Pointless.. a knife that chops but won't stab


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
I've got this terrible habit of leaving my knife too close to the edge of the kitchen worktop, so the non-foot-stabbing aspect might not be such a bad idea... But I think I'll stick with my Global for now.


Mar 26, 2008
Exeter, Devon
It is only going to become a popular item if the government bans the more standard knife design though - which would be ridiculous but I could see them trying to do it.


Even if this pointless knife was the only legal kitchen knife you could buy legally it would take decades to phase out all the kitchen knives people already have.

There's still plenty of pre-1968 shotguns and pre-1920 firearms floating about 'under the radar', and it's not like every home had a drawerful, nor were crappy packs of three sold for the equivalent of about 20 minutes' minimum wage (good old Poundland...). Nor, as easy as guns are to make, are they as easy to make as a knife (making well is different from making to function once). Ban pointy knives tomorrow and it'll make naff all difference to criminals. (Try taking the eyes out of spuds, deboning meat or making a plunge-cut in leather however and you might encounter some difficulties.)

I suspect this will end-up in the same pile as kevlar schoolbags: someone's clumsy attempt at cashing-in on a changing social situation much-hyped my the mass-meeja. Makes me think of McCarthyism, fear of jazz music and 'reefer madness'.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
i dunno, it dos semm p retty pathetic, but imagine if it only saved one life, its still worth it.

It isn't. Its seriously not.

If you remove all sharp objects from the home (food comes pre sliced), ban all cars (use public transport), remove all OTC medicines (prescription only lemsip) etc. you will save lives. Eventually everyone will live in a room with soft walls eating nutritionally balanced lukewarm soup from a slot in the wall, breathing re-circulated air and exercising in the gym next door for the legally prescribed period.People will exist longer.

Its just not living,

Will these ignorant, do-gooders just butt the hell out of my life please? I neither want nor need their namby pamby, tree hugging, "we know whats best"., "for the sake of the children" socialist clap trap.



East Coaster

Oct 21, 2008
Sometimes you just have to laugh!

The inventor is probably rubbing his hands with glee at this piece of marketing zeitgeist.

Probably get free full page adds in the Daily Mail etc

Completely agree BR, but capitalists speak a lot of clap trap too (David Cameron, hug a hoodie and all that)


Nov 20, 2008
Canton S.Dakota (Ex pat)
Just bang the little barstewards up every time they pull a blade. About 5 years in stir should be a good starting point. Then start adding years.
Next thing it will be rubber knives to cut that soggy super market bread.
Give me a break. You don't need a pointy knive to stab someone.. Close to 25 years ago I was stabbed with a sharpened mini steel.
The whole knee jerk "fixes" just plain get up my nose.


Member of Bushcraft UK Academy
Sep 11, 2003
cheltenham, glos
I'm starting a campaign to ban cars. This will stop speeding and drunk driving at a stroke, making the country a much safer place. :)

just ban queues at bus stops, that'll stop drunk drivers crashing into them.

it's not the first time some idiots come up with a similar scheme.


i also move to re-instate the word "wazzock" into common parlance.:You_Rock_ haven't heard that one in years!

cheers, and.


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
It isn't. Its seriously not.

If you remove all sharp objects from the home (food comes pre sliced), ban all cars (use public transport), remove all OTC medicines (prescription only lemsip) etc. you will save lives. Eventually everyone will live in a room with soft walls eating nutritionally balanced lukewarm soup from a slot in the wall, breathing re-circulated air and exercising in the gym next door for the legally prescribed period.People will exist longer.

Its just not living,

Will these ignorant, do-gooders just butt the hell out of my life please? I neither want nor need their namby pamby, tree hugging, "we know whats best"., "for the sake of the children" socialist clap trap.



Good, well controlled rant, Red! Absolutely agree.

And to add to the list of things that should be banned: I used to work in psychiatric hospitals. I was attacked once by a rather violent elderly lady (should be banned, nasty things). She had one tooth left in the top jaw and two down :eek: (I am not joking)

Nasty weapons, teeth. Ban the damn things. If only that might save one person's skin that'll be worth it....:p

Hey , we should come up with a list of ban-able things, and send it to number 10. Just to be helpful, you know.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Good idea Jojo

May I suggest the format


xxxx because if it saves yyyy suffering zzzz then its worth it?

Allow me to start with

List of things to ban

1) "Sticks". If it saves one poor child "having someones eye out" then its worth it



Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
Lets ban Tree's, were there to be no trees, nothing for kids to fall out of and break arms, missing school days would be halved overnight.
and bread sticks I know a child who could have breathed in bread stick crumbs and choked


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
just ban queues at bus stops, that'll stop drunk drivers crashing into them.

it's not the first time some idiots come up with a similar scheme.


i also move to re-instate the word "wazzock" into common parlance.:You_Rock_ haven't heard that one in years!

cheers, and.

Hi Sargey,

Glad you liked "Wazzock" a long favourite of mine closely followed by "Pillock" :D

Firecrest I wasn't having a go I was trying to be light hearted ... sorry :eek:

Markwood, surely most people use the points on their knives? Boning meat, bad bits in veg, just starting the cut in something? I do daily.

