Okay, having researched a lot on Celto-Germanic Reconstructionist Polytheism over the years and been a long time member of forums such as Asatrulore, it must be said that there are some seriously negative connotations to what is called Heathenism.
This is what the people of Asatrulore subscribe to, and they are known as Heathens. Reconstructionism takes a scholarly view, as opposed to some of the syncretic faiths of today, such as Wicca. On the other hand there is a rising movement of "Odinists". These are the racists, the type of people who butcher Iron Age beliefs. I'm sure you've all seen the skinheads with their Mjolnirs and Swatzikas. That has NOTHING to do with true Reconstructionist Polytheism.
Honestly, I could go on for hours about this but I shan't. All that really needs to be said is that there are a lot of misconceptions about this. Your tattoo artist assumed you to be one of these racists.
Edit: I'm not a Polytheist, but I have researched the subject for a long time.