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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. -Switch-

    Soothing plant suggestions?

    Hi guys, it's been a while but I need your help with something. I'm looking for the names of any species of plant or a type of poultice that can be used to sooth sore or raw skin. Ideally, if it's plant-based, it can be made into a solution and soaked into cloth, but it needs to be...
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    Bad news brings an opportunity

    This is a long post but please don't be put off reading as i need as many suggestions and opinions as i can get from the good members of BcUK. Right, where do i start? A few weeks ago i came back from a relaxing weeks holiday from work only to be summoned into the board room for a...
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    Poor sales assistants

    (And I don't mean poor as in: ''aww, bless those poor little sales assistants'' ) I've been looking at getting a video camera over the last week so on Friday I thought I'd pop into a well-known high street electrical retailers for some advice and a nudge in the right direction. I meandered...
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    Lost Land of the Jaguar

    Has anyone else been watching this on the BBC? It's been fascinating, and kinda bushcrafty too with elements of tracking, identifying animal sign, hammock/tarp camping etc. I missed the last episode yesterday but managed to catch it on iPlayer just now. The tepui (sp?) climb was...
  5. -Switch-

    Goodbye Bcuk

    Sorry people, but I'm off. I've gone and got myself a new flat but it doesn't have a phone line and I just found out I move in on saturday. So this is me saying goodbye. :( I'm not sure when, or if, I'll get back online but I'll try to pop in when I can. I can still be...
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    Tramontina machete(s)

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a good Tramontina stockist in the uk? I'm after a couple of their machetes but I've had a bit of a play with Google and can't find a uk stockist that sells the ones I'm looking for :( I'll see if I can get a pic of the ones I mean... EDIT: found...
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    The Offspring

    I'm not sure too many of you will be interested here but I just wanted to say this: I received my copy of 'Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace', the new Offspring album today and I'm listening to it now. Woah :cool: If you're even slightly interested in this band then you must get this...
  8. -Switch-

    Where you in Maidstone today?

    Well, were you? I only ask because someone drove past me twice and I noticed in the back window of their car was a sticker saying 'bushcraft', and something else but I couldn't make it out. I was just wondering if it was someone from here advertising their love of all things bushcraft. So...
  9. -Switch-

    Chestnut flour - got any advice?

    I gathered a load of chestnuts in the autumn and I would like to make flour from them. They've been in proper storage for a few months now and I'm told that the next step is to shell them, bake them, then grind them up into flour. How long roughly do they need to be baked for? And...
  10. -Switch-

    Flint Knapping after the Bushmoot?

    Did anyone book a days flintknapping with Will Lord after attending his intro course at the Bushmoot last year? If so, how did it go? It was something I intended on doing but, as usual, never got round to. Story of my life really :rolleyes:
  11. -Switch-

    The Ray Mears drinking game...

    :beerchug: Got a spare couple of hours? No need to get up early tomorrow? Then grab yourself a bottle of spirit and a copy of Ray Mears Bushcraft Survival Series2 DVD. Play the DVD from start to finish. Every time Ray says 'fantastic' you take a shot/dram of your drink...
  12. -Switch-

    An abundance of spiders

    I was sitting here quite peacefully reading the pages of this site when I felt a tickling on my wrist. I looked down only to see two long brown legs sticking out from my sleeve and wriggling about like there's no tomorrow. I'm glad no one was around to witness the rather effeminate way in...
  13. -Switch-

    Good kit suggestions from Blacks please.

    I recently received some gift vouchers for Blacks for my birthday but I'm unsure what to spend them on as I hardly ever go in there. Does anyone have any suggestions for items of kit they've picked up from there? (I was thinking of putting it together with some more money and getting new...
  14. -Switch-

    Scotland - a learning experience (long story, pic heavy)

    Firstly, let me just say that I've reduced the size of the pics in this thread to 640x480 to suit the forum but on my PC they show up massive (1020x700ish). Apologies if they're huge on your monitor too but I can't figure out how to sort it. Very late on friday night myself and Twoflower...
  15. -Switch-

    My pics are too big

    I've been trying to post something up including a couple of pics but they keep coming up massive everytime I preview my post. I've got them on photobucket and I'm linking from there to here. I've reduced them at photobucket to 640x480 which is the size I want them but they keep coming up...
  16. -Switch-

    Insect ID - any ideas?

    I walked into my kitchen just now and found this little guy sitting on the wall. Obviously it's a grasshopper or cricket of some kind but I've not seen any this size or with such vivid colour before. It's body is about the size of a 'AAA' battery and it's a much brighter green than the photo...
  17. -Switch-

    Kent Meet Gallery

    I was going to post up some pics from recent meets but there were so many I didn't want to clog up the regular Kent Meet thread. I decided instead to start up this new thread where we can all post pics taken at the Kent Meets. To start us off I've included a few of my own and some given to...
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    How I made my axe better.

    I was in Homebase a few weeks ago with the intention of buying one of the Fiskars mini hatchets I'd seen in there before. Unfortunately they had none in stock but they did have some 1 1/2 lb Wilkinson Sword camp axes in there so I decided to buy one of those instead. After getting it home I...
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    A bit steep for a book?

    Anyone else think this is a tad expensive? :confused:
  20. -Switch-

    Buddy list - does it have a point?

    I know this question has been asked before but it never came to a satisfactory conclusion. What is the use of the buddy list? The faq says it gives me quick access to my friends on the site by clicking on ''open buddy list'' in the ''quick links'' section of my nav bar. The problem is...