What will you be doing today?


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I was supposed to be working, but it seems I am not anymore! :D

Therefore, I will be taking my LK35 and bush saw that I made last night to the local woods for a bit of wood collection to use at the Moot. I reckon if I do that a few times I will have ample supply of wood for small brew fires for the whole moot, and maybe for cooking basic meals too. I'll take a brew kit with me and probably stop for a bit of a brew on the way, may take the eldest as she and I are the only ones awake at the moment! :rolleyes:

What have you got planned, or what did you get up to today if you are reading this this evening!


Full Member
Mar 16, 2008
Im off to the charity shops to get some clothes for the Moot. Cant afford no Blacks or craghoppers!
Ill also be painting, possibly Ill also make a leather bag if Ive got time but I have to go to sheffield as well.
Apr 27, 2008
Sounds like a very nice Saturday!
Unfortunately I’m at work, but don’t seem to be getting a great deal done….
Might get a chance to go for a walk round some local reservoirs later, it’ll be the first outing for my baby daughter!


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Im off to the charity shops to get some clothes for the Moot. Cant afford no Blacks or craghoppers!
Ill also be painting, possibly Ill also make a leather bag if Ive got time but I have to go to sheffield as well.

A visit to the dead shops, eh! I envy you slightly, I hate shopping of any kind but a good rummage through a dead shop is one of lifes simple pleasures! :D I do love a good bargain that somebody died wearing! :D

I got a nut and bolt Alien for my brother in the dead shop in Barnsley for five quid. He was chuffed. I also picked up the Africa walk book from whotserface that strolled around the world, I think that was 50p or something! I've heard of blokes finding Swannie tops in dead shops and paying a few quid for them, but I haven't been that lucky yet.

stuart m

May 18, 2006
Working... I have a dozen or so 5", hollow ground blades that need mirror polishing, I must have polished thousands, tens of thousands, blades over the years, I really don't like mirror polishing anymore :(

They will be done by 2pm though and the pub is open by then :)
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
I'm over the allotment in a bit to fetch some spuds,peas and mange tout,then this afternoon gone a have a good couple of hours decoying on the pigeons, on so blown down wheat fields,start getting the freezers stocked up again.



Jul 16, 2004
Gåskrikki North Lincs
Sea- trialing my self-made marline spike, with a few wire splices.

Maybe do a little canvas work.

Then its off to check through all the gear, for the WG...just in case...( unfortunately ,I can't make the Moot) . Hopefully I will be back from sea, with a couple of days to spare.



Full Member
Apr 12, 2008
Got a w/end off, so instead of enjoying myself i'm part way through digging holes to support the raised decking i've been threatening to do for 12 months. Once th posts are done, then its the frame work then.........., but who wants to be out and about anyway'?.


Mar 28, 2008
The Never lands!
Its raining hard it has been all night all morning..

So basically nothing! I as hoping to get out in the local woods for some walking but that will probabaly have to wait until tomorrow!! (I hope) Maybe this eveing if it dries up ill fix the big hol ein the sea kayak!


Apr 4, 2007
Southend On Sea
I did some shopping, a bit of tidying, got a bit more to do and then need to prepare my bike and myself for the london to southend bike ride tommorrow, so far i've done one thirty mile training trip and i'm feeling a bit underprepared:(

last time i trained for a month!


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Stone me! I'm not doing that again in a hurry! Just brought back 3 stones (42 lbs or 20-ish kg!) of wood on the pack frame so that I can take some wood to the Moot. Add my brew kit, axe, saw blade poncho and ventile smock on top and I tipped the scales at 13 stone when I weighed myself when I got in. I weigh just a shade over 9 stone! Walked from The Ratbags' and my new secret area in Hugset Woods back to Silkstone with this on my back, along the Wagon Way. Probably only a kilometre or so, but it felt like extremely hard work! I still don't think I have enough though, so I may go back for another pack load at some stage. I'll take The Ratbag next time though!

It wasn't all doom and gloom though. No pictures as I wasn't gonna cart my camera as well, but I took Rachel with me. The Monkey is 5 and not all too well at the moment but she wanted to come along. I ensured she was wrapped up and had plenty of warm gear and fluids, packed some cold sausage butties and a chocolate bar, a brew kit and mugs and off we went. It took a bit to find the place that I visited with The Ratbag last time, but it was off the path and in a nice setting with plenty of dead standing wood in the surrounding thirty or forty yard area. It is stands of once coppiced hazel and sycamore.

So, we set about getting a fire going and got a brew on, gathering wood later saw the billy getting upset onto the fire! :eek: Fortunately, the billy didn't put the fire out and with some quick action the flames were soon back up and a fresh billy on the go. I continued to cut wood for the pack frame whilst I allowed Rachel to tend the fire. All she did was watch it and tell me if the flames were dying, but she felt like she was doing something important and she was.

It was her first lesson in wilderness fire today, so after showing her how to gather some tinder such as birch bark and red pine needles, we got some small twigs and set the fire place. Once the flames were licking through, we placed on larger fuel and then main fuel to get a good bed of embers. Whilst doing other things after our snap of sausage sarnies and black tea, the fire burnt down to fine ash and small pieces of charcoal. At the end of the visit, we packed up and then dowsed the fire, scattered the cold embers and hid the fire pit by covering with moss and leaf litter from the forest floor. Nobody would know we had been there if it wasn't for one thing.

Getting abit fed up with crouching on the deck with my bad knees, I decided to make a bench! This I will need to get pictures up of. It is a bit rudimentary, the seat needs to be replaced with a wider branch as the one I have used, although I have chopped it down to a flatter surface, is still like sitting on the side of a broom handle and isn't too comfy. It is braced so it shouldn't fall over and it has a back rest too. All made form dead standing hazel, no idea how long it will last. Hopefully, on the next trip I can finish it off properly and have a deent sit spot for the future visits. I can't wait to show The Ratbag the new furniture! :D

stuart m

May 18, 2006
Mission accomplished....


Beer o'clock now :)


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
I didn't do anything clever.
I went for a bike ride, popped into Morrisons and bought four bottles of Hobgoblin,sat beneath a tree and drank them, wrote some poems (I'm a right ponce, truth be told), cycled to my favourite pub where I had another two pints of Timothy Taylor's Landlord and now I'm home and deciding what takeaway to have for tea tonight (it's going to be Chinese, and I know it - although I'm still in that denial stage).
And I've just done a huge burp.
Yup, that's what I've done today.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.