Poacher turned Gamekeeper


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 20, 2010
Under your floor
Can you ?

Alcohol education has been 'taught' for at least 20years, doesn't really work for all. See below ! :p


I know it does not work for all ,but in general you can change the way people think ,if done in the right way
And thinking that its all just gone to pot and there is no hope, is not going to help at all ,education can help and will .
And as for your comment( Parenting is the answer !)....If they dont have the education they cant pass it on,So we need to start with the kids



Life Member
Schools can't teach everything !

Scotland and the UK has a cultural issue regarding litter, you see very little litter in the countryside of the Alps. Parenting is the answer !

SCR, I'm not arguing, in fact if you notice I stated education begins in the HOME, but inevitably the parents need to be educated first, public awareness during commercial breaks of the various soaps/real tv?, (am I being too cynical yet) anything to get them thinking


Life Member
Oops missed a few posts, BTW Ospreys aint the biggest raptor on Lomond, I'm almost positive I saw a juvenile white tailed eagle on Lomond year before last, Stuart69 and Grooveski were with me, as we were paddling on the East side of Inchconnachan as we disturbed it it kept flying in front of us, I saw a distinct white tag on its wing.


Oct 16, 2011
Reading all of the posts it has hit a few raw nerves. I semi agree with Wayland, and the fact he was trying to protect common land that should be cared for by the council and the greater community in the vincinty of this plot of land is highly commendable and something that all of us that have an interest in the countryside should be doing. But, may be as pointed out by others it could have been better handled for example the way Wayland pointed the errors of being with out a shovel, to me this is a poor and a bit condesending method of teaching someone (Wayland, sorry if i read this wrong.) I feel the same as others have pointed out, even though fed up with people screwing things up by poor camping skills leaving rubbish, fires etc, we all need to learn somewhere, somehow, and the only way to learn is from those who know and who are willing to pass on knowledge. From, what i have read there are more than enough guys on this forum who do teach and pass on skills through this site, in gatherings or through their own website. But teaching people who are seeking out knowledge is easy, those who are coasting through life not aware of the mistakes and errors they are making is a whole different ball game. Maybe that couple were just starting out to enjoy the countryside, and we're trying to get it right only to get stopped in their tracks, maybe after this encounter they said sod it, why bother.


Jun 6, 2010
I think waylands point is he is the one who regurly cleans up after these people so when he sees ill prepared people about to camp in that area he knowns the outcome from his personal experiance, mess. We dont have this experiance with this area and im sure he is aware that he may have got it wrong but 9 times out of 10 hes probly right.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
What after all does the Coal Authority know about whether a shaft is safe or not? Obviously they are pure amateurs.


Aren't you the guy who once accused me of liking an argument? Seems to me the quotes above speak for themselves.

I see your point Ged but there is a big difference between starting an interesting debate which is what I believe most posters here are engaging in, and putting up with repeated Trolling.

Gosh what a sense of power, to do what you had no right to do, wish I was that macho. You don't tackle the "Neds" then?

You said that someone else would have just called the police in your first post but nothing illegal was being done and only a civil wrong was being contemplated if that. Glad the police in your area can attend all the burglaries and have time to attend non-crimes as well.

So now the ground is dangerous and so you have to warn of mine shafts. Owned by the Council who must be glad your group is taking responsibility for the public liability issues, insured are we? Or is it still their responsibility for this unusable bit of industrial wasteland that threatens one with death if you set foot in it?

OK simple question, how do you know there was a 200 feet mine shaft protected only by some sleepers and soil? And if you knew why hadn't you notified the Council. Or, had you and they refused to wire off the shaft or to post warning notices? And, the Friends decided not to either.

What after all does the Coal Authority know about whether a shaft is safe or not? Obviously they are pure amateurs.

Let me point out something else I said which reflects my mood quite accurately at the moment.

Snip> I normally only become rude as a proportional response to ignorant behaviour from others. <Snip

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
Interesting thread, Wayland. Cheers.

As with most things, there appears to be no "right" solutions applicable to all situations. All one can do is go with what seems right and sensible at the time..


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