What restrictions are there on carrying knives in Finland?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 24, 2011
What are the rules and regs regarding knives in Finland. My Google-fu is weak as I'm at work and can't access 'weapons' related sites:confused:

Can I wear a Mora on my belt? What about a SAK or my SOG Powerpliers?


Feb 22, 2013
What are the rules and regs regarding knives in Finland. My Google-fu is weak as I'm at work and can't access 'weapons' related sites:confused:

Can I wear a Mora on my belt? What about a SAK or my SOG Powerpliers?

I beleive their knife laws are jsut like here in Norway. Completely illegal to wear on your person in public. We're not even allowed a non lock blade of any size.
But ther eis exceptions. If you are wearing a knife for an honorable purpose. I.e you are fishing, going into the woods for any purpose, you are a craftsman, carpenter, electrician etc at work you are okay. Just leave the knife in your car or in your pack when you are not in the forest, and avoid tactcal knives. That said, otside the larger cities I doubt that anyone will raise an eyebrow even, if you go to the supermarket with a nine inch Leuku in your belt.

But I have a friend in Finland who happens to be a a procecutor, so I will ask him. Will post back when I have the answer :)


Feb 22, 2013
My friend, the procecutor from Finland came back with an answer. And it is pretty much what I said. He has put the law itself in Swedish ( the second official language of Finland) but you can use google translate for that. And he explains the practical bits of what you can do and what you can not do in English:

Here's the paragraph from our Strafflag concerning knives etc:

6 § (11.5.2007/531)
Innehav av föremål eller ämne som lämpar sig för att skada någon annan
Den som i strid med 10 § i ordningslagen på allmän plats innehar ett föremål eller ämne som lämpar sig för att skada någon annan eller ett föremål som är förvillande likt ett skjutvapen eller en explosiv vara, skall för innehav av föremål eller ämne som lämpar sig för att skada någon annan dömas till böter eller fängelse i högst sex månader.

And here's the actual paragraph to which the above mentioned refers to:

Ordingslag 10 § Innehav av föremål och ämnen som lämpar sig för att skada någon annan:

Det är förbjudet att på allmän plats inneha följande föremål och ämnen som är avsedda att eller lämpar sig för att allvarligt skada någon annan:

1) eggvapen, söndriga glasföremål och andra med dessa jämförbara föremål som lämpar sig för att skära eller sticka

... Vad som bestäms i 1 och 2 mom. gäller inte sådana föremål eller ämnen som någon måste inneha på grund av sitt arbetsuppdrag eller av någon annan godtagbar orsak.

Another words, you may carry a knife in public on you IF you have a valid and acceptable reason for that. What is such reason, depends on circumstances eg. you need to have it for your work etc. Obviously you cannot carry it visible in your belt in the streets as an ordinary man but if you intend to go camping etc then it's ok if you keep it in your belt in the woods. Or if you keep your Leatherman in your bag (not in your belt!) while you need to take it somewhere then it shouldn't be a problem. The law does not make difference between the sizes / shapes of knives unless it is a switchblade knife (stiletto) which you cannot carry in public at all. A Leatherman/Victorinox multitool knife etc is not considered a stiletto to my knowledge.

If you break the law concerning the ordingslag the police normally give you a ticket and take the knife away. But as long as you look like a normal, well behaved tourist the police practically never search you. Normally there has to be a certain reason for doing that (intoxicated, aggressive or disturbing behaviour etc).

I hope that clears out a bit.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 24, 2011
Mr Bumbler, thank you for your time and thoroughness, it's much appreciated. Hope to see you in Norway later this year or next.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.