A bug thread-excellent
I have several different ones to show from over here. I don't know what any of them are so if anyone has an idea I would be grateful.
These are concentrated on the beach of a lake in northern Saskatchewan
And a closer view
These next ones have appeared here for the very first time in this area. The tree is a birch
The beetles at the top make me think of chafers, which often have mass-emergences - thousands of them all emerge from their pupal state at once, as adults, to quickly mate and disperse. its a way of overewhelming the local predators, so that they can't all get eaten, and guarantees that some will get away. That's what this looks like to me. However, as to a species id, I haven't a clue
The second ones are true bugs, Hemiptera, and I think they are juveniles (possibly an adult in centre pic). From the colouring I'd say this species is poisonous (or would like others to think it is), and so the clustering increases the warning effect. I've a feeling that I've seen these sorts of pictures before, but can't recall where, but yet again, I don't know what species it is.
Thanks for posting the pictures.