What did you buy today?

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Well, it took a while but today I've finally managed to buy the small wood that I've been using with permission to camp and craft in. It's a bit unruly and needs some clearing and managing here and there but it's an acre and a half of paradise as far as I'm concerned.
Congratulations. Sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun in the future :)
XL leather goatskin cutter gloves, only 13 quid on Amazon. I already have a pair which I've been using for three years and have been really impressed with their comfort and durability.
I've ordered a size up to be able to fit some kind of liner glove. My hope is to replicate the Falt Guide Glove somewhat. Of course, the sum of the various cheap gloves I've bought in order to feed my glove obsession likely exceeds the value of the Falt Guide gloves in the first place.
So you have an MSR Titan kettle ( they are about £50 ) and the cone which has been made to fit it as its not a common bundle one on the trail designs site .

The burner is called a 12-10 and is the recommended stove for the set up . It might clean up a bit with some wire wool ......

You have a well respected and capable set up there ...... Good catch :)
Not bushcrafty, from my fav charity shop, a lovely pair of nubuck black, "biker chick vibe" knee high boots. Good amount of grip left, good brand, and sooo comfy.
I'm chuffed, as I wanted a pair for some time.
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To be honest I’ve used all Stihl petrol stuff, but not a chainsaw. I have though watched many safety videos and will have much respect for the dangers ;)
Keeping it Old school and want to see how it fares as a little cutter. ( Don't hate on it just yet )

Got a Cold Steel Super Edge.

A frieze (wadmal) jacket, finnish military surplus.
Cut off the collar and removed the breastpockets. Left the pocket lids for now.

Today I received:
- another Hoggs of Fife micro fleece shirt, this time in the Blackthorn colour way. I now have one of each of the colour sets, and love wearing them In autumn/winter/early spring.
- a set of 4 target spinners by Jack Pyke. I need to practice my air rifle shooting more…
- a pair of Muck Boots Men's Arctic Ice Vibram® AG All Terrain Tall Boot. Just in time for the last two shoots of the year, and then on into coarse fishing season until it gets too warm ;). My old Muck Chore boots have started to leak after 4 years and many miles; not ideal but not bad either.

All from the sale at Hollands Country Clothing, so reasonable prices for what you get. No personal affiliation, just a satisfied customer.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.