Poacher turned Gamekeeper


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
There is a queue of bearded men waiting to use yours JD

Bring it on. Bearded men squatting over badger latrines make for great sport....



Life Member
Scots invading perhaps not, the English law catching up with Scotland and other Scandinavian Countries, all for it, BUT, it requires education, not only in the family home but at school, and I'm definitely talking about Scotland as well here, any one who camps/canoes on Loch Lomond and other Lochs knows the absolute devastation a "nice" weekend can wrought on the local countryside, with anything from live trees chopped at for fire wood, the horrible disposable barbecue, to a (and I've come across this more than once) whole camping rig, tent, sleeping bags, air beds, chairs, etc, just either left or chucked in the fire, because people couldn't be bothered packing it up, why should they, Supermarkets supply the whole kit for next to nothing, in their eyes at least it seems.

Personally I would've let them on their way, probably even showed them the best spot and given them a few pointers if they seemed decent enough. I've seen the same thing on the fishing scene. The worst case being some local elitists ousting a father and his two young sons from a prime spot because they didn't have the 'right' gear, were casting over their lines and generally didn't know what they were doing. I let them have my spot, use my gear, showed them how to cast and got them some lovely flatfish, then gave the other locals a mouthful once they'd left. Show them the way, don't show them the door.

I agree with this sentiment, but I've also been on the other side, where trying to give help and advice has resulted in verbal and attempted physical assault. Nothing about this has an easy answer, it never has and never will until we approach the countryside like the Scandinavians. They talk about "The Nature", they reverie and respect what they have, we should too.


Jun 26, 2008
They didn't have any patches sewn into their packs. I went to a bikers do with a plain leather waistcoat once, they thought I was an undercover policeman and I nearly got beaten up.

Mick w.

Aug 20, 2011
west yorkshire, uk
I'm trying to imagine what a 'scrape and burn' is, when talking about having a crap. If it 's what it sounds like, it's going to be a bit drastic, surely? Gonna hurt like hell, too!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.