Trail2, I too have been attacked with a knife, was working on a nightclub door many years ago ( trying to earn some cash as a student ) when a guy I'd turned away earlier returned and pulled a blade on me, he used it in a pretty slashy way ( and I have two white lines on my hands from defensive wounds still ) before I got it off of him and explained the error of his ways. Would never have thought of turning it on him. But I felt he had to have the situation explained to him. Most inexperienced users of knives in a one on one will usually try slashing movements first as to lunge will make them feel commited and vulnerable.

We're never gonna sort this one out. Humankind is pretty much defined by our use of tools, we're programed to pick something up and utilise it, so if we take away the pointy things we'll find something else.

Good thread though.


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
List of things to ban

1) "Sticks". If it saves one poor child "having someones eye out" then its worth it
2) Trees. If it saves one child falling out of them then its worth it
3) Breadsticks. If it saves one child choking on them then its worth it.
4) Teeth. If it saves one healthcare worker being bitten then its worth it.



Jun 8, 2009
:D :D :D
lets ban LIFE!

I remember myself 12 years old (that was 13 years ago), and in these days parents like mine would be locked up!
I walked at least 10miles each day in summertime looking for bugs and butterfly's for my collection, though forests, swamps, rivers, lake shores and anywhere i could get myself into.
I would go out in the morning and come back late afternoon or evening and I can only thank my parens for letting me to have a childhood like that. Crime and sh.. was as it is today and nothing has really changed exept people being overprotective and overworshiping their youth, thats the real problem. Kids now grow up in closets (PC's) and comes out all freaked out and don't really knows how to handle world around them.


Jun 23, 2008
That is quite literally pointless. just because it has no point does not mean it could not be used as a weapon!!!
It makes me angry!!!
And you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!!!


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I'm surprised at the negativity towards this. I know a member of these very forums whose brother had to design a kitchen knife that would be difficult to use in attacking somebody as part of his degree. The idea isn't that ridiculous, although the big sharp pointy knives are still in most kitchens so it is gonna make little difference overall. Personally, I'd rather have a pointy knife, not because I'm gonna go stabbing somebody with it but because I can use it to prise the lids off of the tins of paint in the shed!

Nah you need a butter knife for that Spam ;) . Also you can re-wire a plug, fix a pucture and many more man-botch job things :eek:

Its simply a company trying to make money from public fear. We have had this sort of thing since travelling men sold "cure all" tonics.

I understand that our laws are a little daft in regards to locking sub 3inch blades but in principal i agree with them.
I carry a sub 3 inch slipjoint daily but if i go to the pub or shops it stays in the car or at home. If i go to the woods camping etc then ill have a valid reason to carry a fixed blade. The laws are adaquate its just the implementation thats the issue.
I certainly wouldnt want some nutjob to be able to carry a 6 inch fixed blade knife in public without question and thats where the the laws of "reason to carry" come in.

I think a knife without some sort of point would always be missing the point. Even a wharncliffe blade has some "point" to it even if just for peircing packaging etc.

One day they will realise its the "nutjob" behind the tool thats the problem.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005

Just heard on the R4 news before the Archers that the Chief Justice is thinking of bringing knife crime sentencing to be in line with gun crime sentencing.:eek:

This could go either way depending on it's implementation. A) Nutters could get locked away for a month or two longer... B) Any Bushcrafter caught in the woods is gonna have to make friends with BUBBA in a 6' x 6' room.

Also the blinking useless scottish parliment is possibly gonna be able to rule on airgun laws ( IE ban them) as well as put our taxes through the roof:banghead: Man I gotta move.


Deleted dude 7861

Will these ignorant, do-gooders just butt the hell out of my life please? I neither want nor need their namby pamby, tree hugging, "we know whats best"., "for the sake of the children" socialist clap trap.



Couldn't have said it any better :D


Nov 16, 2006
I think to an extent its a good idea, for preventing unplanned domestic violence, the kitchen is the heart of the house so normally where a row would take place, a knife is almost always there to be used in a moment of rage. For this reason I think it would be good for troubled areas and prevent serious injuries. However, any legislation along side the product forcing people to use them is where I’d become very uncomfortable. It seems though they are being marketed at stopping your archetypal “hoody” stabbing someone which seems ridiculous as they’d just use another knife, or a hefty stick. A knife ca never be made completely safe, after all they are designed to cut meat. I just wish the government would stop making knives more evil than those committing the crime and work on fixing them instead.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I think to an extent its a good idea, for preventing unplanned domestic violence, the kitchen is the heart of the house so normally where a row would take place, a knife is almost always there to be used in a moment of rage. For this reason I think it would be good for troubled areas and prevent serious injuries. However, any legislation along side the product forcing people to use them is where I’d become very uncomfortable. It seems though they are being marketed at stopping your archetypal “hoody” stabbing someone which seems ridiculous as they’d just use another knife, or a hefty stick. A knife ca never be made completely safe, after all they are designed to cut meat. I just wish the government would stop making knives more evil than those committing the crime and work on fixing them instead.

Yup Gwhtbushcraft,

I have a 24 inch cast group frying pan with no edge what-so-ever, ( huge) and as my pal Belzeebob says about his le creuset pans, they are excellent for home defence. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and would have no time for all my knives being pointless as A) some wouldn't do their job, and B) Rolling pins are pretty serious... no matter how long you leave them in a giant pyramid ( Sorry Mr. Pratchett).



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