I usually stay out of this sort of conversation, especially when i’m involved in it at a core level, it being a bcuk/spyderco knife.
The way i see it is the same as i see most things; some people will love it and some will hate it, some will want to like it and some will want to hate it, for some it will be because it’s to do with bushcraft uk and some spyderco, other price etc etc, there’s loads of reasons for all the emotions that seem to go along with knives.
The bottom line though is that some of the handles have shrunk, it’s irrelevant if they should or should not have shrunk, in that situation what’s relevant is what the manufacturer does about it and nearly everyone seems very happy with Spyderco for their efforts to do what’s right, again, people will always find fault if they want to, but in the light of day few people have found fault with the manufacturer and their customer service and I take my hat of f to them for that.
Many people find the handle very comfortable, the weight good and the handling excellent and some don’t, so what, we all know that there’s no knife that fits all. Some people don’t see a small crack as an issue, I personally would not but i’m comfortable working with wood and maybe that makes it easier for me to accept. There’s also the fact that in our climate we’re going to get a lot less issue than where Spyderco are situated in a very dry part of the US compared to here, some of the cracks will close up naturally.
It is a knife that can be used and used well and hard and it will not disappoint as no one is being hoodwinked in any way, people know what they’re getting. As has been said, it’s strong, robust, capable, comfortable and for many a great price. The fact it’s got a skeletonised handle, and a hole in the blade do not effect it’s functionality when it comes to working with it, if anything it will be les fatiguing due to the weight advantage over comparable knives, but again, that’s an opinion. Sometimes knives break, I’ve broken a quite a few knives over the years, mostly my own fault for being daft but they still broke, I’ve sent a leatherman back for repair, and backpacks, and clothing, and cars and, and and it goes on. Just yesterday members were talking about a maker that took a knife back to replace the shrunken scales on his knife and that was deemed as a quality service, or should we be pointing out that the scales shrank and that’s the most significant issue, a faulty knife needed repairing? Again, all down to perspective and how you want to see the situation, how it fits in with what we want to get defensive about or not worry about.
The bcuk/Spyderco knife is a good knife, the hole isn’t a weakness, the steel is good, the design is good, for many the scales are good, the customer service is good, the price is good (especially at the moment) and there’s lots of very happy people, for which i’m glad. We’ll do even better next time.