Snow here...

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Despite keeping bothe the oil rayburn and the livingroom woodburner in (on low) all night there was ice on the inside of our windows this morning!
Bright sun shining on the snow covered hills :)
I hope to get out for a bimble later!
got a light covering on the coast Jack, most of it is melting now though, fingers crossed you wil get away tomorrow
Well looking out of my window I can see that the snow has well and truly arrived here

Started about 6:00pm and we've got about 1.5 inches so far. I've noticed that the flakes have progressively been getting bigger and heavier as time goes on so may well be about 4" or so by the morning
In Yorkshire this weekend, lots here, a good 5 or 6 inches settled in the last few hours. Travel plans for tomorrow beginning to fade, which is leaving me feeling quietly content! Chris

4-5 inches and falling fast :)

It started snowing the very minute I finished making a tumpline for my pulk.

I'm out testing my gear for the arctic course, times are good. :approve:
has all melted here, the snow lasted all of three hours, still there's a long night ahead, so with luck it will be white out there by morning
I woke up yesterday morning on the coast with 1" snow got home to Norwich and none about. This morning I have 5" of snow outside my door. If I get enough I'm building a shelter.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.