. lol. THe reactions some of these guys have are unreal, to the point you're convinced they cheat, but most of them dont... they just are that quick and good, i'd kick their bottom in real life, 100% of the time, but get my bottom handed to me on a regular basis online lol.

edit, apparently forum sortware changed A.s,s to bottom by default. Come on mods... A.s.s isnt too bad... we all have one... Its probably less offensive than a.r.s.e and i would never refer to it as 'bottom'. That's an insult to my vocabulary.. :D we're all, for the most part, adults here aren't we? Given the nature of the forum regarding knives, axes etc, which you ned to be 18 to buy/sell, surely the odd word or two which are neither insulting or derogatory can be allowed?
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I go through phases really. Sometimes I won’t play anything for months but other times I’ll get sucked in by a good story. Also a big fan of puzzle based games that get my brain working.

Currently playing Escape From Tarkov for the shooty stuff. Pretty decent weapon mechanics and very unforgiving - your ammo and body armour types really matter.

Main favourites are Civilization 6, Portal/Portal 2, Talos Principle, Red Dead Redemption 2.
I use my Xbox every day. It’s how we stream all our media. Similarly to Chris I go though phases of playing games, I do find I get bored of most them fairly easily now. However….

I thoroughly enjoyed red dead redemption and I think that’s probably the game of the century and will take some beating. I’ve been messing about on snow runner again during the festive break, but it can be a little bit too slow. I often try a new game around this time and was thinking about the Indiana jones game but I just can’t justify the price at the moment.

Probably the most bushcraft related game I’ve played and I’d thoroughly recommend is the long dark. The next chapter is still in production but it’s a really well thought out survival story set in the Canadian wilderness.
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Reactions: HillBill
Used play a little bit of Warcraft but mostly I play World of Warships. Used to play WOT blitz semi competitively but now, in my 50s, I have the reaction times of a dead hedgehog. Have an Xbox I never use so mainly a PC gamer. I have RDR2 but haven't played it yet.
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Reactions: HillBill
Used play a little bit of Warcraft but mostly I play World of Warships. Used to play WOT blitz semi competitively but now, in my 50s, I have the reaction times of a dead hedgehog. Have an Xbox I never use so mainly a PC gamer. I have RDR2 but haven't played it yet.

You’re in for a real treat with RDR2, wish I could play it for the first time again.
The only thing I’ve ever played was Goldeneye. And completed too. They just don’t hold much interest for me, and every game I’ve played since holds my attention for 5 minutes before I get bored.
Play almost daily, started out on the ZX spectrum then playstation Metal Gear Solid, great game, Tomb Raider etc, then progressed into PC games, mostly FPS shooting games, MOH COD etc, nowadays though it's PUBG.
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Reactions: HillBill
I go through phases really. Sometimes I won’t play anything for months but other times I’ll get sucked in by a good story. Also a big fan of puzzle based games that get my brain working.

Currently playing Escape From Tarkov for the shooty stuff. Pretty decent weapon mechanics and very unforgiving - your ammo and body armour types really matter.

Main favourites are Civilization 6, Portal/Portal 2, Talos Principle, Red Dead Redemption 2.
That escape from Tarkov looks alright, just watched a couple of quick vids on it.

I was also a fan of the Civ series of games from the beginning. Same for the Total War games, played all of those apart from Warhammer 3.

I've always wanted Red Dead 2, but i'd need a bigger hard drive and better graphics card now. Built this pc myself to top spec in 2017, but only put a 256g SSD in it as i only wanted it for World of Tanks back then. My graphics card died on me a couple of years ago, so using my sons old one atm until i can justify £500 on a new one
I use my Xbox every day. It’s how we stream all our media. Similarly to Chris I go though phases of playing games, I do find I get bored of most them fairly easily now. However….

I thoroughly enjoyed red dead redemption and I think that’s probably the game of the century and will take some beating. I’ve been messing about on snow runner again during the festive break, but it can be a little bit too slow. I often try a new game around this time and was thinking about the Indiana jones game but I just can’t justify the price at the moment.

Probably the most bushcraft related game I’ve played and I’d thoroughly recommend is the long dark. The next chapter is still in production but it’s a really well thought out survival story set in the Canadian wilderness.
Yeah i'd love to play Red Dead 2, but as i just explained to Chris, i'd need to upgrade my PC to do so. Thats the advantages of consoles sometimes i guess. Need more money to be part of the master race lol

I'll check that Long Dark out, sounds interesting.
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Reactions: FerlasDave
Play regularly, started on a Spectrum too. WoT, WoWs, WT, and anything openworld that falls my way. RDR2 and the latest witcher are both top class

Currently loving Indiana Jones and the great circle. Great puzzles, combat not so great, like watching a movie!
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Reactions: FerlasDave
Used play a little bit of Warcraft but mostly I play World of Warships. Used to play WOT blitz semi competitively but now, in my 50s, I have the reaction times of a dead hedgehog. Have an Xbox I never use so mainly a PC gamer. I have RDR2 but haven't played it yet.
Our lass plays World of Warcraft religiously. She's easily got more than 10000 hours in it.

I've played World of Warships loads, got a few hundred hours in it, just not for the last several years.

Same regarding my reaction time. I stopped playing first person shooters due to it, but i have just installed Enlisted over xmas, which is a FPS too, but i'm actually enjoying that surprisingly, its a free to play game, by same people who made War Thunder so i thought i'd give it a go.

War Thunder is my main game atm though, More the air combat side of it, which i find a lot of fun.
The only thing I’ve ever played was Goldeneye. And completed too. They just don’t hold much interest for me, and every game I’ve played since holds my attention for 5 minutes before I get bored.
Goldeneye was a quality game, i got the Nintendo 64 for xmas the year it came out because of that game.
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Reactions: JonathanD
Play regularly, started on a Spectrum too. WoT, WoWs, WT, and anything openworld that falls my way. RDR2 and the latest witcher are both top class

Currently loving Indiana Jones and the great circle. Great puzzles, combat not so great, like watching a movie!
I played WoT for a decade, but found it became a bit pay to win and wargaming got greedy. Got 1400 hours in warthunder atm.
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I used to play Wolfenstein 3D then Doom all of the time, there was a Star Wars variation of that type of game too that i enjoyed, but i moved to puzzle/strategy games like The Incredible Machine and Simcity and sims like MS Flight Sim and Combat Flight Sim.

These days i play boring stuff like Chess & Mahjong, but increasingly less as i get a bit older, the new online multiplayer stuff holds no interest to me to play, but i have watched some videos on them and the graphics blew me away.

I started out on a ZX80 which is still in the loft, then i went to a Commodore Plus4 (*also in the loft), from the Commodore i went to an 8086 PC and then PC's all the way to the current day, i do miss the days of sitting for hours typing in four A4 sheets of Basic on the Zx80 & Plus4 to type "run" and get a very disappointing bouncing ball on the screen.


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