Yes, I stand up to my rights, no matter where I live, be it Norway, Sweden, UK or here on island ( that has a modified British legal system)..
Yes I stand up for my rights too, and other peoples rights as well. I have been an advocate and an activist for disability rights since the 1980s. That has at times involved confronting the law and the powers that be. That is not the same as arrogantly doing what you will as if that should be the whole of the law however. I would say I am mostly with John Stuart Mill (even if he could not hold his own in a drinking contest according to the old Monty Python Song) that you should be allowed to do whatever you like so long as that does not impinge upon the rights of others. Now that is the complex and difficult point, and I will concede that there are times where I really would be best to leave my knives at home. Anyway, building rights etc. There are very good reasons for planning regulations in England at least, would you really like your neighbour to have an absolute right to build a home that towers above your own, blocks out your light, and overlooks the privacy of your garden?
This is why Civil Law exists, in order to adjudicate between these often complex conflicts of interest, and you know what, that has been the case since the time of the Anglo Saxons, or as Henry II put it "since time imemorial"