re the hunting/scavenging........anthropologists have researched food aquisiton strategies right since the beginning of their discipline.
They routinely acknowledge that women and children bring in as much, indeed in many areas, more food, than the hunting menfolks do.
Hunters bring in high status stuff, the bigger meat iimmc, while the women and children and younger teenagers bring in on a constant basis. Small meat, like birds, eggs, reptiles and amphibians as well as the roots, fruits and tubers.
From an archaeological point of view however, the remaining evidences in the prehistorical record are heavily biased towards the preservation of stone and bone.
Thus we have the arrow heads, the stone choppers and scrapers and the cut marked bones.
One true irrefutable evidence for collecting (scavanging if you will) are the huge shell middens of the northern sea coasts.
Literally millions of collected and cooked molluscs..........and they don't need shot, netted, trapped, just patiently gathered.